Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 328 The ancient demon king Ariel appears! The whole dimension has fallen into the abyss of d

The spider in the picture is hiding in the place where the two armies are fighting, no one can find her, waving her hands, as if in the eyes of spiders, these imperial soldiers are all rich experience!

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and an evil smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen felt their backs get cold.

Spider Zi jumped suddenly, flew into space, used [Space Mobility] to come to the very center of the battlefield, and jumped down excitedly.

"I am worshipped in the country of Shariella, and there are bloodsuckers in this country, in short, help the country of Shaliella first!

Spider-Man opened his arms and shouted loudly.

“Gorgeous battle!!!”

Tens of thousands of imperial troops were surging, marching in the wilderness, and they could even feel the earthquake shaking. Swords and swords clashed on the entire battlefield, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also strongly infected.

"Is the empire at war again?! There are so many people! There are at least tens of thousands of people on this battlefield!

"Is it such a big scene again?! It's terrible! The war is really cruel!

"I...I can't seem to guess what's going to happen next."

Once this kind of scene is reached, everyone in front of the screen can even guess what will happen in the next second, but even so, trillions of viewers are still looking forward to it.

as predicted!

next second!

The violent magic power that is like falling from the super magic sky explodes in an instant!

The battlefield that stretched for dozens of miles was instantly overturned by spiders!

All armies of the enemy empire are killed in one hit!

The spider roared excitedly on the battlefield.



The raging magic stunned the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.


Xin Zhao slammed back and leaned against the wall, his legs were weak, unable to resist the violent energy fluctuations in the video.

Not to mention the entire battlefield, even if the entire screen is engulfed, the sheer pressure of magic makes people feel terrified.

Ge Xiaolun's eyes widened, and his face was full of horror. Although he knew that 11 was such a situation, he would inevitably feel shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

At least for Gu Aotian's long-prepared superposition magic [Sky Fall], the spider's attack was much more ferocious.

Not only from the power of magic, but also preparation time, release speed, and radiation range are far beyond super-magic!


It was as if the whole earth had evaporated!

"Fuck? Is this... this level of destructive power, is it serious?

The top officer of the Company of Heroes took a deep breath, and the staff members under his command all looked solemn, and conducted a threat level screening of the spider's attack this time.

Afterwards, fear climbed on everyone's face, and even the highest level of threat was unable to correctly identify the casual strike of the spider.

You must know that even if Morgana's fleet launched an attack, most of them could be accurately screened.

Apparently the current spiders... have gone beyond their cognition.

Even the most powerful weapons currently possessed cannot produce this effect!

Tens of thousands of imperial soldiers were wiped out in an instant!


"This... such a special interstellar navigation gun can't produce this effect!

Queen Morgana frowned. This spider... is really amazing. After obtaining the ability value of the spider queen, it has reached such a terrifying realm.


"No... No? This destructive power is too terrifying!

The hands of the S-class hero Atomic Samurai were shaking, and the other S-class heroes had obviously never seen such a terrifying scene.

It is even more shocking than the superposition magic performed by Contrast Gu Aotian!

Almost instant!

An explosion of pure magic!

"This guy...all magic attributes are at their maximum values. Sure enough, after the basic panel attributes become stronger, they can't understand it. 39

The first demon king, Qi Yi, frowned, the explosive power of this magic was almost equal to that of the awakened demon king.

Even the eighth demon king Karion and the ninth demon king Frey are far behind!

"This monster... If it grows into a Demon Lord, what level will it reach?!"

The seventh demon king Ramiris also sensed a dangerous aura from the spider at this moment, and couldn't help but move her gaze to Guy.

A thoughtful look.

Will it be stronger than Guy?

If this question had been placed in the past, I am afraid she would have denied it immediately, but since the foul slime appeared, she had to think twice.

Maybe... I can really grow into a monster stronger than Guy!

The other demon kings also looked solemn. Although the spider son's combat power is very strong now, once he encounters the real demon king... he will definitely be vulnerable.

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers in front of the screen, an ethereal mechanical sound came from the video.

【A certain amount of experience points have been accumulated...level up!】

【A certain amount of experience points have been accumulated...level up!】

【A certain amount of experience points have been accumulated...level up!】

Spider Zi stood on the swept away battlefield with an excited look on his face. For Spider Zi, his humanity as a reincarnator was gradually annihilated. For Spider Zi who killed tens of thousands of people, he had no feeling at all.

It's just some easy-to-get experience points.

"Isn't this a break through! Ouch! The eyes are so piercing, it seems that the attack was indiscriminate just now!"

The spider was a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

"Let's get out of the arena now..."



It's as if an extraterrestrial meteorite fell not far away!

The turbulent sandstorm swept over the entire battlefield, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also widened their eyes, that kind of terrifying aura that made people tremble unconsciously... It must be the demon king!

"Damn it! This special way of appearing is too handsome!"

"Good guy! Is this a meteorite falling?! Such an exaggeration!"

"How long has this guy been chasing the spider! He's still chasing it now! What a terrifying aura!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are frowning, and the sand is rolling, and no one can see the appearance of the Demon King.

The spider was choked and coughed twice, looked into the distance in surprise, and suddenly realized when the dust was about to dissipate.

"The end... ah no! Isn't it?! Teleported? It feels a little bad!

Spider is dumbfounded!

How could the Demon King appear here!

What a terrifying aura!

Why did you suddenly arrive at the battlefield!

He didn't even notice her breath at all!

"Hey... this guy is the Demon King? 39

When Xin Zhao saw the Demon Queen Ariel, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. When he was amazed at her terrifying power, he thought that the Demon King was so cute!

Too bad it's a monster...

"This is such a cute devil...

After Ge Xiaolun saw her, he was a little imaginative, but that terrifying strength made him instantly calm down, and he was not an opponent at all.

The spiders really suffered this time.

Liu Chuang stood aside with a look of disdain, he was not interested in Loli at all, he only liked the big sister!

Mature big sister!

"It's the Demon King, that's right!"

After conducting a simple data analysis on Ariel, the senior staff of the Hero Company finally understood the so-called Demon King's terrifying power.

All the instruments in the entire conference room started to alarm, and while the red light was flashing, everyone present was worried about the safety of the spider.

Not good!

"Demon King...Is this the Demon King?"

The S-class hero metal bat took a step back, and seemed to be frightened by the demon king's aura. At this moment, he recalled the horrible scene of the demon king's banquet.

This Demon King seems to be outrageously strong!

"Monster... what a monster!"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai frowned and trembled when he spoke. Spider-Man faced such an enemy?

There is absolutely no chance of victory!

Along the way, Spider Zi has never felt such a terrifying strength gap.

Not a dimensional opponent at all!

How can this be beaten?

For other S-class heroes, it is the same feeling, this kind of enemy... completely beyond their cognition.

"Has the real Demon Lord appeared?

The top officer of the Hero Association coughed twice, restraining his inner fear, and the staff under his command didn't even bother to analyze the data.

Judging from this exaggerated way of appearing, he is a guy who is not easy to mess with.

Everyone shook their heads one after another, there was no doubt in this battle, Spider Zi could only run for his life.

And not necessarily escape.

"Fuck! The strength of this Demon King is so terrifying!"

The Eighth Demon King Karion was stunned, at least from Demon Lord Ariel, he felt the same level of breath as Guy.

At least it is a powerful demon that existed in ancient times!

"What a powerful coercion... This guy's mana reserves are almost catching up with Guy?"

The fourth Demon Lord, Daguri Yulu, thought he was inferior to the Demon Lord in this video.

On the other hand, Guy frowned. Although he said that this Demon Lord was not as good as him, he was still stronger than the third Demon Lord Dino and the fourth Demon Lord Daguriyuru.

Judging from the breath, it really belongs to the powerful demon king that existed in ancient times.

There is no doubt about the strength.

If that's the case, Spider... run away!

There is no chance of winning!


Rimuru didn't expect that such a powerful demon king monster actually exists in the spider world. It's really terrifying!

When I think about being chased around the world by a demon king of this level, it's really a thing that I can't sleep peacefully!


"This guy is amazing..."

Storm Dragon——Veldra sensed an unusual strong aura from Demon Lord Ariel.

It's not easy to see!

"What a powerful strength..."

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, holding the golden staff tightly in his right hand, even he was a little afraid of this level of monsters at this moment.

323 is not a level existence at all.

"Monster! This Demon Lord is a Demon Lord that existed in ancient times! The original Demon Lord! 35

The goddess Lista was stunned and jumped onto the bed shivering in fright. As a god, she was afraid of a demon king of this level.

I am afraid that only an existence like a higher god can be compared with a demon king of this level.

"In other words, are spiders dangerous?"

Seiya also felt a strong pressure from Demon King Noh Ariel, but Spider-Man was at a level where he couldn't perceive his strength, so that's why he asked this question.

The horrified expression on the goddess Lista's face already explained the problem.

Spider... will die!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also held their breaths. The pressure of the demon king was so suffocating that the spider's jaw in the video screen was about to fall off.

"What?! How could it be!

Demon King Ariel stood up slowly, and said without looking at Spiderzi.

"Sorry for disturbing your good mood, in short, give me death first!"


This sentence directly shocked the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, and let the spiders die when they came up?

Totally unreasonable!


This monster really has maddening strength!

The spider child has been stunned in place, still in shock, unable to extricate himself.

Why is this so?!

Why is the natural enemy Demon King appearing here!


Ultimate's magic beam exploded instantly, the spider predicted the attack in advance, jumped to avoid it, and the beam instantly penetrated the entire battlefield!

The mountain that stretched for dozens of miles was instantly destroyed!

Collapse into piles!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but take a deep breath, this kind of casual is a normal attack like superposition magic!

It must be too scary!

"The form is terrible! What should I do? I can only escape?"

The spider child instantly summoned the teleportation magic circle, but as soon as the figure disappeared, it was as if it had hit a hard wall and was forced to stick out of the different space.

I was dizzy when I bumped into it, and only then did I realize that there were space blocking enchantments all around!


Ultimate's magic light swept across the spider in an instant, and the powerful energy destroyed all matter!

The spiders kept fleeing, the magic light continued to follow, the entire battlefield was in a mess, and those surviving imperial soldiers disappeared like gravel.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also fell into despair... Spiders can't escape even if they want to escape!


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