Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 330 What the hell! The soul is g1, and the spider can also be reborn?! How about playing?!!!

"Damn it! Demon Lord! Demon Lord actually has the [Gluttony Ruler] skill?! Isn't this special Rimuru's plug-in? It's outrageous!"

"I'm going! This skill seems to be a little different! Even eating air can replenish its own energy? What's the point of this? Just keep chewing to restore the value! Infinite healing!

"Outrageous! Sure enough, the Demon King doesn't have a guy to mess with. Although the basic attributes of the spider are already very strong, but... it seems to be useless!

"Gluttony Dominator... Just hearing the name makes me feel terrible, shouldn't this guy just swallow the spider and absorb it?"

Xin Zhao's brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of fear. Before, Limuru relied on devouring all things all the way to the final supernatural realm.

The gluttony skills can be said to be an indispensable existence!

Now the danger level of this Demon King has risen by several notches!

For the spider, it is simply an unstoppable enemy.

"It's terrifying! This skill is really terrifying! And from the beginning to the end, this Demon King has no expression on his face, and doesn't pay attention to monsters like spiders at all.

Ge Xiaolun frowned, no matter who is in a state of powerlessness in the face of such an enemy, right?

Not even the slightest bit of resistance could arise.

"What?! The ruler of gluttony?! You bastard! How could this Demon Lord know Rimuru's ultimate skill?! What a joke!"

The fourth Demon Lord Daguri Yuru recalled the horrific memory of the whole world being dominated by Rimuru, and this skill can be said to be one of the initiators.


The other Demon Lords looked at each other in dismay, this guy... even surpassed those Demon Lords at the bottom of the ranking.

Even the fourth demon king, Dagoliyuru, doesn't think he can beat the Ariel Demon king.

Guy's eyes lit up with hot flames, his fists clenched tightly, it seemed like he was fighting against such a guy!

Must be interesting.

"Hey! It's true! Why does this Demon King also have the gluttony skill?

Limuru looked puzzled, and according to the great sage's hint, Ariel Demon King existed for several Ten Thousand Years, which was much earlier for Limuru.

Could it be that her gluttony skills were inherited from her?

However, it should not be possible, after all, they are two different worlds, and Rimuru even felt a little friendly when he saw a Demon Lord with the same skills as his own.

But looking at the terrifying coercion in the video, 323 couldn't be kinder at all.

Spiders are no match at all!

"What a terrifying skill... If you give the spider some more time, she can also reach this level. It's a pity that this devil has been chasing the spider, and now he has a space blockade. 35

Sengoku frowned, the growth of the spider should be higher than the existence of the devil, but the current devil does not give the spider a chance to grow.

It's hard, I hope the Demon King doesn't have the means to crack the skills [Undying] and [Endurance], but... how is this possible?

Ariel is the Demon King!

"In the face of real strength, is it really useful even if it is the [Immortal] skill? Can you guarantee that the spider won't die?

Garp took a deep breath and stared at the picture in the video with a dignified expression. Spiderzi had completely fallen into despair.

Under the stunned gazes of trillions of viewers, Ariel Demon King was expressionless and slowly approached the spider, everyone could feel a strong sense of oppression.


The trillions of viewers were silent, and the spider was stunned in place. If the Demon King used this foul skill to recover, wouldn't she be helpless?


The demon king instantly punched the spider, and the powerful force directly broke out, and through the body of the spider, the wasteland behind him was directly razed to the ground!

Spider Zi also activated the [Endurance] skill long ago, and took this unexpected blow!


With one punch, the spider vomited blood, and the whole body spun dozens of times in the air before stopping a few hundred meters away.

On the way, like a high-speed bowling ball, he killed hundreds of Imperial soldiers by the way, and it was because of this violent impact.

Spider Zi was upgraded along the way, and all the injuries he suffered before were recovered.

This scene also amazes the trillions of viewers in front of the screen!

(bbfb) Exaggerated!

This is not a contest of power at all, is it?!

This is obviously better than whose luck?!


"That's okay too? Take a beating and gain experience to level up?! I've lost my studies! Is this a spider? It's unreasonable! 99

"The devil can even treat her with a calm face, it seems that her luck will definitely not be worse than that of the spider, it's outrageous!

"I've opened my eyes today, the upgrade path I never thought of, it's so interesting!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded. This sudden upgrade made them want to laugh, but the desperate situation faced by the spider would not change in the slightest.

They... also really can't laugh.

Spiderzi checked his state in a panic, and he was startled.

"Hey... Relying on the experience points of the dead soldiers, I finally managed to level up and fully recover, I'm sorry, the unknown soldiers, thank you.

The spiders can even see their spirits in the sky, which can be regarded as an encouragement.

Facing the Demon King, Spider-Man is thinking about countermeasures, but he can't beat him, he can't run away... Is there really only one dead end?

Infected by this breath of despair, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also fell into contemplation, and sadness surged from the bottom of their hearts.

In the face of such a desperate opponent, no one can do anything, and even the vast majority of people can accept the death of the spider.

After all, this is an opponent who cannot be defeated no matter how hard you try!


On the battlefield, the violent magic surged in an instant, and the trillions of spectators also widened their eyes and held their breaths. The shocking energy convergence even caused space distortion.

The Demon King remained expressionless, and the magic power surging in her body seemed to be transformed into reality, and she saw her icy gaze staring at the spider.

The magic vortex formed in front of him, and the real magic beam pierced the spider in an instant, suffocating the trillions of viewers.

This seemingly ordinary attack contains terrifying energy!

Destroy the power of the soul!

Let countless people be amazed!

"What is this?! The wave of magic power is different from all previous attacks! Look at it, sir!"

The real-time data analysis instrument issued a warning, and a staff member brought the data analysis report directly to the top commander.

This strange wavelength made the top officer of the Hero Company fall into contemplation, this...this is...the wavelength actually reached the negative area value?!

In other words... this is a powerful attack against the spirit body!

If the attack with a positive area value is a fist, and it can punch the spider to the point of vomiting blood, if the blow hits the spider directly, then her soul will dissipate in an instant!

The top officer frowned, took a deep breath, and the hand holding the data analysis blueprint kept shaking.

It's over... The [Undying] skill is a skill that absolutely exists in the face of physics, and it should not be able to affect the soul.

Looking at the violent magic beam in the video that can't be avoided, the spider... will be completely erased from this world by the devil.

"Am I going to... attack on the psychic body?

The top officer of the Heroes Association was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the Demon King to have this skill in some instruments in the high-level conference room.

There are special detection devices for weirdos with super powers like the S-Class Hero Tornado.

Even in the face of strong mental power fluctuations, these instruments can accurately measure the magic power condensed by Ariel Demon King in the video.

From the original messy wavelengths, the inherent wavelengths for the spider's subconscious body were gradually formed.

As long as it can successfully hit the spider, its soul will be destroyed in an instant!

Everyone... was silent, and this time the spider was really unable to escape.

"This is the first time I've seen such a cautious Demon King."

The first Demon King Guy sneered, but he didn't expect this guy to directly use a powerful attack facing the soul.

It seems to be in order to ensure that the spiders can be killed without fail!

After all, there are two bugs like [Undying] and [Endurance], so it is understandable for Ariel Demon King to do so.

But... in Guy's eyes, such a method has completely lost his dignity as a Demon King.

How can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife?

Although the growth of the spider is very eye-catching, and it makes Guy feel wonderful, but in the face of absolute strength, the spider is completely unattractive!

Even this kind of power made the other demon kings look terrified, let alone spiders, even if they suffered a mental attack of this level, they would only be wiped out!

The strength of Ariel Demon King was even more terrifying than they imagined.

"Is this... a soul attack?"

Weiss frowned, and he also noticed the terrifying soul energy. Wherever the violent soul energy passes, it can definitely destroy all soul energy.

The spider is like a small wooden boat caught in a sea storm, it will be torn to pieces, and there will be no bones left!

Even Kakarot and Vegeta sensed the danger.

The faces of the two were pale, and they kept retreating. They were completely unable to resist this strange energy fluctuation.

There is no countermeasure at all!

"what is this?"

Sengoku took a step back suddenly, the strange energy fluctuations, as if his soul was shaking, he had never experienced such a thing at all.

For Sengoku, for the powerhouses in the entire pirate world, this... Soul Attack is too advanced.

Can't resist it at all!

Garp looked at the picture in the video with a dignified expression, his forehead was sweating, as if his soul was infected, and he was shivering.

Even the Four Emperors were shocked to the point of being speechless, can Charlotte Linlin do this?

If she can deprive her soul power without being judged, who is her opponent?

"Mummamamu... This guy is too powerful, he can directly launch an attack to face the soul. 35

Charlotte Linlin looked envious. At this moment, she also realized the limitation of the ability of her own fruit. In the face of people who are afraid of herself, she can deprive her soul of power.

The limitations are too strong.

The Demon King can even ignore everything completely.

"Unbelievable! To be able to directly interfere with the soul, this kind of magic..."

Gu Aotian seemed to have discovered the continent of the New World. Although he had imagined such a magic technique before, he had never had the opportunity to practice it.

After feeling the particularity of this magic power from the video, Gu Aotian has confidence.

He might also be able to master so-called powerful magic for the soul!

Ignore all defenses and abilities, and attack the soul directly!


The situation of the spiders is really tragic.

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, there is no way for the spider to escape, there is no escape, and under the violent and surging magic beam, the spider's figure is instantly destroyed!

"This is abyss magic... a magic that doesn't work at all even with the [Immortal] skill!

Spiderzi calmly faced the attack, as if accepting his fate, sighing loudly.

"This's really bad.


The spider turned into a spot of light in the sky and completely disappeared on the battlefield. All the audience in front of the screen were stunned.

The breath of grief and despair instantly swept the entire animation dimension wall, and trillions of viewers felt heavy, and the hope hidden deep in their hearts was not ignited after all.

The spider who swore to fight to the end in the past really disappeared.

"Woooooo... Spiderling is dead, and Spiderling is really dead, I don't believe it! How could she die so easily?"

"No! Spider! Why is this devil so cruel! Asshole! Spider is so cute, he doesn't show mercy at all!

"Don't stop me! I'm going to kill this self-righteous devil! I actually killed my beloved Spider! I'll kill her even if I can't beat her! 35

As the screen went black, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were completely fried, and everyone could not accept the death of the spider, and at this moment, the Ariel Demon King even became the object of condemnation by the trillions of viewers.

All kinds of intense language were constantly refreshed in the comment area, and no one even noticed that the dark picture was gradually returning to light.

In a dark cave, thousands of spider eggs are covered everywhere.


There was a sound of eggshell breaking, and the spider broke out of the shell!


Her hearty laughter completely dumbfounded the trillions of viewers in front of the screen!

Who is this... special?!.

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