Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 242 The 6 god level BUFF! Is this B1 Aotian still not stopping?!!!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen looked at Gu Aotian's translucent green light in amazement, as if reborn.

"Wow! Ye Qingjie, Gu Aotian is so calm that he needs to add buffs before starting to fight!"

"Hi... That's not right! This doesn't look like Gu Aotian's style! It's terrible! Could it be that this Shalltear's strength is so terrifying? Even Gu Aotian should be treated with caution? 99

"Unconscious wild boss? It looks so scary! I wonder if you have noticed the cautiousness in Gu Aotian's eyes!

"I'm going... What kind of BUFF is this? Why can I clearly feel that Gu Aotian's aura has risen a few grades?!"

Xin Zhao frowned. From the effect point of view, this is definitely not a simple buff skill.

Gu Aotian's whole person's aura was different.

"Yeah! It feels completely different from before him~."

Ge Xiaolun also discovered this. If Gu Aotian's aura was a mage before, but after this [Brilliant Emerald Body] buff, his physical quality was directly improved by several grades.

Looks stronger than a warrior!

"Is Shalltear so scary?

Liu Chuang was stunned, and he didn't dare to draw conclusions about Shalltear's true strength. After all, this Gu Aotian could control dark matter energy and the terrifying existence of dark matter black holes—there!

Adding BUFF is too cautious.

"This is not a good fight!"

The top officer of the Hero Company could feel Gu Aotian's cautiousness, and suddenly a staff member stood up and shouted loudly.

"I...what level of buff is this?"

On the eve of Gu Aotian preparing to fight, those data evaluation instruments seemed to have unlocked some kind of restriction, and Gu Aotian's basic attributes could be detected.

It was enough to see that Gu Aotian was ready to fight Shalltear with all his strength, and he couldn't even dedicate himself to shielding his own data.

Before and after the blessing of the buff skill [Brilliant Emerald Body], Gu Aotian's physique was directly improved by three grades, and the value nearly tripled!

This kind of exaggerated BUFF has never been heard of!

Even the buff skills used by Clementine in the heroic realm before, only added about ten percent of his physical attributes.

But now this bone is proud of the sky, the attribute has tripled!

Up to 300% enhancement rate!

After seeing the data comparison chart, the top officer was silent...

Is this a buff, or a hang!

"Damn! How can there be such a terrifying BUFF skill?!

Morgana girl Ochoku was dumbfounded, looking at the data comparison chart on the screen, the whole person fell into contemplation.


No matter who it is, it is a qualitative change!

"Fuck?! This... how is this possible?!

Goddess Lista also tried to observe Gu Aotian's panel data again, and sure enough, the high value was exaggerated!

If it wasn't for the slime that helped her increase her knowledge before, I'm afraid she would have been shocked by these numbers and speechless.

The ultimate boss far beyond the SSS level adventure world!

Even some specific attributes have been equal to the gods of the gods.

But what surprised the goddess Lista the most was this BUFF!

The physique value has tripled directly!

As far as she knows, even the strongest buff skills cannot reach 300% enhancement value!

This is magic!

"What the fuck?! This value changes, I really want to learn this BUFF skill! 35

Seiya was dumbfounded, this physique tripled directly, and the blood volume and various resistances also tripled!

Isn't this the undead body?!

If he could learn it, would he need to be so cautious?!

"What a terrible skill..."

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai frowned, he looked at Gu Aotian and fell into self-doubt.

Because before this buff skill took effect, the Atomic Warrior couldn't actually feel any aura from Gu Aotian's body.

After all, he has no perception of magical power at all.

But after this BUFF skill takes effect, Gu Aotian's aura is completely different!

The coercion emanating from him even made the Atomic Warrior begin to suspect that if he tried his best to slash him, he might not be able to hurt him in the slightest.

The other S-class heroes also looked solemn, and at this moment their feelings were the same as those of the Atomic Warriors.

"Hey hey hey! What an exaggerated skill!

The top leader of the Hero Association was dumbfounded, and so were the other staff members. After Gu Aotian's data was released, this was the first time they could know the strength level of a god-level disaster.

After all, it can be represented by the simplest number.

But the terrifying 300% enhancement attribute surprised everyone.

I'm afraid there is no such bian state BUFF skill in the game!

It's an exaggeration!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen can also feel Gu Aotian's temperament being reborn, but after adding buff, he did not start the next step.

Gu Aotian felt the power of his own attributes being improved, and he was secretly overjoyed, as he had guessed.

As long as you do not take completely hostile actions, you will not enter a combat state, just like in the game.

"Then! Shalltear! I'm sorry, but until the battle begins, you should just be honest.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Aotian, whose body was burning with green light, slowly raised his head, and Shen Sheng said the name of the next buff skill.


As everyone expected, it's absolutely impossible for this guy to have only one BUFF skill!

No matter what, I have to add three or four to it.

"Flying?! If you add this buff, it will become more flexible!"

"Green light has turned into blue light! And his speed has increased by leaps and bounds!"

"I'm going! The level of this BUFF skill seems to be no less than the strength of [Brilliant Emerald Body]! The speed has been directly increased by 300%!!!"

At this moment, the high-level personnel of the Hero Association are directly amazed.

"So strong!!!"

Sengoku looked at Gu Aotian in the video and was dumbfounded. This powerful aura, as well as the blessing of the [Brilliant Emerald Green Body], the physical pressure alone can be compared to the Four Emperors!


BUFF skills!

This is simply magic!

Naruto looked at Gu Aotian, who was soaring in the video, dumbfounded. The strength of this monster had undergone a qualitative change.

In Naruto's eyes at this moment, Gu Aotian seemed to be opening Eight Inner Gates.

If it weren't for the limitation of his own strength, I'm afraid this doubling rate would be on par with Teacher Guy!

【Blessing of the Magic Singer】!


Gu Aotian in the video was shrouded in holy light from the sky, and his body seemed to be wearing a looming robe.

The momentum is rising again!!!

And among the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, the characters who can perceive the surging magic are also frightened by Gu Aotian!

Are you sure it's just a buff skill?!

Why did Gu Aotian's magic power directly change qualitatively!!!

"What a pure magic reserve!

The first Demon King Qi Yi frowned, he was dumbfounded, the purity of the magic element in Gu Aotian's body was completely different from what he thought before!

Even for him, the rate of use of magic energy through the magic circle can only reach 60% of the strength.

Every time a skill is used, there is a chance to generate a 40% mana consumption.

You must know that this kind of utilization rate of up to 60% is only pure energy possessed by primitive demons like him!

The average magic power usage rate in this world is only about 30%!

Because no creature can guarantee the purity of its own magic element, it must be mixed with impurities.

According to Qi Yi's guess, I am afraid that Star King Dragon can only be infinitely close to 100% pure magic essence, but it can't reach 100% magic essence purity anyway.

Gu Aotian was able to use a buff skill to achieve such a level!

Seventy percent!

Eighty percent!

Ninety percent!

The ever-increasing purity of the magic element made Qi Yi's eyes widen. The holy light of blessing that fell from the sky has not dissipated, and even more powerful rays of light were emitted!

In the blink of an eye, although the other Demon Kings didn't know the reason, they could clearly feel the change in Gu Aotian.

Gradually it became an existence they couldn't touch!

And the first devil, Guy, even held his breath and didn't stop!

The purity of Gu Aotian's magic essence is still improving!!!

Ninety-five percent pure magic element!

Ninety-eight percent pure magic element!

Qi Yi didn't dare to blink, staring at the picture tightly, his heart seemed to jump out of his throat, the shock that this Bone Aotian brought him was already a destructive existence.

· · Flowers · ·

hundred percent!!!

The purity of magic element has reached 100%!!!


Even Guy exclaimed in surprise at this moment!

What level of buff skill is this?!

It can actually increase the purity of magic essence to 100%!

This is a height that even the Star King Dragon cannot reach!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Guy lowered his head and stopped watching the video, and his unusual reaction also caught the attention of the other demon kings, when Guy was about to explain to the other demon kings.


The seventh demon king Ramiris almost fainted and screamed in shock.

"Suddenly... 100% breakthrough! The purity of the magic element has begun to compress!"

Qi Yi looked terrified, turned his head hastily, looked at Gu Aotian in the video, and shouted loudly.



At this moment, Limuru was also frightened by Gu Aotian's rising momentum.

The warning sound of the great sage keeps echoing in my mind!

The purity of magic element has exceeded 100%!

"Can it still be like this?!

Rimuru was surprised, but he had no idea about it, only that he thought it could exceed 100%, and the storm dragon in the [imaginary space] - Veldora was silent.

Even his eldest brother, the Dragon King of the Creation God, Veldanava, cannot reach 100% pure magic essence!

This... Gu Aotian in this video actually surpassed the past?!

"Why?! How is this possible?"

Weiss frowned, although he couldn't detect any divinity from Gu Aotian, at least within the normal understanding, he was just a very powerful monster.

But so far, the events that have taken place, the control of dark matter energy, and the purity of energy that is now pure enough to begin to compress.

Weiss couldn't understand.

The power Gu Aotian possessed completely exceeded his own upper limit!

That's why Weiss was so surprised.

This completely incomprehensible thing is like a bottle filled with so much water, but no matter how much water is poured into the bottle, it cannot overflow from the mouth of the bottle.

From the appearance, that bottle of water is always just a bottle of water.

Weiss couldn't believe how terrifying the content of this bottle of water was!

The various abilities that Gu Aotian has shown are beyond imagination!

Completely unreasonable existence!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are all excited.

If they didn't think Gu Aotian could win against Shalltear before, then now, this impossibility becomes possible.

Gu Aotian has added three buffs to himself!

And they are all extremely powerful skills!

"Fuck!!! As expected of a magic caster! The three BUFFs are directly transformed! Strong! Bone proud!

"My God! These BUFFs are too fierce! Three god-level BUFFs! Isn't this so direct?!"

"The image of Gu Aotian suddenly grew taller in my heart! If I can add another buff of the same level, and four god-level buffs can be blessed at the same time, maybe I can really beat Shalltear!

"There are already three god-level buffs, and more? I don't think Gu Aotian has that strength at all. 35

"There are already three buffs in this bian state! What do you guys think of Gu Aotian? It's already very strong, okay?!

In the discussion of many audiences in front of the screen, the blue light on Gu Aotian faded, but he still did not make any movement, and shouted in a deep voice.

【Infinite Barrier】!


The audience in front of the screen was amazed at this moment!

This is the fourth god-level buff!

Gu Aotian's strength has risen again, but they haven't had time to feel the powerful strength of Gu Aotian's growth, and then they heard it again!

【Magic Barrier·Sacred】!


The fifth god-level buff!

It's five!

And every BUFF skill is at least a god-level BUFF!

What a strong bone!

It should be fine now, right?!


Gu Aotian's breath is rising again!

【Essence of life】!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are completely boiling!!!

Six god-level buffs!

What the hell is this guy doing?!

Where did he get so many god-level buffs!!! Xi.

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