Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 344 The massacre begins! 1 sickle_1child! The whole dimension is shocked!!!

Spider Zi remembered that the Kirin Earth Dragon Alaba had turned off the skills before. If it was normal, this operation would be meaningless, but this time it had a fatal impact.

These parallel consciousness spiders are all avatars of spiders, and have turned off the skills of [Magic Ultimate], [God Weaving Silk] and even various evil eye and resistance series.

These guys couldn't use magic, couldn't spin silk, and the abyss magic that was being prepared disappeared from the root.

Everything is in the Master!

Although the spiders once considered turning off the [Parallel Consciousness] skill, did they just disappear.

But because these guys have obtained the body, there is no way to turn off the [Parallel Consciousness] skill.


It doesn't matter if it can't be turned off now, these guys have no chance of winning!

Now is the time to do whatever you want!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also dumbfounded at this moment!


Off skills?!

Spiderman turned off his skills?!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen suddenly realized it!

Since these parallel consciousnesses get their power from the main body of the spider, then if the skills are turned off, isn't there no threat directly?!

in this river?

This is very river!

Don't you have such power as a subject?!

Looking at the seven parallel consciousness spiders with their confused faces on the battlefield, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen almost laughed out loud.

This operation of the spider!

True cow B!

"Fuck?! Turn off the skills?! These parallel consciousnesses lose their magic power in an instant?!"

Xin Zhao was stunned, standing in the same place and thinking hard, then if this is the case, if this group of parallel consciousnesses cannot use magic, wouldn't they become the ghosts of the spiders?

One Shinigami scythe?!

Xin Zhao's expression became complicated, and the smile gradually climbed to the corners of his mouth, what kind of brain is this spider!

Can you imagine anything like this?!

It's so awesome!

"Damn it! It's amazing! It turned the situation around in an instant! As expected of a spider! I can think of a way to turn off my own skills!""

Ge Xiaolun has not yet recovered from the terrifying abyss magic, but the terrifying energy will return to zero in the next second.


That's what happened!

"Can you still play like this?"

The senior staff of the Hero Company were dumbfounded, looking at the spider holding Shinigami's scythe in the video, they didn't know what to say at the moment.

Can only shout a cow B!

Shut off this skill!

Solved the problem directly from the source!

so amazing!

"Interesting! It's so unexpected! I didn't expect that Spider-Man could turn the tide of battle by closing skills!

The top officer of the Company of Heroes stood up excitedly and looked at the picture in the video, although the process of breaking the deadlock by Spiderzi was only a few seconds.

But for him, or all the audience, it was a very long few seconds, even if the so-called abyss magic disappeared, he didn't recover for a long time, this feeling is too dreamy!


"What?! Can you still turn off skills?

The S-class heroes are all looking at the spiders in the video screen with complex expressions, this kind of operation is unheard of!

But those disappearing magic powers and magic circles proved this absurd fact.

Several S-rank heroes looked at each other in dismay, and the spider turned the tide of the battle in an instant, and in such a strange way?!



Now all the spiders have no magic power and a series of skills and resistances, and the spider is holding the Shinigami sickle in his hand, just like a real Shinigami!

"What?! All of this is because Spiderman turned off his skills?! Then the terrifying abyss magic disappeared"?"

The top officer of the Hero Association had a solemn expression, as if he could not understand such a thing at all.

Did the spider just resolve the mortal crisis so easily?

Could it be that this is also among the masters of the spider?!

During the battle, I didn't even pay attention to the construction of the abyss magic, until the last moment, to turn off the skills!

Turn things around in an instant?!

The senior members of the Hero Association couldn't help but take a breath, and they were once again deeply aware of the horror of spiders.

This difficult situation can be resolved in an instant!


"This... the spider is shut down?!"

Limuru was stunned, even at the most critical moment just now, he couldn't come up with a better solution, but now the operation of the spider is a little show to him!

so amazing!

I really want to see what the structure of the spider's head is!

In this way, it would be easier to face seven parallel consciousnesses whose abilities are almost the same as yours, right?

Rimuru looked at the scene in the video expectantly.

"Skills are really turned off!

The goddess Lista doesn't believe in evil, and even used her vocation skills to observe the skill columns of spiders and parallel consciousness one by one. Sure enough, most of the skills have disappeared!

Spiders are awesome!

You can turn off your skills!

Even as a god, I have never heard of this method!

Seiya looked at Goddess Lista with a complicated expression, with an unbelievable look, can this skill be turned off?!

How had he never heard of such a thing!


For the residents of the town, it was as if they had seen a miracle, the abyss magic that destroyed the sky and the earth suddenly disappeared.


And when they saw the spider on the battlefield, they had expected it, and everyone bowed to the spider.

"Miracle! Miracle! Is this the handwriting of the beast-sama? The suffocating magic power was instantly reduced to zero! It's incredible!"

"Saved our lives! Long live the beast! It's amazing! How did you do all this!

"It's amazing! Lord Beast is really amazing! This strength covers the sky with one hand!"

The castle suddenly became noisy, and as the strongest magician of mankind, he also knelt on the ground, he understood!

Magic of that level is impossible to stop!

But spiders can do it!

And this absurd thing happened right in front of his eyes!


The strength of the spider is now completely beyond imagination!

When the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were still sighing at Spider-Man's sassy operation, she was seen raising the Shinigami sickle in her hand.

While the parallel consciousnesses were still in chaos, the spider went straight to Shunpo and pierced the head of a parallel consciousness with the Shinigami sickle!


Blood Rush!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were suddenly taken aback!

felt it!

They feel it!

The spiders are about to start slaughtering!

"Damn it! Instant kill! Is this really the same parallel consciousness as the spider's ability value? Why is it so vulnerable!

"Handsome! This Shinigami scythe is so handsome! It pierced its head directly, and the brain was punched out!

"I also seem to have a weapon like a Shinigami scythe! The spider is like a real Shinigami now! 99

The spiders on the battlefield showed a fierce look, and they directly slashed the parallel consciousness of their subordinates to pieces!

This terrifying scene finally awakened the remaining six parallel consciousnesses, and they were frightened and fled everywhere!

The spider cocked the corner of his mouth slightly, locked on the nearest parallel consciousness, and directly swung the Shinigami sickle. Now it can't completely avoid the spider's attack!


The parallel consciousness couldn't dodge in time, one foot was directly cut off, and the wound quickly cracked!

The power of corrosion made this parallel consciousness unable to move, and the spider did not show any mercy, and stabbed its head with a Shinigami sickle!


Kill another parallel consciousness!

The audience in front of the screen also gradually began to boil from the unilateral killing of the spider!

"It's just a group of clones! Why dare to scream with the main body! Kill! The spiders will kill them! Let them understand! Why is the main body the main body! Hahaha! 39

"Damn it! Another second! It's amazing! This is already a one-sided crush!

I didn't expect Spider-Man to face monsters with the same ability value as his own, so he could kill so easily!


"Is this the charm of opening?! It's amazing!

In the video picture, after the spider finished solving this parallel consciousness, the other parallel consciousness silently attacked the spider from behind.

The forelimbs that exuded a terrifying cold light raged on the spider's body!



Lama Shah!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen made their scalps go numb, and the forelimbs of parallel consciousness are also 【Scythe of Shinigami】!

Naturally, the power doesn't need to be thought about!

The cold light keeps flickering!

Spiders are buried in it!

In the face of this fierce attack, everyone calmed down, but the spiders on the battlefield let out a heroic laugh.

".. Good job! Hahaha! Come on! Come on!

In the face of these attacks, the spider seems to take it seriously!

The clothes woven from the silk of the gods are the strongest defense of the spider at this moment. Facing the fierce attack of the parallel consciousnesses, she is not even injured!

The remaining five parallel consciousnesses found that they could not hurt the spider at all, and immediately fell into a panic, and immediately wanted to escape.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also dumbfounded!

This special defense is also amazing!

Can't even break the clothes?!

What a joke!

"Damn it! This... is this spider doing nothing at all?! How could this be!

"It's off the hook! It's definitely off the hook! Otherwise, why can the spider be able to kill the parallel consciousness in seconds, but the parallel consciousness can't cause damage to the spider?!

"It's really fake! Five monsters fought around the spider for a long time, and they couldn't even break the clothes?! It's outrageous!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are boiling!

Unexpectedly, this battle, which was not seen by everyone at first, turned into such a picture under the operation of the spiders!

Not to mention that those parallel consciousnesses are panicking, even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!

The spider in the picture smiles, pulls out the Shinigami sickle and slashes backwards, all the parallel consciousnesses suddenly retreat backwards!

But there is still a parallel consciousness divided in two!

Instant kill!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were suffocated, and they even silently counted the remaining parallel consciousnesses in their hearts.

And the last four!

For the current spider, the poor parallel consciousnesses are just some small spider monsters with high ability value in her eyes.

No threat at all!

Faced with such a terrifying main body, the remaining parallel consciousnesses also decided to gamble, and if this goes on, they will be cut off by the main body sooner or later (good)!

Spider-Man also realized the intentions of the parallels, and the three rushed at the same time, looking like they wanted to die with her!

One target is the head of a spider human!

A spider head that targets a spider!

The other one is waiting for the opportunity, and wants to use the moment when the spider dodges to make a sneak attack!

In the face of their plan, the spider can see through it at a glance!

Relying on his excellent defense and the terrifying attack method of the Shinigami sickle, the spider decided to take a risky move, opened his mouth directly, and bit the forelimb sickle of parallel consciousness with human teeth!


Then use the scythe of the spider's front foot to block the second forelimb scythe that slashed at the spider's head!


The parallel consciousness, who was waiting for the opportunity to prepare for a sneak attack, was dumbfounded when he saw the outrageous action of the spider!

How do you sneak attack like this?!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also frightened by the cowardly operation of the spider!

Really strong, you can play how you want!

Isn't that insulting her parallel consciousnesses?!


This is the unparalleled strength of the body!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also boiling!

"Amazing! It's like an action movie! Spiderman is so daring! I'm not afraid of making mistakes!

"Damn it! Is he so handsome?! I'm all dumbfounded!

"Good guy! This set of operations surprised me!"

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, the spider faced the parallel consciousness that was still stunned, seized the gap, and instantly chopped off its head and ears with a Shinigami sickle!

The spider head falls!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are silently reciting in their hearts!

There are three left!

It's too fierce!

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