Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 298 What the hell! 1 level magic?! Isn't it too much for you to summon the gate of hell

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were stunned!

Is this a win?!

"Fuck! What's the situation! Wasn't that a spider just now? Wasn't it swallowed by dragon flames?! How could this be!"

Xin Zhao went crazy, grabbing Ge Xiaolun's shoulder and shaking it back and forth, he couldn't believe his eyes!

"Damn it! I don't know what's going on! Isn't the spider dead?!

Ge Xiaolun looked in disbelief, the spider suddenly fell from the sky, almost didn't frighten him, this surprise is too big!

"Isn't it! Not dead?! The one just now was..."

Liu Chuang stared dumbly at the high-spirited spider in the picture. He couldn't believe it. Just now, everyone saw that Long Yan devoured the spider's body.

Obviously dead!

Why is it jumping up again?!

It even killed the lava dragon in an instant!


Sun Wukong frowned at this moment, since the real spider is not dead, then the spider must be an illusory illusion!



"Fuck! Not dead?! What's going on?!

The high-level people of the entire company of heroes are dumbfounded, they seem to be deceived by the spider, and everyone is deceived by the spider!

"Even a wave of sneak attacks directly killed the lava dragon?!"

This is too exaggerated!

"'s impossible! How did she do it! Why can she deceive everyone! Is that a clone or an afterimage?!

The S-class hero metal bat frantically moved his gaze to everyone, trying to find the answer, but no one responded to him.

"Three Zero Seven"

No one knows what the spider is doing!


The top officer of the Heroes Association froze in place, the data analysis chart in his hand kept rustling, and he couldn't control his trembling hands.

Why is this so?

Does the spider have any hidden secrets?

And a monster with a ghost-level disaster, what does he have to do to kill a dragon-level disaster monster in seconds!

Unbelievable thoughts came to mind, and the top leader of the Hero Association was already messed up.

"What?! Damn it! When is it?! Why is the spider there?! 99

The Eighth Demon King Karion frowned, unable to believe the scene just now. Could it be that the Spider Master has the power of [Time and Space Operation]?

But he was already dead just now!

"What kind of power is this?!

The fourth Demon King Dagli Yulu looked puzzled, then glanced around with puzzled eyes, and found that no one could see through the operation of the spider at all.

"Is it a fantasy?

The seventh devil, Ramiris, relied on her ancient knowledge reserves to give a fact that everyone could accept.

If it is the power of [parallel existence], it is almost impossible.

For all the demon kings, the spider at the moment is full of mystery, because many skills appear without publicity.


"Impossible! How did she escape!

Sengoku watched the video triumphantly, and the spider child who solved the lava dragon fell into contemplation.

Logia's abilities?

I saw that it was torn to pieces and turned into nothingness just now, how can it appear in another place now?

Garp was silent, but couldn't figure it out.

For the other powerhouses in the pirate world, this spider must have mastered some kind of Logia ability to be able to do this.

"Wow! Not dead?! How could this be!"

Limuru was still very sad at first, but he didn't expect to be deceived by the spider. This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable.

But seeing her active on the battlefield is also very gratifying.

The hang is still great!

The hard scales of the lava dragon lost their proper function under the scythe of Shinigami, so they were easily injured by spiders.

"Humph! With this level of attack, trying to destroy the members of the Dragon Race is simply a nonsense."

Storm Dragon——Veldra sneered, and when Spiderzi deceived the lava dragon, the lava dragon was also calculating.

In the next second, a dazzling white light appeared on the screen, at the deepest part of the molten lava.

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, Spider-Man grabbed the hanging cone on the top floor and looked at the lava dragon sinking into the bottom of the magma to contemplate.

"You don't even understand what happened? Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Outsider Magic LV6 - Fantasy!

Fantasy, as its name suggests, is like a dream.

This is also one of the trump cards that the spider is waiting for an opportunity to launch, that is, the magic that makes the enemy hallucinate.

Because of the hallucination, the lava dragon released its breath in the wrong place.

Spider child took a deep breath, and when he cut the dragon scales of the lava dragon just now, the left hand [Scythe of Shinigami] was added with a corrosive attribute.

Under a fierce attack, his hand has been completely corroded, but it is worth it!

The spider raised his arms and shouted.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... I am the arrogant ruler!

This scene also made the trillions of audiences in front of the screen applaud. This kind of drama of defeating the strong by the weak is the most exciting battle!

But in the next second, a beam of aurora emerged from the lava, illuminating the spider and causing everyone in front of the screen to fall into contemplation.

Could it be that?!

The lava dragon is not dead?!


That behemoth, the giant lava dragon is like a carp leaping over the dragon gate, rushing directly towards the spider from the depths of the magma!

With its bloody mouth open, the extremely angry lava dragon wanted to tear the spiders apart in one bite.

Spiderzi used [Thinking Acceleration] to analyze the current situation.

Due to the effect of [Endurance], his HP has been maintained at a point, and if he takes a single blow, he will probably die.

Spider Zi quickly avoided the pursuit of the giant lava dragon, came to the open space deep underground, faced the endless lava in front of him, and shouted at the giant lava dragon.

"I'm going to knock you down! Say goodbye to the spider life in hiding! It's finally my turn to use my trump card!"

Then the spider communicated with the [Parallel Consciousness] in his brain.

From the moment this battle started, the construction that was underway was completed!

The feat of the spider can't help but make the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel extremely excited.

Could it be that the spider also hides a super killer?

Really looking forward to it!

I didn't expect that under such a terrifying strength gap, it was possible to fight such a wonderful battle!

Too beautiful!

"Damn it! What is this for? Did you zoom in on the move? It seems to be a move that has never been seen before!

"Magic surging! What a powerful magic surging! When did Spiderman learn this skill!""

"I feel a strong pressure now! Look at you! The lava dragon is also afraid!

Yanlong, who was in the lava in the distance, was staring at the direction of the spider, and his original intention to attack also disappeared in an instant.

Even because he was afraid of the power of the spider, he took two steps back again and again, and the roaring dragon roar echoed at the bottom of the abyss.

"Come on! Abyss Magic LV1 is activated!


Although in the mouth of the spider, it is only abyss magic LV1, but at this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen will not underestimate the magic that is about to be launched because of its low level.

Everyone could feel the terrifying surge of energy.

Many people even stopped breathing, holding their breaths and waiting patiently for the next picture.

The spider in the video screen raised his right hand and began to chant magic.

【With the power of darkness of the abyss!

The darkest magic that devours all light!

Show up!

Hell Gate! 】

Spider Zi waved his right hand and pointed directly in front of him!

The viewing angle of the screen then moved back sharply, until it retreated to the edge of the deep pit, and even the trillions of people in front of the screen could not see the figure of the spider, and then stopped.



Violent explosion!

Raging energy!

The gravel is flying!

Lava splashes!

In that terrifying picture, the entire bottom of the deep pit seemed to be blown to pieces!

In the deep pit that stretches for thousands of meters, it is full of dust and gravel, and even the picture on the screen is immersed in fog.

Even at this moment, the lava dragon seemed extremely small.

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are stunned!

Totally boiling!

Is this really a level 1 magic?!

"Fuck!!! Big bang! This is a blockbuster buried in the ground! It's so cool!""

"Dang it! Damn it! What the hell is magic?! What the hell is it! 99

"What a powerful coercion! In an instant, I feel that the lava dragon has become insignificant, what is it?"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are full of anticipation. In the endless smoke and dust, the hot molten lava is reflected..

A bronze Asura Gate, which is enough to block the sun all day, gradually poured out from the ground!

Not even lava rocks can resist!

this moment!

Trillions of viewers were frightened by the spectacle of Hell's Gate!

The bronze-carved grimace on the gate of hell instantly made everyone lose hope, their eyes swept down, and despair like an abyss spread in the hearts of everyone.

"Fuck! What the hell is first-level magic?!

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, this huge gate of hell is even bigger than the coverage area of ​​a city!

I have never seen such a terrifying picture!

It seems that behind this gate leads to the endless Asura hell, even the evil ghosts in the whole world cannot survive under this gate.

"My goodness!!!"

Ge Xiaolun's jaw couldn't close anymore, the size of this hell gate had exceeded his understanding.

It's indescribably huge!

I used to think that the huge lava dragon was not even as magnificent as the carving pattern of the gate of hell!

Ge Xiaolun took a deep breath and became more and more excited. This magic must be too terrifying!

Liu Chuang even lost his ability to think at this moment, and he couldn't even speak clearly.


The higher-ups of the Hero Company were silent...

As soon as the gate of hell appeared, it seemed that countless evil spirits could be seen howling and wailing within them.

Everyone's souls were shocked. That terrifying power, the mighty coercion from hell, scared everyone.

" this a first-level magic?!

I'm afraid this is the only point in the heart of the League of Legends top executive who wants to complain!

If summoning the gates of hell is all first-level magic, how scary is the second-level magic?!

can not imagine!

Can't imagine it at all!

The gates of hell are scary enough!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! 35

All the S-class heroes looked at the pictures on the screen, couldn't believe it, and subconsciously kept retreating because of fear.

Everyone present was full of shock, unable to believe what happened in the picture.

is this real?!

Can spiders summon such a terrifying gate of hell?

This is much more shocking than the maximum data!


The soul will be scared away!


"No! Impossible! How is this possible! The gates of hell!"

The first demon king, Qi Yi, stood up abruptly, his eyes widened, staring at the familiar gate of hell, and fell into contemplation.

He couldn't understand how powerful this required magic power!

In Limuru's video before, when he fought against the empire in the future, he also used this trick to summon all the demons!

But... at that time, Rimuru was already a very exaggerated existence.

How can spiders be compared?

But it was at this gap that the spider child successfully summoned the gate of hell, and even under this terrifying gate of hell, Guy couldn't see the tiny figure of the spider child!

What exactly are you going to do?!

After the other demon kings took a deep breath, they even started to shiver. The terrifying aura that was exuding from the gate of hell was beyond even them.

Does such magic really exist?

But this is the first-level abyss magic?!!!


Limuru was so frightened that he fell off the table, gasping for breath, looking at the sky-shattering gate of hell in the picture and fell into contemplation.

It seems to be bigger than the gate of hell that he summoned in the future!


This terrifying atmosphere is much worse.

"Monster! You guys are all monsters!"

Storm Dragon - Veldella looked at the gate of hell in the video screen in horror, she couldn't control it, and began to complain.

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, the gate of hell that covered the sky and exuded a breath of terror and despair opened!

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