Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 324 Evolution! [Undying Spider Queen]! What does it mean to give a [Undying] skill!

A dazzling white light burst out from the spider's body, and the whole person was enveloped in a light curtain.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen almost burst into tears when they saw the smile on the spider's face.

Spiderman she did it!

When facing the threat of death, she tried her best to use all her eight eyes to activate the evil eye of death, and successfully kill the super spider monster!


"Tears! Spider! How could she be reborn in this desperate situation! I'm crying! 35

"She didn't give up! Even we all gave up! She didn't give up! Even we all thought she was dead! She still didn't give up! That's why she survived! This is the spirit of the strong!"

"The spider is so powerful! I didn't expect that at the last moment, he could turn the tide of the battle by himself, and now the spider has the strength to confront these monsters head-on!"

"Did it work? Is the spider still alive?

Zhao Xin covered his eyes with his hands, and since the puppet cut off Spider Zi's [Scythe of Shinigami], he couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

He didn't want Spider Zi to die here, and Ge Xiaolun's exclamation rekindled hope in his heart.

"What happened? What's going on! 99

Ge Xiaolun directly pulled Xin Zhao's hands from his eyes, roaring like a roar.

"Not dead! Spiderman is not dead! She survived! So handsome!"

When Xin Zhao heard the news, his eyes were hazy with tears, but he didn't expect that the spider would actually turn the tide of the battle.

"I knew...I knew she could do it.

Liu Chuang frowned, trying his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, silently took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a sharp breath with his trembling fingers.

"Good job! Spider! 39

At this moment, in the high-level conference room of the Heroes Company, there is light in the eyes of everyone, and the spider is not dead!

She is not dead!

Everyone maintained their salute posture without slack, but after seeing the spider child successfully level up, they looked at the spider child more seriously.

Just because she deserves it!


The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was stunned. He was originally dead because of the spider, and he could even see the spider torn to pieces.

But he never imagined that Spider Zi would successfully reverse the situation by relying on the last lone throw!


"She won the bet!

The S-class hero Tong Di looked at the spider in the video with admiration. If her eight eyes activated the [Evil Eye of Death] without killing the super spider monster, she would have been torn to shreds by now.

Or even if you kill the super spider monster and fail to upgrade the recovery status, it will be a dead end.

But the courage of this loneliness!


"Live! Hahaha! Live!"

The S-class hero Genos jumped up excitedly, and a rare smile appeared on Saitama's face.

The tenacious spider did not give up after all.

This is the strong one!

Although the current situation is still very dangerous, the spider at least has the power to resist!

"It's really good! Hahaha! It's actually full of blood and resurrected! This spider is really interesting! 39

Sengoku couldn't help laughing. The sudden reversal of the situation made him excited. He didn't expect that the spider, who had completely lost his combat effectiveness, could successfully kill the super spider monster and level up.

It's on fire!

These monsters are probably about to usher in a fierce counterattack from the spiders!

"Amazing! Awesome! Why didn't I think of leveling up to turn the tide of the battle".?'35

Garp laughed happily, he even thought that the spider would die just now, but now he was slapped in the face, but this face is so comfortable!

Still better than spiders!

"Is that okay?

The clown Buggy is dumbfounded. Does his name really have to be written upside down?

"This spider is amazing!"

The goddess Lista couldn't believe it, just at the critical moment, the spider child could come up with such an ingenious solution to the current situation.

It was incredible, Seiya on the side couldn't help admiring the spider, if it were him, I'm afraid he would have run away long ago.

For the trillions of spectators in front of the screen, the spiders were upgraded and resurrected with blood, which directly ignited the audience, and most of them exclaimed.

The spider in the picture jumped directly behind the nearest super spider monster, and when all the enemies didn't respond, it bit on the super spider monster and injected poison!

The doll immediately used the silk thread to quickly approach the spider, suspended above it, and the sword in his hand flickered with a cold light.

"It seems that you want to solve me and the super spider monster together?

The spider sneered, it was too late!


【Space Transfer】!

The magic circle was instantly generated and activated, and the spider child grabbed the super spider monster under his hand, and instantly came to the top of the hot magma, and used the spider web to directly throw the super spider monster into the magma.

After the body was salvaged later, Spider Zi sat aside and couldn't help but feel scared.

"It's really dangerous... Even if there is one step of misjudgment, I may have died at this moment."

In other words, that puppet-fucking spider monster has never been seen in the evolutionary tree?

Is it a special individual that is different from ordinary evolution?

The spider was beating his head angrily, with a sad look.

never mind!

It's useless to think too much, let's start by collecting information about my mother.

Having said that, there is still no contact with the parallel consciousnesses, and the only way to quickly improve their strength is evolution.

Speaking of which, I didn't pay attention to this point after the level was raised before, after all, I had to fight against an outrageously strong enemy.

And now there is a [Super Spider Monster] as a source of nutrition, and there will be no monsters nearby. Now evolution is undoubtedly the best choice.

The audience in front of the screen are also excited, this spider is finally about to start to evolve again!

In this way, the strength will be able to get a qualitative leap again!

[Evolution candidate: Queen of the Undead Spider]

"Okay! Let's evolve!

The spider roared up to the sky, and after the evolution, I will find you guys to settle the account!

The ethereal mechanical sound rang out.

[After the shadow of the individual Shinigami begins to evolve into an undead spider]


A dazzling white light burst out from the spider's body, and the hot white light instantly enveloped the entire screen.

Trillions of viewers are boiling!

"Damn it! I almost forgot that I've been upgraded before, and I can evolve! Damn it! [Queen of the Undead Spider] sounds amazing!

"Evolution?! Isn't this a step closer to [Spider Girl]?! I'm looking forward to it!""

"Hahaha! If you evolve, you shouldn't be afraid of those monsters!

After a short stay, the dazzling white light faded, and the ethereal mechanical sound came.

【It has evolved. 】

[Evolved into a race undead spider queen. 】

[Various basic ability values ​​have been improved. 】

[The skill proficiency upgrade reward has been obtained. 】

The spider was stunned... This evolution did not fall asleep?!

Obviously pajamas are ready!

Could it be because of the skill [Sleep Invalidate]?

[The skill [Undying] has been learned due to evolution. Acquired skill points...]

The spider was startled suddenly, and the audience in front of the screen were stunned.

what is this?!

Can [Undying Spider Queen] have the [Undying] skill?!

Is the effect of this skill immortal?!

It's too bian-like, isn't it?!

Spider-Man was equally confused and asked.

"You seem to have said something very serious just now?!"

【Acquired skill points...】

Spider Eye rolled his eyes instantly.

"Last sentence! Hey!"

[The skill [Undying] has been learned due to evolution. 】

The spider froze in place, his eyes locked on the two words, and he fell into contemplation.


【Undying: You will not die within the system. 】


Spider child was frightened, backed up again and again, almost fell into the lava, and then exclaimed in disbelief.

"Isn't this the ultimate cheating skill that countless people at home and abroad have dreamed of?"

The spider jumped up excitedly, and then the ethereal mechanical sound sounded again.

Titles earned:

【No mercy】

【Monster Hunter】

【The natural disaster of monsters】


"What is this...what?! Why are there so many titles!

Spiderzi excitedly opened the title of [Tyrant], and I had seen this title on my mother before!

Must be great!

Because the impact of the undead skill was too strong, it was overlooked, but this title...


Acquired skills: [Destruction Enhancement LV1], [Status Abnormal Resistance LV1].

Obtaining conditions: Be recognized as a tyrant.

Effect: Gives the [Fear] effect of the outsider attribute to the object that sees its body shape.

Description: A title bestowed on a person who is a tyrant.

The spider was dumbfounded!

This is [The Tyrant]!

The [Fear] effect that grants the outsider attribute!

Any creature would be horrified to see what she looked like!

so amazing!

Are the little spiders annoying enough to be stunned now?


It's terrifying!

I finally got the approval!

Be recognized as a tyrant!


In fact, from the moment the spider completed its evolution, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen have already noticed these subtle changes.

The vast majority of people couldn't help but panic, and they didn't understand why at first, but they didn't understand why until they saw the title of [Tyrant].

The [Fear] effect emanating from the spider can even affect most people in the major anime dimension walls.

At a glance, they felt fear, just like the feeling that the spider queen brought them.

" now it's really invincible! I actually realized the [immortality] skill directly! This thing is not dead, what else can't be beat?"

"I feel... the spider queen is not far from her death! Is this such an evolution? This is such a special ascension! What kind of bian skills are they!"5

"I'm done! I'm really kneeling! I beg God to give me such a skill! I don't want to die!

"What the fuck?! this really fake?! Even a [Endurance] blood lock will not work, so I directly gave an [Undying] skill?! 35

Xin Zhao is confused, if Spider Zi chose to evolve long ago, how could he waste so much emotion!


Blood lock and immortality!

It's weird to be able to die!

"That's not right... This immortality seems to have preconditions, immortality in the system?

Ge Xiaolun was puzzled, completely ignoring what this so-called precondition (good) meant.

But since it can be related to immortality, it is definitely not a simple skill!

"Wang Defa?! What is this?! Don't give me a special salute! Put it all down! Isn't this a waste of emotion?! I will never believe the nonsense that spiders will die!"

The top officer of the Company of Heroes was instantly dizzy with anger.

So a thrilling escape, evolved an [Undead Spider Queen]?

Directly gave a [Undying] skill?

This is such a special B!

"Hahaha! Invincible! Now I can't die at all! This spider is too fierce!

The S-class hero Tong Di can't help but think of the invincible version of the game he once played, and this spider is not a human being.

What kind of rubbish skill is blood lock?

Laozi is going to die!


In the entire S-Class Hero conference room, everyone was happy for Spider Zi, only the S-Class Hero Super Alloy Black Light was sweating profusely, staring at Spider Zi and trembling all over.

[Fear] This skill is simply too deadly for the timid!

The current super alloy black light can no longer look directly at the spider!

Just looking at it makes me cry.

"This guy is amazing!

The first demon king, Guy, gritted his teeth fiercely, and he endured [Endurance] this bian-like skill that uses magic power to lock blood.

He also endured the previous ultimate skills and those outrageous powers.

But isn't this [Undying] skill too outrageous now, ah!

The first demon king, Guy, couldn't keep his calm, and the other demon kings looked at each other in dismay, no one could believe that such a skill existed?!

Next, shouldn't the spider go directly to trouble her mother?!.

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