Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 250 Crazy?! Gu Aotian turned out to be a chorus worker in a guild?!!!

"Damn it! These two guys just started fighting each other! Don't you think about defense at all?"

"There are so many tricks in this Shalltear Club! It's terrifying that this kind of magic attack can be unleashed! Is she a magician or a warrior!"

"Don't you think Gu Aotian is terrifying? After so many [Pure Throwing Spears], and it's still attacked with divine magic, it's still okay?"

"Shouldn't he be pretending? Now I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with the beggar's uniform he is wearing!

In the hearts of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Gu Aotian's strength is really a mystery!

In the video, the magic of both sides was released in an instant, and the magic circle in Gu Aotian's hand covered three layers, and violent thunder energy surged out of it.

Like a thunderbolt, it was launched from the palm of the hand and hit Shalltear instantly!


In the miserable voice, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen could now see Shalltear's electrocuted bones, and at this moment Gu Aotian was also burning with a vermilion sacred flame.

After Shalltear was attacked by Gu Aotian, she was forced to fall back to the ground, and at this moment Gu Aotian was still burned by the sacred flame!

But this picture was something Shalltear didn't expect. She frowned as she looked at Gu Aotian, in the sacred flame, Gu Aotian looked safe and sound.

Are fire attribute attacks useless?

"Ainz-sama, have you prepared a countermeasure against fire attribute attacks?"

Gu Aotian sneered and glanced at Shalltear contemptuously.

"Isn't this a matter of course? Making up for shortcomings is the most basic preparation."

Shalltear's heart is extremely heavy at this moment, so far, she has not caused any substantial damage to Gu Aotian.

But for Shalltear, she did not think that Ainz-sama could have resistance to all attribute attacks.

Therefore, she can only aim at the most fatal weakness attribute.

And these psychological activities were intimately captured by Bei Feng, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were all feeling sorry for Shalltear.

This little Loli, the direction of the battle idea is not wrong, but, unfortunately, she encountered Gu Aotian.

A monster that can add an hour of god-level buffs before the battle!

Everyone doesn't believe it. Among his nearly 2,000 god-level buffs, are there still attribute attacks that cannot be prevented?

"Naive! All I can say is naive! I'm afraid all enemies who face Gu Aotian are naive! This guy's preparations are so complete!"

"Hey! Shalltear is really strong, but it's a pity she met Gu Aotian! Now I'm afraid I can only do everything I can to get closer."

"I want to laugh...I really want to laugh! This battle is really exciting! Whether it's a contest between magic or a psychological game between the two sides, it's all top notch! It's so beautiful!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen have completely integrated into this battle, some people support Gu Aotian, and some people support Shalltear.

But the result is not important, the battle process is the most exciting and exciting!

Shalltear in the video screen, with a stern face, slowly stretched out her left hand, and the high-speed rotating magic circle appeared directly in the palm of her hand!

The violent and holy energy is condensed around!

【The most powerful magic · Shining radiance】!!!

Not to be outdone, Gu Aotian pointed directly at Shalltear and shouted in a deep voice.

【The most powerful magic・True darkness】!!!


Around Shalltear, dark matter energy like a pillar suddenly appeared!

Devour her whole!

On the other hand, Gu Aotian was shrouded in holy light, and the violent energy was indistinguishable!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen at this moment are stunned!

What a goddamn fight!

What a fierce attack!

"Fuck!!! Too fierce! Pillar of darkness and light! It really opened my eyes".!

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, and the passionate confrontation between the two directly set him on fire!

Moreover, on the screen, one side suffers from the damage of dark matter, and the other side suffers from the damage of holy light, one black and one white, with equal strength!

Now he is a little doubtful whether this Shalltear is a warrior!

How could this level of magic be possible!

"Ferocious! How fierce! Although it is not as shocking as the previous super-magic falling from the sky, the destructive power of this attack on both sides is even stronger than that of super-magic!"

Ge Xiaolun was already dumbfounded. If he was allowed to suffer damage from the power of the galaxy, he would probably die instantly.

"It's terrifying!

Liu Chuang stared dumbfounded at the wonderful fighting scenes in the video, and he was intoxicated and unable to extricate himself.

"Dark matter energy! Dark matter energy again!

When the top officer of the Hero Company saw the dark matter energy, his eyes had to look straight. This kind of high-level energy was really a skill he could easily pick up!

And what surprised him the most was Shalltear!

In the face of this terrifying dark matter energy, how can it persist for so long!

too strong!

Gu Aotian in the holy light is also stubbornly resisting, who will die in this battle in the end?

I'm afraid no one can tell.

The other staff were also surprised, isn't this Shalltear a warrior?

So far, how has it been used completely magic?!

"Shit...that's unbelievable!

The fourth demon king, Dagli Yulu, was dumbfounded at the cool magic in the video.

In his opinion, it was just a magic that was generated with a wave of his hand, but he didn't expect that it had exceeded the limit of super-magic in his cognition!

This kind of terrifying power, even he was afraid!

I don't know since when, his dignity as a demon king has completely disappeared.

The other demon kings at the bottom of the ranking were also shocked, as if they couldn't accept this fact. Could it be said that the magic that Gu Aotian or Shalltear unleashed could kill them instantly?

Do they look like demon kings?

Why is it not super magic, but it has the power far beyond super magic?

The first Demon King Guy and the second Demon King Milim were both frowning at the moment, even they wouldn't dare to say that they could withstand Gu Aotian's smashing attack!


"This... how is this possible?"

Limlu frowned, while the Great Sage was appraising the magic skills of both parties. After a brief hesitation, the Great Sage's prompt sound came.

[Information: The magic power of [Most Enhanced Magic・Brightness] and [Most Enhanced Magic・True Darkness] and the energy fluctuations in the array have surpassed most super-magic!

And for the world where Gu Aotian lives, this is not the strongest magic sequence. 】

Even Limuru couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing the news, it was really terrifying.

The two of them are fighting, starting with some powerful skills at the super-magic level!

It's so shocking!

"Then what would happen to me if I was exposed to this magic head-on?"

The curiosity in Limuru's heart suddenly surged up, and after a brief silence, the great sage gave an answer.

[Notice: The mortality rate is 100%, and there is no possibility of escape. 】

After hearing the answer, Limlu frowned, and as expected, he was a monster he couldn't afford to offend!

At this moment, the storm dragon, Veldella, has also lived in Bengbu, so let alone such a terrifying skill as Gu Aotian, why even Shalltear?

If this kind of skill hits a primitive dragon like him, I am afraid it will also suffer heavy damage!

What a monster!

"Horrible! Terrible!"

Even Yu Wei on the battlefield, S-class heroes dare not say that they can rely on their own strength to touch those terrifying energies.

Even the S-class hero Xiaolongzhu has some headaches at the moment, her proud superpower is just the magic of a spicy chicken in the hands of these people.

The other S-class heroes were also gloomy, and the only thing that could arouse their interest was the exciting and intense fight.

"Dark matter energy...appeared.

No matter how many times he saw it, the top leaders of the Hero Association would be shocked by this high-level energy, after all, it emerged from the magic circle in Gu Aotian's hands.

It is the energy far beyond this world!

In his heart, Gu Aotian has even become the connecter of the energy of the Otherworld!

This level of attack, even the building of the Hero Association can't stop it!

Under the gazes of trillions of viewers, Shalltear and Gu Aotian on the screen let out fierce screams, and no one could withstand the violent attack.

Shalltear, who had resisted the dark matter energy attack forcibly, opened his eyes and sneered with a pretense of calmness.

"Ahahaha... This is your Achilles heel, Ainz-sama!"

Gu Aotian was in the sacred light at the moment, and he couldn't even stabilize his body, kept retreating and trembling.

This scene directly angered Gu Aotian's subordinates who were watching the video in the hall of the guild temple.

"Shalltear! If Ainz-sama dies! I'll kill you now!"

Albedo stood up straight, and although Shalltear was strong, she would never hesitate!

The other guild members also maintained the same opinion.

"Shalltear, you! Are you not complaining?

Cocytus directly carried the weapon and glared at Shalltear, the anger in his heart was indescribable at this moment.

How dare you use holy magic to attack Ainz-sama!

This is Ainz-sama's most fatal weakness!

Even the chief butler Sebas did not intend to intercede for Shalltear. As long as it was a threat to Ainz-sama, it must be eliminated unconditionally!

Shalltear, as the target of public criticism, did not have any complaints, and her tone was full of firmness.

"..I don't need you to do anything, I will handle this matter myself, and I can guarantee that I will never threaten Ainz-sama.

Afterwards, everyone also let down their guard, and from Shalltear's eyes, we could tell that she was not joking.

For everyone, the Supreme Lord Ainz-sama is an existence that cannot be threatened, and their mission is to protect Ainz-sama!

Even if you sacrifice yourself, there will be no hesitation!

Gu Aotian, who was resting in the bedroom at the moment, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and even laughed directly.

"Hahahaha... Young Shalltear, are you scared by my superb acting skills? Hahaha..."

Looking at myself in the video, it was obvious that thousands of god-level buffs had been added before, and at least ten more buffs had been added to this kind of buff for divine attribute attack resistance.

Can this really hurt it?

Stop fooling around with dreams!

Gu Aotian's superb acting skills even deceived the trillions of viewers in front of the screen. Seeing Gu Aotian's painful low hum, he couldn't help but sweat for Gu Aotian.

"I lost it! There is no way to restrain this attribute!"

"It's miserable! Gu Aotian feels like he can't do it anymore! Sure enough, thick blood is the last word! Shalltear has been beaten up to now, and he still stands so strong, strong!

For Shalltear during the battle, even though he used several sacred magics in succession, Ainz-sama had the absolute upper hand in magic warfare.

【Bright Emerald Body】!


Gu Aotian's body flickered with green light, and he supplemented the god-level buff skill [Brilliant Emerald Body].

Shalltear, who was analyzing Ainz-sama, suddenly noticed this, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Defense magic?

But it suits me!

"I'm going to attack directly! Ainz-sama! Hahahaha..."

For Gu Aotian, what he feared most was melee combat. After the god-level buff blessed him, he sighed in a deep voice.

"It was a bad fight."

This sentence made Shalltear relax her vigilance. Although her self-consciousness was refreshed, her sense of surrender to Gu Aotian was still engraved in her bones.

"Ainz-sama... Then why don't you retreat?

Gu Aotian responded calmly.

"Even if I say so, but I'm right! I'm very headstrong, Shalltear! I don't want to run away, maybe no one can understand.

But I am enjoying this moment as the trade union president. Why?

Although I am the president, my basic work is only the sundries and coordination, but now I am fighting for the guild at the forefront.

Maybe it's just self-satisfaction..."

Gu Aotian fell into contemplation, and Shalltear might have understood a little.

"Is this a man's modesty?"

Gu Aotian then sneered, facing Shalltear's words, he was noncommittal.

"Okay, let's continue.

The smile at the corner of Shalltear's mouth rose again, and now it was her turn to play the main game. A pair of demon wings rose from her back, and the angel and demon wings made Shalltear even more powerful at the moment!

Not far away, flocks of crows came like dark clouds, shaking the sky and covering the sun!

However, for the conversation just now, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but sigh.

Is this product just a hobby?!!!

Then how powerful are the other members of his guild!!!

Can a mere errand destroy the world?!

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