"It's a volcanic eruption again! Damn it! It's too violent! These attack methods are one after the other!"

"Fuck! Clouds! The clouds are all gone! It's better than fireworks! It's so handsome!"

"No! This monster is too strong, Gojo Satoru was engulfed by the flames again.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were completely boiling. The impact of this picture was too strong, as if they were in the scorching magma.

This attack method is impossible to prevent!

"Wonderful! Awesome! Hahahaha! 35

Gu Aotian held the golden staff, and was completely amazed by the operation of the pot treasure. In just a few seconds, he launched several violent attacks.

And every time there was a feint as a deception, Gojo Satoru didn't even react at first.

Recalling the scene from the beginning, Wujou Satoru was knocked back with a punch, so that his attention was turned to himself, and then a volcano head was formed behind him.

Even a powerhouse of the same rank is likely to fall under this move.

Even Gu Aotian didn't react, the interval between them was too short, it could be said to be changing rapidly!

Gojo Satoru also used some kind of strange energy to block the last attack.

As for the swarm attack launched just now, even Gu Aotian, who was good at tactical layout, could not help but applaud.



Then came the volcanic eruption at the bottom of the foot!

Even the slightest inadvertent attack will hit him. I'm afraid he won't be able to handle this kind of terrifying attack rhythm.


In the hall of the guild temple, all Gu Aotian's subordinates were quite frightened by this wonderful tempting battle.

It was as if the two of them were fighting, as if they were facing the Supreme Lord Ainz-sama.

It is impossible to guess what kind of murderous intention is hidden behind each step.

"Are these people monsters? Can't we have a good fight? If you have to do these things, hum! 35

Shalltear snorted coldly. As a little Loli who is not good at using her scheming to fight, she really envied and hated this kind of psychological game.

Too ignorant of martial arts!

"Damn it! It's so exciting! It's so beautiful! I didn't expect that many games have been generated in just a few seconds of confrontation. 35

Sengoku was all excited. From the very beginning, he could only see the first layer of Hu Bao's attacking intentions, but he did not expect the second layer of attacking intentions to appear.

Now even the attack intent of the third layer has appeared!

Really admire!


Gojo Satoru was able to rely on his own powerful strength to just take over all the killing moves, which is really daunting!

Garp widened his eyes and kept putting potato chips in his mouth. The fight was far more exciting than he could have imagined!

The soaring molten flame column directly covered the entire screen, and all the audience were also nervous.

When the smoke cleared, everyone's eyes widened. Wujo Satoru had disappeared now. Just when everyone was puzzled, he quietly walked out from the other side of the screen.

As if watching the battle, he looked at the mess where he was, and appreciated it with satisfaction.

"The two-stage attack of sound and explosion is very dexterous. 33

Gojo Satoru moved like a ghost, causing the trillions of viewers in front of the screen to take a deep breath.

When did he get here?

No sign at all!

How strange!

And in the face of such a powerful enemy, he didn't even feel nervous at all, he was an outsider, and this indifferent expression was more like he had seen it somewhere.

Saitama had a similar expression when he faced all the weirdos.

How strange!

"How on earth did this guy do it?! Suddenly appeared there? What's the situation!"

"I don't believe it! How is that possible! And there is no reaction time at all! What level of power is he Master!

"No matter how I look at him, he looks like an ordinary person! Where is the problem?"5

In the video, Wutiaowu's attitude made Hubao feel insulted and despised, and then he came to him in an instant. While he was still sighing, a storm of lava suddenly appeared in Hubao's hands!

The huge energy even distorted the surrounding space, and in the next second, the pot treasure rushed to Wujou Wu, directly pouring the molten storm in his hand on his head.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

Gojo Satoru's head was swallowed by the lava storm, trapped in the eye of the storm!

The tyrannical energy is raging like a meat grinder, which is a tingling attack that makes many hearts dread.

"Damn it! What kind of attacking skill is this! Directly pour the lava storm on other people's heads to wreak havoc?! It's terrible! 99

"I'm going! This attack method is too novel, isn't Gojo Satoru's head about to be roasted?"

"I'm so stupid! This lava storm is too scary! 35

"What! What is this!

Xin Zhao frowned. The current Wujou Wu was swallowed up by the lava storm. His head seemed to have turned into a flame tornado, and even the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were deeply affected by it!

If this thing grows on his head... I'm afraid it will become a roast suckling pig on the spot!

"What the hell?! What the hell is this monster! How can anyone grab the storm formed by the molten lava and buckle it on a person's head!"

Ge Xiaolun doesn't know where to start complaining!

So weird!

"What a powerful force! This... This is real lava and a tornado!

The top officer of the company of heroes was dumbfounded. Under the action of some mysterious force, he was able to combine the so-called magma in the form of a tornado!

Form your own unique attack style!

It's incredible!

It's unbelievable!

"Isn't it... Can someone really resist such a skill?

The S-class heroes of the Hero Association were also dumbfounded. The high temperature of the molten lava and the suffocation in the eye of the wind were such a strange combination.

Just by feeling from the picture, you can perceive the terrifying suffocation.

This monster's attack method is really special.

Gojo Satoru is also the first time he has eaten such a hard-core attack, and he can't dodge at all!

"With the high temperature of thousands of degrees, and the storm that is enough to destroy the nearby trees and flowers, will Gojo Satoru still have a chance to survive?"

The high-level personnel of the Hero Association all looked solemn. According to the results measured by the instrument, even if this trick was broken down, any one of them could kill people in an instant, not to mention this combination of skills!

"What is this?! What is this!"

Luffy roared excitedly, and the growing lava storm in the picture swept his mind into it.

The control of this elemental energy is even comparable to Demon fruit power!


"Without the support of magical energy, is it possible to drive the power of elements? How did you do it?

The seventh devil, Ramiris, was very puzzled. The power of the elements that appeared on the screen could not even be achieved by many advanced magic circles.

But Hu Bao can manipulate magma at will, which is incredible.

The other demon kings were also dumbfounded. The so-called high-level magic was like an unpredictable weapon in the hands of Hu Bao. There was no sign or any magic fluctuation.


Gojo Satoru is still being beaten.

Under the stunned gazes of trillions of viewers, Wujo Satoru in the video did not fight back at all, perhaps because he was simply unable to resist Hu Bao's fierce attack.

Hu Bao dodged and came behind Wutiaowu in an instant, condensed a powerful curse power in his hand, and slapped Wutiaowu with his palm with grinning teeth!


A mist-like purple smoke spreads from the palm of your hand!


The huge energy exploded instantly!

Everyone in front of the screen widened their eyes!

The violent purple energy devoured the entire mountain, and the explosions that sounded one after another destroyed the entire mountain road. This huge destructive power!

Let the trillions of viewers in front of the screen be dumbfounded!

"Damn it! Did you make a mistake! The power of this is going to catch up with the super magic! What the hell is it!"

"I got it! Really! It's not a problem with a palm! It's too fierce!""

"The whole mountain is bald! It is also mixed with violent flame elements! It's terrible!

"Hey hey hey! That's not it! Has this power caught up with super-magic? 35

The fourth Demon King Dagoli Yulu was dumbfounded, raised his hands in a trance, and after a trembling and careful observation, he could not understand no matter what, why he could shoot such a terrifying power with one palm? !

So unreasonable!

"Can you shoot such a big battle with one palm? It's scary! 35

I didn't expect Hu Bao's strength to be so terrifying, but Wujou-go seems to have not been affected at all!

The first Demon King Guy had discovered something very terrifying, he thought it was an illusion before, but now...

It has reached the point of incomprehension.

Although Hu Bao's attack was fierce, he didn't know why, it couldn't hurt Wujou at all, but it was this strange power that made Qi Yi have a strong curiosity.

Why is this so?

The other demon kings don't feel as clear as Guy, at least in their perception, even they can't bear this skill connection!

66 Instant superposition magic?! And it still comes from the palm of your hand? What's the situation?"

Gu Aotian couldn't understand it, it was incredible to be able to incorporate a technique that existed at the level of superpower magic into his attack.

If you can trigger the superposition magic [Sky Fall] with a random blow, wouldn't you be invincible too?!

Just thinking about it is incredible!


"Damn!!! This mountain has been leveled! What kind of power is this! It's terrible!"

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, and he didn't know what happened just now. The last scene was just that Hu Bao lined up behind Wutiaowu with a palm, and it actually triggered such a terrifying power?!

What a monster!

"Super... The power of super magic?! But why is there no magic fluctuation?"

Ge Xiaolun is very curious now, what is that energy like purple mist?

"In this case... Gojo Satoru shouldn't be alive, right?"

Only Liu Chuang's eyes were full of fear, he swallowed, and after saying this, the dormitory fell into silence.


Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, the entire mountain in the picture was covered in dust. Hu Bao took a deep breath, shook his head and sighed.

"Is that all? To put it bluntly, it is overrated by the weak. The human beings today are indeed fakes. They live in a falsehood. The ugliness of all things makes me sick."

Then Hu Bao flung away with a look of disdain, ready to turn around and leave.

(Good Zhao) "The real strong Yamato is real, just use your death to spread it. 35

The trillions of spectators in front of the screen also sighed at the power of Hubao. The battle has been going on until now, and Wujo Satoru has not even fought back.

Is it the end of it?

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also silent, and when the smoke cleared, Wujou's voice came out.

"Isn't this set done just now?

Hu Bao was stunned, his eyes widened, he even thought that he had heard something wrong, like a statue, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen also stared, Wutiao Wu was not dead at all!

Or maybe he wasn't even hurt!

Do not!

More than that!

Whether it's the blindfold, or the clothes, or his hairstyle, there is no sign of mess, as if not even a wisp of dust has been stained!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely boiling!

This power is comparable to the attack of super magic!

Why is it safe and sound?!

Not affected at all!

"Fuck! It's alright? You don't even have a messy hairstyle? Impossible! The lava storm just swept Gojo Satoru's head into it! How could it be okay?

"This devastating blow, even if it is taken without defense, has no effect at all?! How is this possible!

"Damn it! I'm stupid! This monster didn't hurt Wujo Satoru at all!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned, Gojo Satoru's relaxed look...but it caused waves in the hearts of the trillions of viewers!

What kind of monster is he!!

Suddenly, everyone in front of the screen remembered those two words - invincible!

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