Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 305 The 7 Deadly Sins Sloth Skill?! The whole dimension is shocked! The Kirin Earth Dragon i

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen stared dumbfounded at the unicorn ground dragon blazing with blue fire in the video.

This guy!

Will it even evolve?!


It's not a monster of the same level as the monster that the spider had encountered before!

"This unicorn earth dragon is so strong! I didn't expect that there would be a reversal in a desperate situation! It's so handsome!"

"It's on fire! It's the desire to fight to the death against such an opponent!

"I thought the unicorn earth dragon would not work! I didn't expect it! Hahahaha! It's amazing!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were all taken aback. The spider in the picture was completely unable to fight back against the blue-fired unicorn earth dragon.


The dragon's breath fell, and the spider hurriedly jumped around. The unicorn ground dragon didn't give the spider any time to breathe, and the violent dragon's breath kept falling behind the spider.

At this moment, the spider can only rely on the [Space Mobility] skill to continuously escape downwards.

"What is this? It's too crazy and difficult!"

After repeatedly dodging the deadly dragon breath, the cliff behind him burst instantly, and the unicorn earth dragon has been chasing the spider, and finally fell to the ground.

In this current situation, the spider can only escape for his life, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also thrilled.

Spider Zi, who was forced to retreat to the corner, suddenly appeared in front of a golden magic circle, in which the magic of the earth element was raging wildly.

There was also the pursuit of the unicorn earth dragon behind, and the spider child was stunned for a moment, and the violent rock protrusion in the golden magic circle directly pierced her body.


A mouthful of old blood spit out, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen choked up.

spider she...

The moment he was pierced through his body, the spider's pupils slackened instantly, as if he had never expected that he would fall into such a desperate situation.

"Spider... is she going to lose?"

"The unicorn earth dragon is really fierce! I feel sorry for the spider..."

"Are you going to die? Spider-man, come on!"

Everyone saw the desperate look of the spider, and there was the fierce pursuit of the unicorn earth dragon behind him. The next second, it appeared in front of the spider.

The screen also freezes at this moment.

Everyone looked solemn, is it really going to end here?

"This trap is too deadly. 35

Xin Zhao frowned. He didn't expect such a simple trap to directly make Spider Zi lose his combat effectiveness.

"It's over... The strength of the Qilin Earth Dragon is too strong, and it has evolved and upgraded at such a critical moment, which has directly reversed the entire battle situation! 35

Ge Xiaolun's heart surged with sadness, he let out a long sigh, and even continued to watch the video not far away.


The top commander of the Hero Company fell silent. He didn't expect that Spider Zi would lose in the end, but this was a deserved death.

At least he tried his best to fight the Kirin Earth Dragon.

Other staff members have even started to observe a moment of silence. Such a result...somewhat unacceptable.

"Of course, this is the normal ending. 55

The top officer of the Hero Association took a deep breath and stared at the data analysis drawing in his hand with a wry smile.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes for some reason, and the spiders walked all the way, always winning the weak with the weak, and winning the more with less.

It is normal to lose now and die at the hands of the Qilin Earth Dragon.

"No...spiders don't die.

At this moment, the goddess Lista couldn't bear to look at the miserable-looking spider in the picture, and the painful screams echoed in her ears, and Lista's heart was tingling.

"it's not finished yet!"

At this moment, Seiya chose to believe in the spider, even if he was pierced by Yantu, even if he was chased by the unicorn earth dragon behind him, Seiya did not see the spider that wanted to give up.

She hasn't lost yet!

"Come on! Spiderman".!"

Luffy saw the light in the spider's eyes, it was the desire to survive and the desire to win.

She hasn't lost yet!

"Absolutely can't fall! Spider! Quickly think of a way!"

Naruto is helpless at the moment, although he can't think of any countermeasures to escape, but he believes that the spider will be able to do it!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen didn't want to see Shizizi die at all, and cheered for her, when Shizizi looked back at the unicorn earth dragon.

Her gaze has changed, and now, she can only use that trick!

"There is no other way, abolish two eyes, the evil eye of death!

The black air of death covered the spider's two eyes, and his gaze fell on the claws of the unicorn earth dragon.


The sturdy dragon scales and claws, as well as the flesh and bones, were no threat at all under the evil eyes of death.

The left claws of the Kirin Earth Dragon instantly burst into blood mist!

The audience in front of the screen saw a glimmer of hope, but how did Spider-Man get away?

The most difficult problem to solve was still in front of her, as the thorn-like rock pierced through her body.

Just when the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were confused, Spider-Man gritted her teeth fiercely, because of the use of [Dead Evil Eyes], both of her eyes had been abolished.

"Ah! My eyes!"

The miserable voice of Spider Zi made the audience feel distressed, and then her eyes became extremely cold.

"Damn it! Although the spider silk won't be released, it's better than death! 35

After speaking like a rhetoric, the spider raised the [Scythe of Shinigami], under the incredible gaze of the trillions of viewers.

A cold light flashed, accompanied by the miserable pain and wailing of the spider, she personally cut her tail in half!

The eyelids of the audience in front of the screen jumped, this spider is too cruel to himself!

"Hahaha! Interesting! It's so interesting! Right! That's it! That's the only way it's interesting!

When Doflamingo saw this scene, he let out a laugh from Liao Ren. He now appreciates the spider.

He was able to cut his body in half with one knife to escape danger!

So much fun!

Listening to the miserable cry of the spider, the S-class heroes of the Hero Association also widened their eyes, and the operation of the spider to survive.

It made all the S-class heroes dumbfounded.

Such fierce courage!

In other words, if they were faced with that kind of situation, they would have given up resistance long ago!

so amazing!

"This guy, can't you see that he is so bold!

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai looked at the spider in the video solemnly, with a little more admiration in his heart, and even thought that the spider was worthy of his own strength.

This courage alone is enough to make them surrender.

"Damn it! It's on fire!"

The S-class hero Tong Di was very excited to see it, the pitiful cry of the spider echoed in his ears, and the sharp claws of the unicorn earth dragon followed closely behind!

This battle is undoubtedly the most tragic battle of the spider so far!

"This guy..."

At this moment, the first demon king, Guy, looked at the spider with admiration. Both sides showed their full strength in this kind of soul-stirring and fierce battle.

Only a fierce confrontation can arouse the desire to fight in everyone's heart. At this moment, the other demon kings are also holding their breaths, and the previous displeasure has disappeared.

At this moment, they just want to focus on this battle!


"How cruel! 35

Vegeta frowned, gritted his teeth, and stared at the video screen. He could feel the unyielding spirit in the spider's body.

As the Saiyan prince Vegeta, at this moment, I agree with the spider spirit in my heart!

This is the spirit of the Saiyan!

"Don't lose! Spiderman!"

Kakarot, who was on the side, gasped lightly and cheered for Spider Zi secretly. This kind of spirit was too rare.

As if on the body of the spider, I saw myself back then.

Don't lose!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are looking at the picture in the video attentively, and the spider is constantly falling towards the deeper abyss at this moment.

Because of cutting off his body, he not only escaped the control of Yantu, but even escaped the pursuit of Qilin Earth Dragon.

【Space Mobility】


The blue square is placed on the sole of the foot. At this moment, the spider has used drug synthesis to treat part of the injury, and with the remaining limbs, it moves up quickly.

In the next second, the Qilin Earth Dragon seemed to be able to predict the spider's intention to move, and instantly moved behind the spider, without stopping for a moment, and directly bit the spider into its mouth.

The hard alloy shell played a key role at this moment, Spider Zi frowned, feeling the severe pain from her body.

"Oops! It's about to be bitten off!"

This scene also suffocated the trillions of viewers in front of the screen. The spider had just escaped danger, but it fell into the tiger's mouth again.

The gap in combat power between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger. The state of the Kirin Dragon is still very healthy, but the situation of the spider is not optimistic.

The evolved unicorn earth dragon is fighting with an absolutely crushing attitude. In the eyes of the trillions of viewers, the spider child has no power to resist.

Spider Zi also realized the seriousness of the situation at this moment.

It actually relies on the [Spatial Awareness] Master to get my transfer target position?"

Damn it!

If she wants to go like this, her MP will be depleted very quickly, and once the [Endurance] skill stops, she will be killed instantly.

【Corrosion Attack】

A dark, dead aura wrapped around his hands, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but take a deep breath. The previous corrosive attack was all they saw.

This skill is the same as the [Evil Eye of Death], which can damage one thousand enemies and eight hundred self.

Although it has an absolutely powerful attack power, it does great damage to itself. After this move, the [Scythe of Shinigami] of the spider will be completely useless.

The terrifying power made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel terrified. The spider in the Kirin Earth Dragon's mouth showed a fierce light, and directly stabbed the [Scythe of Shinigami] attached with the power of corrosion into the Kirin Earth Dragon.


The corrosive power that represented death instantly eroded the Qilin Earth Dragon's mouth. The pain made him relax, and the spider successfully escaped and used the medicine again.

Clear power enveloped the whole body, and the unicorn earth dragon chasing the spider behind him condensed the dragon's breath in his mouth and aimed at the spider who was staying in the air.

At a time of crisis, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect to try my best, but I still can't escape successfully! The Qilin Earth Dragon is too powerful! Spiderzi has no hands now, can they still fight?

"What a wonderful battle! Although Spider-Man has fallen into a desperate situation, her will is definitely top-notch!

"Sure enough, the strength gap is still too big, not to mention the upgraded Qilin Earth Dragon, no one can stop it!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen seemed to be able to foresee the ending, and the death sentence was pronounced for the spider, and everyone observed a moment of silence for the spider.

In this situation, it should not be possible for Spider Zi to have any energy left to fight.

In the picture, the unicorn earth dragon stared at the spider, and even if the spider fell into a desperate situation (good luck), he did not have the slightest timidity, and looked at the unicorn earth dragon with the same firm gaze.

The violent dragon's breath was about to blurt out, and the audience in front of the screen couldn't bear to see the next picture.


The unicorn earth dragon seemed to have lost some kind of support, and the violent dragon breath energy in its mouth also disappeared in an instant.

Under the stunned gazes of trillions of spectators, the unicorn earth dragon, who was about to win, fell down!

And at this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely boiling!

In the picture, the spider is not surprised by the current situation, just quietly watching the unicorn earth dragon falling towards the bottom of the abyss.

"Fuck! What's going on! What's going on?! Was the Kirin Earth Dragon attacked by a spider? When?!

"No way! How could this be! Obviously victory is in sight! What happened to the Kirin Earth Dragon all of a sudden?"

"Did Spiderman win? What the hell did she do! Damn it! It's horrible!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded, completely confused as to what was going on. Under the shocked gazes, the unicorn earth dragon fell towards the abyss on the ground.


The giant object smashed to the ground, causing a huge wave of air, and the spider child breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, the soles of her feet loosened, and she also fell to the bottom of the abyss with the unicorn earth dragon.

The spider child, who was reborn after the catastrophe, sighed indifferently.

"Finally...Finally caught up, the foul skills that were prepared from the beginning, laziness took effect!"


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded!


What a skill!

ps: I'm sorry to all readers, the spider sub-article has been subscribed too seriously, it may be over after playing the Kirin Earth Dragon, I'm really sorry young.

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