Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 322 Run! Run! How dare the spider queen set up an ambush?! What's the point?!

In the video screen, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also saw the horror of Spider Zi's mother.

If the previous [Super Spider Monster] was huge, like a castle, now Spiderzi's mother is as huge as a mountain!

And the terrifying magic power that spewed out from the underground labyrinth, like a real substance, directly penetrated into the sky, even if it was thousands of miles in radius, this beam of light could be clearly seen!

The momentum is magnificent, the mountains are shaking!

The army of tens of thousands of spiders crawled out of the underground labyrinth frantically, and the spider's mother also climbed out of the underground labyrinth at the fastest speed. Even though she was as huge as a mountain, it did not affect her speed at all.

Almost behind, afterimages appeared, and those eyes the size of lanterns exuded a terrifying light.

When I was seen, my heart shuddered, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen took a deep breath. Once such a monster was born, it would be a disaster for the whole world!

"Fuck! What kind of monster is this! How can it be so fast with a body as huge as a mountain! I can see the afterimage!"

Xin Zhao almost fainted from fright now, after all, once he imagined that a mountain was crashing towards him at supersonic speed, there would be an afterimage when the mountain moved. I am afraid that a normal person would be shocked and fainted?!

"My God! Is Spiderman going to fight a monster of this level?"

Not to mention the current Ge Xiaolun, even if he really grows into the power of the galaxy, maybe he will be killed by this monster!


The coercion emanating from the video even took his breath away.

Liu Chuang stared dumbfounded at the spider mother in the video, taking deep breaths, her face was pale, and she was afraid that she would spend a few days in a nightmare.

"It's definitely not a nuclear mutant spider, right?"

The senior officer of the Company of Heroes took a step back abruptly, and the huge body even directly overwhelmed the rationality of the several staff members present.

A spider as big as a mountain...and so fast!

So oppressive!

Only now did they understand what the unicorn earth dragon was before, and how small the super spider was.

There is no comparison at all!

In front of her mother, the spider now is probably not as big as one of its eyes!

"Damn it! This...this is beyond a dragon-level disaster, right?

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai stared at the picture in the video stunned, trembling all over, this is a kind of fear originating from the soul.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, almost all the S-class heroes looked solemn, and the foreheads were dripping with cold sweat, and they didn't even dare to look directly at Spider Zi's mother.

"Monster! Big monster! Terrible! Ah!!! 35

The goddess Lista screamed directly, her eyes were full of fear, and she even turned around and ran away. This monster can even crush any monster in the SSS-level adventure world at will!

Does the spider really want to fight it?

There is no suspense at all about winning or losing!

Seiya was silent. He clenched the chair tightly with one hand, trying to make himself seem calmer. When he raised his head, he accidentally looked at this monster for a moment, and almost didn't frighten him to death.

"Damn...this kind of monster, I think the spider should run away. 99


The first Demon King Qi Yi stood up abruptly, looked at the big spider that appeared in the video, and couldn't help feeling its strength patiently.

Sure enough, he had already reached the level of a demon king. He looked back at the eighth demon king Karion and the ninth demon king Frey, who were obviously much stronger than these two guys.

Moreover, the strength of the spider army it led was even the power of the two demon kings.

"Wow! What a huge spider! It's scary!"

Second Demon King Milim's eyes widened, his eyes filled with high-spirited fighting intent, I wonder if this guy can resist her punch?

Limuru was a little surprised by the huge monster that appeared on the screen. This monster was much stronger than the monsters he had encountered before.

At least they have the strength of a demon king.

The current Rimuru is likely to be no match for this big spider.

It's amazing, I didn't expect that there are monsters of this level in that underground labyrinth!

Under the attention of trillions of viewers, when the screen turns, the spider is currently looking for delicious fruit to eat, and as soon as he takes a bite, the magic power behind him that covers the sun all day goes straight to the sky!

Dangerous signals are transmitted in the mind.

"The ground is shaking?


The fruit fell to the ground, and Spiderman realized the danger was coming.


Get out of here now!


A dark and hard claw fell from the sky!

The front end went three to five meters deep into the ground, the surrounding trees began to collapse, cracks appeared on the ground, and the turbulent dust flooded the entire forest!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are constantly leaning back at this moment, this is too big!

Compared with the figure of the spider, I know how terrifying the mother of the spider is!

And this amazing speed, came here in just a few seconds after leaving the hole.

The sharp brown thorns covered the whole body, and the strange red magic power was entangled in the body. The majestic momentum like a mountain once again made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen tremble.

As a spider child who is not as good as a stone at the feet of his mother, he was already scared and stupid, and the spider raised his head and looked at his mother's eyes.

Murderous intent!

"Why is mom outside!!!"

Spiderzi's forehead was sweating, his legs were weak, staring at the huge pressure, spiderzi launched the [Detection] skill, the whole person was stupid!

【Queen Spider Monster (weakening)】

[Skills: [Magic God LV3], [Magic Empowerment LV5], [Great Magical Strike LV], [SP High Speed ​​Recovery LV10], [Destruction Great Enhancement LV5], [Strike Great Enhancement LV6], [Slashing Great Enhancement LV3] , [Penetration Enhancement LV5], [Silk Thread Genius LV10], [Psychic Power LV3], [Spawning LV10], [Thinking Acceleration LV9], [Parallel Consciousness LV9], [High Speed ​​Calculation LV10], [Demon King LV5], [Strike Invalid], [abnormal state invalid], [pain invalid], [pain invalid], [Destiny LV10], [Devas LV10], [Taboo LV10]...]

[Title: [Blood Ghoul], [Monster Killer], [Human Killer], [Terrorist Dominator], [Monster's Natural Disaster], [Human Natural Disaster], [King]...]

The number of skills is as high as more than 200, and even most of the basic skills have reached LV10!

Both the number of skills and the quality of skills are far stronger than Spiders!

The information revealed in the title has also made the spider look dumbfounded!

The scourge of monsters!

Human disaster!

This is simply a disaster for the world!

And as for the basic value, it is at least dozens of times that of the Qilin Earth Dragon!

In the face of such an enemy, even the spider has no confidence to fight against it!

The most unacceptable thing for the trillions of viewers in front of the screen is that this monster is still weakening!

How strong would it be in its heyday?!

No one dares to imagine!

"Damn!!! What kind of monster is this! Even if it is said that this kind of monster can crush a hero with one foot, I believe it!"

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, this huge body is very shocking!

The spider doesn't even count as a fart in front of it, run away!

"Good guy...the spider queen has come out!"

Ge Xiaolun swallowed, and the whole person was stunned, this thing is too scary, right?

"Sir, after comparing the skills, I found that most of the skills Spider Queen has mastered, and there are many spiders who do not have master skills, and they look very powerful.

A staff member hurried forward and handed over his analysis report, followed by the second person's turn.

"Judging from the basic data... the basic attributes of the spider queen have even exceeded the basic attributes of the spiders by more than a hundred times!

After hearing the second analysis result, the top officer of the Hero Company's face was solemn, and this was not a question of whether he was strong or not at all.

Not a class monster at all!

The third staff member and the fourth staff member were stopped by the top officer before they could submit the analysis data.

Now the situation in the video is very simple. There is still a chance to run. If you want to fight, there is only one dead end.

Impossible to have a chance to win!

"What kind of monster is this!

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, looked at the spider in the video, and used the world props to see all the data of the spider queen.


Gu Aotian couldn't help but take a deep breath, do monsters of this level really exist in the world?

This guy is afraid that ten super-level magic [Sky Fall] can't cause serious injury to it, right?

There are all kinds of resistance skills of various attributes, and even the skill level is not low.

Never seen such a terrifying monster!

In the hall of the guild temple, all Gu Aotian's subordinates were also shocked. The feeling of this monster was no less than the oppression that the Supreme Lord Ainz gave them.


Strong enough to feel suffocating!

Just looking at it will make you tremble, and everyone is silent.


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are waiting for the next reaction of the spider. If the previous situation is seen, maybe the spider will still say the last sentence with high morale...

"Ah ah ah..."

The miserable cry came, and the spider immediately turned around and ran away without a moment's hesitation, and even the expression on his face became distorted and full of fear.

"How do you fight that kind of guy?! Run away!!!"

Seeing this scene, many viewers in front of the screen felt relieved that this guy, facing a powerful enemy, finally knew that he had escaped!

It doesn't look stupid at all!

In the face of an enemy who has no hope of defeating, he also knows to run for his life!


Many audience members began to laugh.

Do you know you are afraid?

Do you know how to run away?

Are you still arrogant?

The spider in the picture disappeared in the sight of the spider queen, and then the spider queen followed.

Spider-Man tried his best to escape, and occasionally looked back to see if his mother had caught up.

"Escape, escape, escape..."

The entire forest was destroyed in half!

Just moving, has already caused a big disaster!

At this moment, Spider Zi also found that his parallel consciousness was trapped in the spider queen's mind, and hurriedly began to construct teleportation magic.

One after another, magic circles appeared around the spider, and the spider queen behind her was constantly spitting out magical attacks with super-magic power.




The ground collapses!

The mountains are collapsing!

Even if Spider-Man tried his best to dodge, he finally managed to escape at the cost of losing his two hind legs.

This extremely thrilling scene also made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen sweat.

"Fuck! It's terrible! This feeling of being chased by monsters, if you don't move carefully, 5.1 will probably turn to ashes!"

"This guy's level A power has already reached the super magic level, right?! It's terrifying!"

"It's so powerful! This monster can definitely destroy the world very easily! Spitting is like an interstellar quantum navigation cannon!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were frightened by the Spider Queen, her terrifying destructive power, and her huge size with a sense of oppression, it had to be feared!

The teleportation magic that Spider Zi worked so hard to construct directly teleported himself back to the original lair of the underground labyrinth, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The spider who escaped from the dead was just about to take a rest, and waited until the injury was healed before going outside.


A sharp blade fell directly in front of the spider, and was almost split in half!

The spider was startled suddenly and hurriedly backed away. There were two huge super spider monsters in front of her, and there were even hundreds of spider monsters waiting for her!

"Ah?! There are actually two super spider monsters?!

Spider is dumbfounded!

There is... an ambush?!

And he is still seriously injured, what can I do?!


There was the sound of boulders breaking from behind the spider, and then I saw a bunch of super spider monsters standing behind me!

A bunch!

It is roughly estimated that there are more than ten!

These monsters are all monsters stronger than Qilin Earth Dragon!

Spiderman is in despair!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also stunned!

The mother of this spider seems to be very smart!

Will there be an ambush?!.

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