Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 255 Ah! I can't do it! I can't beat it! Hehe... I pre10ded, and I slammed it!

The knell of death is ringing!

All things perish!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen stopped their heartbeats at this moment, as if they could predict that terrifying scene would come.

Although the trillions of viewers in front of the screen feel no real harm from the skills.

But everyone's spirits are shattered by this death knell!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were completely dumbfounded!

The battlefield is swallowed up by the white light of Ultimate, it is not someone's light, but the silence brought by time-stop!


The light of Ultimate devoured everything, and instantly wiped out the heroic warrior who was about to pierce into the chest of Bone Aotian!

At this moment, Shalltear was also not in it.

All the family members she summoned were instantly killed!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely boiling!

"What the hell?! What is this! What is this! Laozi's spirit is about to collapse! Why can I be affected by the skills in the video when watching a video!"

It wasn't until the moment when the death knell sounded that Xin Zhao recovered, as if his soul had been severely wounded, he flew upside down and slammed into the dormitory wall.

The pupils of the two eyes were dilated, and the cold sweat on the forehead was pouring out, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Ge Xiaolun also watched the Ultimate Daylight in the video dissipate, and then gradually calmed down, and then panted violently, completely unaware of what happened just now.

After understanding the effect of Gu Aotian's terrifying skill, he was completely stunned.

did not expect!

Really unexpected!

Even watching the video can be terrifyingly hurt by the death knell!

It's not serious, but it's too outrageous!

"Fuck... don't we all get caught?!"

Liu Chuang took a deep breath, as if a drowning person had just been landed, greedily sucking in the fresh air, so much so that the whole corridor was full of violent gasps!

And this is the most frightening time the three brothers have ever watched the short video!

It's terrifying!

Bone proud!

too strong!

"What are you kidding?!'

The top commander of the Hero Company recalled his state just now. This kind of terrifying mental attack made him terrified, and even all the staff were affected.

What is even more frightening is that the equipment of the Hero Company has also been affected, and an abnormal sound wave attack has been detected, which is enough to affect the human spirit.

A harsh alarm sounded in the ears, and red light flashed throughout the office, but no one moved.

They just stared blankly at Gu Aotian in the video, completely lost in thought.

What power?

Can it actually affect people off-screen?

At this moment, I am afraid that only the top officer of the Hero Company is more sensible. After adjusting his state, he immediately issued an order.

"Quick! Record the cry of the banshee just now! This thing is very likely to be used as a weapon for sonic attacks! It can actually act on the human spirit! It's too strong!"

The words of the top officer of the Hero Company directly awakened the staff, and they finally recovered in a trance. They were too mythical about Gu Aotian's attack.

How can the skills on the screen affect them?

So, that exclusive audio is the key weapon!

As long as the wavelength and rhythm can be figured out, this thing is likely to be a powerful weapon in future wars!

Many people have already started the action, without a moment's rest.


Queen Moana stared at the Daylight of Ultimate on the screen in a demented way. She didn't regain her senses for a long time. More than half of the demons in the battleship almost fainted.

The remaining demons also entered a state of trance, losing their unique will in a short period of time.

It was not until a long time later that the warship sounded the alarm, and Queen Morgana gradually recovered her sanity.

And when she understood what happened just now, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she didn't even dare to watch Gu Aotian in the video.

For her, the death knell... is too terrifying!

Even the god he is afraid of!

There was a messy sound, and in the S-class hero conference room of the Hero Association, all the S-class heroes fell to the ground, and all of them stared at Gu Aotian in the picture with fearful eyes.

No one dared to speak, and this terrifying atmosphere lasted for a few minutes before these S-class heroes dared to take a deep breath.

"Just... what happened just now".?"

The S-class hero Xiao Tornado can't even remember what happened just now, it seems to be staged amnesia?!

But the fear in her heart is always reminding her not to look at the screen!

"How is this possible?! How is this possible!"

The S-class hero metal bat supported his body with both hands, and stood up angrily, holding the metal bat in his hand, and frantically started smashing things.

He can't take it!

As an S-class hero, I was scared by a short video and almost lost consciousness!

"It's terrifying... What kind of skill is this?"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was blinded, even his legs were shaking, he couldn't stand up after several attempts, and he never dared to look up at the picture in the video.

The S-class hero Super Alloy Black Light was completely frightened at this moment, and even his pants were wet...

“Gift Crab?!!!”

The top officer of the Hero Association just came back from the toilet outside, and when he opened the door of the office, he saw all the staff fainted on the ground.

This exaggerated scene even made him think that the Hero Association was attacked by something.

Hastily checked the surroundings, but found nothing.

He was completely dizzy!

What the hell happened!


Saitama blinked and recovered from that state of insanity. He was a little frightened when he saw Genos fall asleep on the ground, as if he had fainted from fright.

After shaking it two or three times, there was still no response, and he couldn't help but be more interested in Gu Aotian's strength in the video.

After Saitama choked, he took a deep breath and eased his mood, and then he calmed down.

Through the screen, just listening to the sound, you can take such damage. If you encounter such an enemy on the battlefield, you really don't know how to deal with it!

Saitama couldn't help but grabbed his bald head with his hands and fell into deep thought.

The first demon king, Qi Yi, stretched out his hand with a solemn expression to lift the barrier, and all the demon kings also looked horrified. If it wasn't for Qi Yi who set up the barrier in the first place, I am afraid that these demon kings would have suffered a lot. mental damage.

"What a powerful death knell..."

Guy's forehead was in a cold sweat, although he didn't know how terrifying the power was, but from that moment on, Guy made a defensive operation subconsciously.

This is his sixth sense!

Gu Aotian's skills made the first demon king Qi Yi subconsciously feel fear.

I really don't know what terrifying threats will be faced on the battlefield!

"Too strong! This is too strong!"

The Eighth Demon King Karion directly lost hope of struggle, knelt on the ground, raised his head to the sky and wailed.

As a Demon King...I'm really sorry!

"Just kidding?!"

The fourth Demon King Daguri Yulu has not yet accepted the reality, he doesn't even feel any threat, but Guy has made a defense subconsciously, and he has nothing to say.

At least... at least Gu Aotian's strength is at the stage of Qi!

It's really tingling!

Shalltear should have been wiped out, right?

Under such a terrifying attack, the fourth demon king, Daguri Yulu, did not think that anyone would be able to withstand it.

[Inform! Inform! Inform! High-frequency sonic attack detected! It is likely to break the spirit! Please pay attention! Please pay attention! 】


A pool of blue liquid lay on the ground, and after about five minutes, it gradually began to wriggle, and only after the outline gradually emerged, Limuru regained consciousness.

"What... what happened? What happened?"

One second before the banshee cried, he heard the warning sound of the great sage, but he lost consciousness the next second.

Fortunately, there is no danger around, otherwise, I am afraid that I will be trampled.

"Good... what a great skill! 35

Limuru was dumbfounded, and it broke his spirit through the screen. This kind of incomprehensible thing was too scary.

[Information: The sound wave characteristic of the banshee's cry has been copied. This is a soul-oriented attack, ignoring spiritual and physical defenses. 】

Rimuru jumped up in surprise.

As expected of you!

Great Sage!

This is an invincible skill!

As for the storm dragon, Veldera, he is still in a coma, and he can no longer be seen in the imaginary space.

Limuru glanced at the screen, in the pale screen, Gu Aotian should have won the battle, right?

At least he didn't think Shalltear could survive such an attack.

"..Ah! Ainz-sama! Ainz-sama is so handsome! What a powerful special skill! Instantly kill all the creatures and clear the screen! 35

In the hall of the guild temple, Albedo clasped her hands in front of her as if praying, blushing, thinking of her own Ainz-sama.


Ainz-sama has won!

Cocytus was not too excited at the moment. After all, just before the screen disappeared, he only saw the image of the heroic warrior and the retinues summoned by Shalltear being dispersed.

As for Shalltear, it is still unknown!

However, if you can really survive this kind of attack...

Even Cocytus choked up, Shalltear didn't dare to look up at the moment, she could guess that she was still alive.

Attacks of this level can't do anything to her at all!

Ainz-sama must hold on!

"My God... It's true that all the unique skills at the bottom of the box have been brought out. If this can't be solved again..."

Gu Aotian was silent, his heart was beating wildly, the intensity of this battle was far beyond his imagination.

At least in this matchup, neither side kept their hands.

At the same time, Gu Aotian is also looking forward to such a battle in the future, this is just a small dream of a guild doing errands.

Under the gazes of trillions of viewers, the light of the extreme day on the screen gradually receded, and just when everyone thought that Shalltear would inevitably disappear under that terrifying light.

On the battlefield, Gu Aotian and Shalltear face off!

At this moment, everyone in front of the screen widened their eyes!


This Shalltear is still unscathed?!!!

"Damn?! What are you kidding?! Shalltear isn't dead?! Impossible! Can this guy really resist such a terrifying attack?!

"Damn!!! It's burning up! The two sides have made all the cards! There is nothing to do? (No promise)! I lost! This battle is too exciting!

"Horrible! What a terrifying strength! It's terrifying! I've taken it! Shalltear didn't die!

At this moment, the Roman War Hymn played in the video, and the two people facing each other on the battlefield were like two distant mountains in the hearts of trillions of viewers.

Such terrifying power!

So surprising!

Shalltear froze in place, even Gu Aotian froze in place, Shalltear did not expect that her heroic warriors and the retinues she had summoned were cleared by Lord Ainz.

Gu Aotian didn't expect that Shalltear could still stand there intact under his special skills.

Both choked up...

A breeze blew, and the corners of Shalltear's mouth twitched slightly as she sneered contemptuously.

"I have to say it was a great fight.

Gu Aotian took a deep breath and let himself accept this fact as soon as possible, no matter how surprised he was in his heart, it would never be superficial.

B still needs to be installed!

"Then I will accept your compliment.""

Shalltear moved forward slowly, and the battlefield had long since turned into a desert due to the fierce collision between the two.

"Then do you have any last words? 99

Gu Aotian was silent for a moment, then hesitated.

"I think about it...because I'm at a disadvantage, without magic power, I'm just a trash fish, so you who think about this have not preserved your strength.

I want to thank you for that, Shalltear, if you had played more cautiously, my plans wouldn't have gone so well. ""

Shalltear stopped, carefully recalling what Ainz-sama had said, her eyes slowly widening, and she froze in place.

What Ainz-sama said next made Shalltear completely collapse...

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