Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 232 Gu Aotian shoots at will, the dark matter energy clears the audience, and the whole dime


At this moment, all the enemy troops on the battlefield were stunned. They lost their ability to think at this moment. Isn't this monster a magic caster?

A monster of this profession is absolutely impossible to fight back against melee angel units!

Why can this guy crush the heads of two melee angel units with his bare hands!

This is impossible!!!

And at this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also stunned, this is so fierce!

"Do you have to make this ferocious?! Isn't this guy a magician? Why does he like to squeeze something with his bare hands every time!!!

Xin Zhao exclaimed directly, and the melee angel unit that was crushed by him instantly turned into a light spot in the sky and disappeared.

"Fuck! Why?! Ah?! Why can you squeeze it with your hands~?"

Ge Xiaolun couldn't understand it at the moment, the key was that the two melee angel units were still wearing helmets!

Why does this happen!

How powerful is this Bone Aotian!

Liu Chuang was silent. At this moment, he had deep doubts about Gu Aotian's profession. Even if he could crush his heart with his bare hands before, it was barely understandable.

After all, the heart is so fragile and soft, but the head of this melee angel unit is still shelled!

How could he accept this!


The first Demon King Qiyi frowned, watching Gu Aotian in the video and fell into contemplation, this guy obviously can't feel any breath, but why can he have such a strong strength?

At least as a magic caster, he shouldn't have such a powerful power!

Unless... this guy is absolutely special.

Just like the meaning of himself and the original black and the original dragon species to the world.

Something must be wrong!

"What the hell?! This demon king really can't be!"

The Eighth Demon King Karion originally wanted to find some confidence in this skeleton, but as a magician, this guy crushed the heads of two melee angel units with his bare hands.

This seems to be stronger than his strength!

Why can't he compare to a skeleton?!

"Wow! Awesome!

The second Demon Lord Milim stared at him and laughed loudly with his hips on his back.

"Sure enough, it's not an easy role!

The top chief of the Hero Association seemed to have guessed it long ago. After seeing the surprising scene, he immediately patted the table and shouted excitedly.

"This guy is at least god-level!!!95

As a mage, being able to crush two ghost-level monsters in the head with his bare hands, this simple and rude attack method really opened his eyes.


The other staff also expressed their approval. In fact, since Gu Aotian showed the [Heart Master] magic for the first time, it can already be characterized as the strength of a god-level disaster.

After all, that kind of terrifying and bizarre attack method, no one can resist.

"Squeeze it out with your hands?"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai widened his eyes and kept backing away, why is this kind of monster appearing in this video!

There is absolutely no way to compare, this product is still a mage!

This is like a swordsman who can use his super powers to kill ghost-level monsters. This is completely incomprehensible!

"The strength of the armor of the Melee Angel unit is no less than that of an alloy. Even the alloy with the worst hardness is terrifying."

The S-class hero Tong Di frowned, looking at Gu Aotian in the video and trembling.

Its strength is far more powerful than it looks!

"Liar? How is this possible?"

Sengoku frowned. As a Marine Marshal, he knew a lot about this type of alloy, at least a few grades stronger than their Marine equipment.

Without Armament Haki, even he can't crush such an alloy with his bare hands!

"What a powerful force, so interesting! Hahaha!"

Luffy was stunned when he watched the video, and after a while, he recovered his spirits. After all, a skeleton can speak and move, so what else is incomprehensible?

"If it were me, I'd be scared too.

Ace panted lightly, and the expressions of the few standing opposite Gu Aotian were like hell, and the arrogant and disdainful expressions before had been lost for a long time.

Now they are probably scared to pee.

Under the gaze of trillions of spectators, on the battlefield, Gu Aotian faced the angels covering the entire sky alone, with an indifferent expression.

Gu Aotian didn't take what he did just now seriously, and he didn't care about the feeling of the place at all, he said in a deep voice.

"The next thing, it's up to me.

I'm here, let's all die.

The cold words were like a sentence of death for all the enemies present, and the commander of the enemy army was even in surprise, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Although he didn't understand why, if he didn't resist, he would really die.

"Let all the angels attack together! Quick! 35

With an order, the digital magic chanters began to give orders to the angels, and all the angels spread their wings and flew high into the sky.

Under the number of obscuring the sky, the eyes of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were widened.

They even blocked all the light, and the enemy of nearly a hundred angel units was the only one!

And at this moment, Gu Aotian also gave the order to retreat to Albedo beside him with a solemn expression.

"Retreat! Albedo!

After Albedo responded, she withdrew from the current battlefield.

Facing nearly a hundred undead angels swooping down, Gu Aotian shouted in a deep voice.

【Negative blasting】


Under the gaze of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, Gu Aotian's body instantly burst out with a large amount of dark matter energy, as if an explosion had occurred.

That huge dark matter energy was detonated in an instant, like a sound wave, instantly passing all the summons in the sky.

And the undead angels who came into contact with this terrifying dark matter energy instantly turned into light spots in the sky and disappeared!

Just one trick!

Cleaned up nearly a hundred undead angels!



Everyone was stunned. The originally noisy and noisy battlefield was instantly silent, and needles could be heard falling.

All the magic casters of the enemy army were stunned, and they kept screaming in horror, and many even fell to the ground, trying to crawl away from the terrifying battlefield with both hands.

"Fuck!!! Seconds?! Killed all in one move?"

The S-class hero Genos was stunned, his eyes widened, completely unable to believe what was happening in the picture.

This Gu Aotian didn't make a move at all!

Just releasing the energy wave instantly killed so many undead angels. If it was him to deal with it, it would be hard to say whether he could beat him first, this number alone would be enough to overwhelm him.

"What a handsome skill!"

Saitama was impressed by the dark matter energy wave.

In conjunction with the terrifying shape of Shanggu Aotian!

So handsome!

"Do ghost-level monsters look like stray hairs in his eyes? 35

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai choked up. He originally thought that he would at least use a decent magic, but this simple and unpretentious move directly killed all the undead angels.

What a monster!

This kind of power is beyond comprehension!

"This is too good at pretending to be a B! Since the battle until now, he hasn't even moved a step! It seems that he is completely disdainful!

The S-rank hero Tong Di exclaimed, no matter what kind of attack he faced, Gu Aotian didn't move.

Why are you playing tower defense like this?!

"It's not an opponent with a difference in strength at all! 39

The senior members of the Hero Association looked at Gu Aotian in surprise, but the top chief frowned and shouted loudly in a voice that everyone could hear.

"Didn't you see it?! What energy was that just now?! Dark matter energy!!!


At this moment, all the staff members in the high-level conference room of the Hero Association were struck by lightning, and the previous picture reappeared in their minds.

That terrifying energy!

Isn't that the dark matter energy they've been looking for?!

If you have the power of a Master, even a dragon-level geek can instantly kill them with pure technological power!


Isn't this skeleton a magician?

Why can Master such high-end energy!

Afterwards, all the staff started to cut out the video as if they had been beaten by chicken blood, and conducted repeated research.

This is a treasure!

ask for flowers

"Clear...clear the screen?

Xin Zhao was dumbfounded, but now the only thing that can be confirmed is that this Gu Aotian is a mage!

"Fuck?! What was that just now? What a weird energy fluctuation!"

Ge Xiaolun frowned. Compared to his screen-clearing skills, what was more worthy of his attention was the weird and terrifying energy.

"No, there is something wrong with this energy..."

After Ge Xiaolun muttered a word, the whole person's expression gradually changed from shock to fear, and even his face became abnormally pale.

"Impossible? How can this guy Master dark matter energy? How is this possible?! 35

Liu Chuang stood aside, his brows furrowed, completely ignoring the dark matter energy Ge Xiaolun said.

"Fuck? Hurry up! Did you figure it out?!

The speed of the top officer of the Hero Company was much faster than the speed of the members of the Hero Association. When the dark matter energy began to fluctuate in Guaotian's body, they had already started to analyze the data.

And the intensity of this emergency operation is no less than the attack of the alien fleet.

Everyone is doing their best, and the simplest data analysis comparison chart is quickly listed.

"Sir! It's out! Sure enough, it's dark matter energy! But...

A high-level person hurriedly ran to the top officer, sweating profusely. Halfway through his words, the data analysis blueprint in his hand was taken away.


The top officer's eyes swept round and round the blueprint, for fear of missing any details.

If they can master the secret of dark matter energy, even if it is Morgana, it can directly wipe Morgana's fleet from the universe like Gu Aotian emits dark matter energy waves in the video!

Everyone present held their breaths, waiting for the order of the supreme commander. His eyebrows were sometimes wrinkled and stretched, and even the calmness that had gone through several battles began to shake.

The top officer trembled with his hands, unable to control his breathing even for a short time.

"That's right! It really is the dark matter energy we are looking for! As long as these energy wavelengths can be adjusted to correspond to Morgana's warships, we will no longer fear her!"

The high-ranking officer's excited words did not arouse the cheers of the people present. It was only a comparison chart of a chapter, and it was just a conjecture that could be proved. To talk about its realization would be a bit silly.

But it is under this kind of pressure that human beings can make continuous progress. Although there are no cheers at the moment, the hearts of everyone are the same!

They will keep moving towards this goal!

"Damn! Dark matter energy was used by a mage?!"

Queen Morgana was also staring at the data analysis chart of this energy for comparison. She did not expect Gu Aotian to be able to accurately determine the critical value of the existence of all substances in that world of the Master Undead Angel.

And in such a short period of time, a corresponding wavelength is depicted with dark matter energy, thereby changing the value of the existence of dark matter energy.

During that terrifying energy wave shock, once the undead angel touches this dark matter energy that is equal to its own existence value.

will essentially disappear!

This situation is similar to addition and subtraction. For example, if the existence value of an angel is one, then the existence value of the dark matter emitted by Gu Aotian is minus one.

Once the two come into contact, it will become zero, that is, disappear in the true sense.

However, the complexity and the analysis of various types of data contained in it are simply inestimable!

This has completely exceeded the understanding and technology level of Queen Morgana.

What exactly is this Bone Aotian in the picture?!

At least from Queen Morgana's point of view, I am afraid that only the Sapiens Charr can do such an accurate calculation.

[Notice: It is impossible to accurately analyze the dark matter energy in the video, but it is certain that the existence of this energy is equivalent to the energy in [Void Collapse]. 】

After a moment of silence, the great sage added another sentence.

[This dark matter energy is terrifying, equivalent to the root energy in the dark matter universe. 】

Rimuru was choked up at the moment, she didn't understand at all!

But it feels so awesome!

Why can the magician in the video master such advanced energy!

Even he now suspects that this Gu Aotian also has a mental core!!! Xi.

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