Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 230 The big move is the 2 soldier?! When it comes to pre10ding to be coercive, you have to b

"Fuck... that's too powerful, isn't it?"

Luffy was dumbfounded at this moment. He didn't know if Armament Haki could resist this move. Thinking about the feeling of being crushed by his bare hands, he was suffocated.

"This magic is so bloody, so cruel..."

Ace looked at the blood on the ground in the picture, and his stomach couldn't help but churn. This kind of terrifying thing, can't imagine what kind of inner fear those imperial soldiers were facing before they died.


Kaido was stunned for a while, then recovered quickly, picked up the wine gourd beside him and began to pour it violently.

"This picture is perfect for drinking!"

"Mahmah...the human heart or something, I don't know how it tastes!

Charlotte Linlin's words, to fill her gang with fear, should be just a joke, should be...

"Yo ho ho ho ..․ Skeleton's friend! I didn't expect that there would be a dead person like me in other worlds. I saw tears in my eyes!

Brook shook his legs quickly in front of the video, moved back and forth, and took off his hat from his head.

"Yo ho ho... I'm sorry, I forgot that I don't have eyes, yo ho ho ho..."

"This? Isn't this consumption?

Sengoku looked at Gu Aotian in the video in surprise, the magic pressure surging in his hands, even he felt dangerous.

There was even a faint feeling of pain in the heart, but Gu Aotian did not stop for a moment, and just squeezed with one hand and an imperial soldier would fall down.

Sure enough, magic is a terrifying existence, and Sengoku has not come up with a better way to deal with this kind of attack.

Thinking that he was still holding his hand on his chest, there was a little fear in his eyes.

"Damn!!! Is this what's wrong with pinching a balloon? Vomit~"

Xin Zhao stared at the screen all the time. The original scene of squeezing his heart with his bare hands was already shocking enough, but then what happened to the imperial soldiers who were waiting in line for their hearts to burst?

"I'm going... This thing looks scary, and the moves it uses are scary! 99

Ge Xiaolun was all curled up beside the bed at the moment, and could only watch the video from a distance. He was especially afraid that Gu Aotian in the video would be so strong that it would burst his heart directly across the screen.



"If I ever came across a talking skeleton, I'd be scared to death on the spot, before it burst my heart."

Liu Chuang choked and said that he is a little afraid to watch the video now.

After all, Gu Aotian's look is a bit too scary.

"Damn it! Are all the monsters that can get on the leaderboard so sane?!

The Eighth Demon King Karion couldn't help but scolded loudly, it was enough to surprise him to perform such a high-level [Heart Master] once.

But Gu Aotian in this video released hundreds of times in a row in just one minute, and there was no deviation?

Can you accurately crush the enemy's heart every time?!

"Could he also have the same skill as a Psionic Charr?"

The ninth Demon King Frey was stunned. This kind of space transfer magic, which is as precise and accurate as a machine, did not expect to be able to operate in real time.

"Terror! Every time there is no deviation! And those fleeing Imperial soldiers are still moving units, and it is definitely not easy to accurately grasp the position of their hearts!"5

The first Demon King Qiy frowned, even the most powerful mages in the world would never be able to do this.

The concept of this magic alone has crushed all the high-level magic in this world.

"My heart, he won't even burst my heart, right?"

The second Demon Lord Milim covered her airport with both hands in surprise, and looked at the surrounding Demon Lords in horror, like a helpless child.

This strange attack method really scared her, even as a primitive dragon species, there is no guarantee that this strange magic can catch her heart!

If you get crushed in the heart, won't you die?

This magic is full of tricks!

"Damn it? Great sage, can you capture it with precision?"

Limuru was also taken aback, how could Gu Aotian find the hearts of those imperial soldiers so accurately?

And it still grabs the hearts of hundreds of people in one minute without interruption.

Those people keep running away!

[Information: If the enemy unit is stationary, the space transfer magic can be arranged within ten seconds and successfully activated.

However, if it is a moving enemy, it cannot be accurately captured. 】

After receiving the reply from the great sage, Limuru choked up, and sure enough, even the great sage could not accurately capture the position of the enemy's heart.

Without an accurate target location and location, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of space magic to deliver the enemy's heart intact.

Limuru couldn't help frowning at Gu Aotian, this kind of top-notch skill and accurate calculation method is even more terrifying than a machine!


"Holy! Ah! Holy! 35

The girl Lista threw herself into Seiya's arms with a terrified face, and after protecting her heart, she looked at Seiya with aggrieved expression.

"People are so scared. The props on his body are all world-class rare props. It's too scary. I really don't know how rich this monster is."

Seiya immediately grabbed the goddess Lista and pushed it aside.

"I'm not going to Adventure World again! It's horrible! This world!

"It's just the necromantic magic that I'm best at, and it's only at the ninth stage, so it doesn't need to be on the video."

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, he seemed to have forgotten about this matter, but he did not expect that such a simple picture would make trillions of viewers tremble!

For Gu Aotian, this kind of magic can release as many as he wants!

Although it is a high-level ninth-order magic, its consumption can be ignored. This magic is more skillful.

"Monster! How is that possible?! The ninth-order magic is used to fight imperial soldiers? Is it really okay to use this big move to kill small soldiers in seconds?

"Play an ordinary soldier! You use ninth-order magic?!"

"A drop of blood has suffered ten trillion injuries!"

"There's a demon king coming out of the novice village, what's up with the brave man! 35

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible! How could this monster be able to release ninth-order magic?!

At the same time, many magicians, knight corps, and all kinds of knight commanders in the Gu Aotian world have seen Gu Aotian's ninth-order magic.

At this moment, they almost knelt on the ground and worshipped Gu Aotian!

Ninth-order magic?!

Is this high-level magic real?

For them, the third-order magic has already overflowed, and this monster used a ninth-order magic to kill a soldier?!!!

Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, Gu Aotian in the video has killed only one soldier. Facing this monster, the imperial soldiers have even lost their desire to escape.

He couldn't even say a word, he could only collapse on the ground and keep retreating backwards.

"Have the courage to hunt down women and children, but have no courage to face strange opponents?

Gu Aotian's mighty and huge skeleton body is like a mountain at this moment, blocking the front of the imperial soldiers.

"It's rare to come out once, so please accompany me to do some experiments.

Dragon Thunder!


Gu Aotian raised his finger slowly, the electric light throbbing on his fingertips, like a thunder at the moment, Gu Aotian turned into a god, and the terrifying death finger pointed at a soldier.

Thunder and lightning raged in the forest, and the surrounding trees for dozens of kilometers were hit by the lightning tentacles of the dragon thunder, and instantly turned to ashes!

And the soldier in front of Gu Aotian used his delicate body to bear the fifth-order magic [Long Lei]!

The last imperial soldier was electrocuted into coke without even the screams before his death.

"It's too weak, only fifth-order magic can easily kill you.


This sentence directly made the trillions of viewers in front of the screen boil!

Looking at the barren stretch of dozens of miles around, they couldn't help thinking.

This fuck is called simple death?

Not even ashes are left!

"Although I know it's not polite to say this, but I think, these soldiers made a profit!!!

"I actually think that these soldiers earned! Everyone earned a ninth-order magic! Only the worst loss of this dead person actually received a fifth-order magic."

"Hundreds of Imperial soldiers died like this? Oh my God! What a monster!

In the world where Gu Aotian lives, for a human magician, knowing the third-order magic is already considered a genius.

For magic above the fourth rank, it can be regarded as legendary magic.

But this blatant monster in the picture!

He even used fifth-order magic to kill an ordinary imperial soldier in seconds?

How terrifying!

Disaster in the world!

The end of the world!

and many more?

If I remember correctly, this monster seems to be here to save people, right?

"Fifth-Order Magic?! It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible! Monster! 35

In the magic church, all the human magicians, whether they were tutors or apprentices, all stared at Gu Aotian in the video.


They wouldn't believe the so-called ninth-order magic before!

Because there is no such high-level magic in this world!

But this fifth-order magic, and the formidable power it showed, actually matched their cognition.

But even so, they still can't believe it!

At this moment, even the magic teacher is slumped on the ground, this is fifth-order magic!

This is the first time I have heard of such a big life, and the first time I have seen this kind of magic!

"Is this the power of fifth-order magic? Miracle! This is a miracle!

The human magician apprentices in the classroom also fell to their knees one after another. Did they just see the so-called ninth-order magic?

If you ignore the gorgeous power and look at it purely as a technical magic, they can't understand the operation of this magic at all.

That is to say, they have witnessed the release of the ninth-order magic?!!!

And it was released hundreds of times frequently in one minute?!!!

Gu Aotian's figure at the moment has caused a wide range of panic in the major kingdoms, supporting the last hope of these people, that is, Gu Aotian doesn't know which world he belongs to now.

.Hmph... It's just a mere fifth-order magic. If I had known that it was going to be on the list, I would have used super-magic to express it. "

Gu Aotian even regrets it now, it's a pity that he didn't use the strongest move.

However, there are still many battle scenes in the future, and even he himself has some expectations.

It feels good to watch myself pretend.

"As expected of Ainz Ul Gown, he used fifth-order magic to end the lives of these untouchables, ah~ that's too generous.

Albedo's face was flushed, and she kept breathing heavily, as if she was about to arrive.

"Lord Ainz Ooal Gong, he is still as strong as ever, hee hee hee..."

Shalltear covered her mouth with a smile, but the fifth-order magic was enough to scare those ants-like humans to death.

Ainz Ooal Gong-sama is really mighty!

Under the astonished gazes of trillions of spectators, the screen then went black, and then they saw hundreds of cavalry rushing towards the enemy camp with the determination to die.

"Life and death with the warrior chief!!!"

On the opposite side of them, is a group of proud magic chanters, who used summoning magic to summon a group of angels.

"For this village! I will never allow you to kill innocent people indiscriminately!!!


The strong man known as the warrior leader directly activated his strongest skills and slashed one of the angels off his horse, and this scene instantly caused the blood of trillions of audiences in front of the screen to boil!


At least for ordinary people, the angel summons that flew in the sky, covered in silver, covered in armor, and even exuded a divine breath, were extremely terrifying existences.

Even the lightsaber in the hand of the angel made countless strong men in the dimension wall tremble with fear.

As magic summons, they are even immortal beings. The cavalry regiment led by the warrior captain and the army of hundreds of people were all summoned by a few angels summoned by magic chanting (money) in less than a moment. slashed, and even a large number of deaths occurred.

"It's wonderful, to be able to produce so many wonderful martial arts, it's really beautiful, but that's the end of it.

As the commander of the enemy army, he sneered, and at the moment when the trillions of spectators held their breaths, he slowly stretched out his hand and carried out a new round of angel summoning.

"Summon a new angel, and focus the magic on Stronov."


Dozens of summoning circles immediately appeared beside the commander, and the number of those powerful undead angels instantly increased nearly tenfold!

It was about to reach an angel army, and the warrior captain who saw this scene fell into despair.

"Is magic omnipotent?"


At the moment when the silent angel spread his wings, everyone on the battlefield fell into the abyss of despair, winning...not winning.

In just a split second, nearly a hundred undead angels shot straight into the sky and launched a violent attack towards the warrior captain. The warrior captain had no power to fight back at the moment, his body was covered with wounds, and he was already in a state of near death.

The village... can't protect the village anymore.

Despair slowly spread in the eyes of the warrior captain, just at the moment when the group of angels was about to launch the final blow against the warrior captain.


At this moment, all the soldiers on the battlefield disappeared, and the undead angels of the enemy army were also stunned.

what's the situation?!

What about people?!

After the wind and sand dissipated, the local commander looked calmly at the masked skeleton on the battlefield, and asked indifferently and disdainfully.

"Who are you?""

Gu Aotian stood alone in the center of the battlefield, surrounded by nearly a hundred undead angels.

"First time meeting, everyone from the Silian clergy, my name is Ainz Ur Gong, and I cover this village.

Boom!! It!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are boiling!


This B outfit is wonderful!

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