Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 194 Crazy?! Slime can also evolve into a primitive dragon?! The whole dimension is shocked!!

"What? What's more important?"

Storm Dragon——Veldra almost shouted out with a roaring voice, how could this Sansium Charr be so good at pretending?!

The development of skills is a great shock to the power of the entire world!

But in the mouth of this Psycho-Core Ciel, it's not an important thing?

The storm dragon can't bear it anymore, and I really want to question this sanity core charr!

"Wow! Ciel, what a nice name, and you can even develop skills..."

Rimuru, who was watching the video, suddenly felt like a GM of a game, and the skills in this world were developed arbitrarily by others.

In this case, I am afraid that there is nothing in this world that can limit him.

Thinking of this, Rimuru's face flushed red, is this really okay?


"Wow! Develop skills?! How can there be such a powerful skill! 35

Luffy's eyes are bright, and it's hard to understand such a thing with his knowledge, but if he can get this charr that develops skills, it can create more fancy moves.

"Well... that's pretty awesome."

Ace on the side also thought it was exaggerated, developing skills or something, it was like a bug.

"It's really terrifying that there are such terrifying skills in the world!"

Sengoku took a deep breath, if he could develop his skills, how would his strength be improved?

If this development skill is not limited, it is really unimaginable, I am afraid that anyone with this skill can be invincible in the world, right?


Sengoku thinks of some very exaggerated skill categories. If you can directly touch the rules of the world, who can limit yourself?

Thinking of this, Sengoku frowned and looked at the slime in the video with a heavy gaze.

"Amazing! This slime can actually swallow all the violent energy body, and there is no response."

From Kakarot 11's point of view, the scorching dragon, Velgrind's ultimate mystery, has reached the energy standard of destroying the earth.

And this is just that slime can easily block this attack, it is not easy.

And Vegeta seemed to be lost in thought. Does this exaggerated skill really exist?

Functionality is too strong.

"Developing skills?"

A smile appeared on Whis's face. If skills were considered to be the basic components of that world, then the Sanosi Ciel had already reached this level.

The realm of God is getting closer and closer.

The other planetary gods in the Dragon Ball world are also amazed one after another. The existence of this skill even directly crosses the low-ranking priesthood, and the priesthood she steps towards is at least the existence of the Archangel Weiss.


Under the gaze of trillions of viewers, Limuru himself in the video was also taken aback by these remarks from Ciel. After all, he had never heard of developing skills.

But Xia Er actually said that there are more important things, from her indifferent attitude, she knew that the next thing was more important.

"Exactly...what's the point?"

Limuru's tone was trembling when he asked the question. He was not as calm as Ciel, which was a matter of course. After all, Ciel's abilities exceeded even Limuru's comprehension range.

Hearing Rimuru's question, Ciel spoke as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"The analysis and appraisal of the preying storm dragon, Veldera has been completed. From now on, it will be possible to transform the body of Rimuru-sama into a 'Dragon Seed'. Do you want to implement it?


The sound of tinnitus echoed in Limuru's mind, and his brain was instantly in a blank state.

body modification?

Can it be transformed into a "Dragon Seed"?

This... Rimuru is really dumbfounded now!

At this moment, the trillions of viewers in front of the screen are also shocked, and everyone has not forgotten that when Limuru evolved into a demon king, the body structure evolved.

That is the ability to rule the world only in the language of the world!

"Damn!!! This is so real and fake? Isn't the language of the world to have this level of authority? What the hell is this psycho-core charr! 35

"Fuck! Slime evolved into a dragon species? Is this so reasonable? I remember that the language of the previous world, when it evolved into a demon king, still had its original body structure and evolved into a similar higher body structure. Can Sansino Charr directly change the essence of slime's body?

"I can't believe it! This is getting more and more outrageous! My sister can't stand it! Why can a slime evolve into a dragon-like existence!!!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded. They couldn't imagine a slime evolving into a "dragon species".

From any angle, this is an unreasonable thing.

If the psycho-core charr can really develop skills, then this is only an operation that is limited to the maximum range within the rules of the world.

But this directly changes the nature of the species, allowing an irrelevant monster to evolve into a "dragon species"?

This is totally out of the world rules!

I'm afraid even the language of the world can't do all this!

The Demon Kings are dumbfounded...

For them, this is simply impossible, no matter how hard a slime is, it is impossible for a slime to evolve into a dragon!

"Theosophical Ciel? Hahaha! I think he's a fool who can brag! 35

The Eighth Demon King Karion was stunned for a while, and then he laughed directly, boasting that he can develop skills, and now he is still boasting that he can change the species of slime?

What's more, it can be transformed into the existence of "dragon species"?

This is not Arabian Nights What is this?


The first demon king, Guy, was also amused by the psychonucleus charr. As the oldest demon king, the number of dragon species in this world has never changed. Those primitive dragon species have survived to this day, which one is not the world's top existence?

This kind of primitive dragon species, which was born to stand on the top of the world, can be transformed?

Guy has lived for several Ten Thousand Years, and he has never heard of such an outrageous thing!

This is much more powerful than that development skill!


The ninth Demon King Frey was dumbfounded... In fact, she was the most rational one, after all, this level of power was beyond her reach.

So I don't even think about comparing myself.

It's just that in her cognition, in principle, the psycho-core Ciel cannot deceive Rimuru.

It is even more impossible to transform into a "dragon species".

When these two things collided, even Frey couldn't make a judgment.

"Dragon species? Transformed into dragon species?

The second Demon King Milim was silent, she slowly lowered her head to look at herself, and then changed back to her original form. Everything around her was overwhelmed by her huge size, and the other Demon Lords were also taken aback.

They looked at Milim's mountain-like figure, and then looked at the slime in the video, and laughed helplessly.

How is this possible?

"Remodeling the body structure?"

The top officer of the Hero Association was stunned. In fact, this matter is not difficult to understand. If the Psionic Core Charr is brought to the technological level of the sixth-level cosmic civilization, then everything will be explained.

As an institution that has been warned by the sixth-level cosmic civilization, they are still very confident in this level of power.

Although this is an incomprehensible thing for them, but their words should be able to do it.

"Transformed into a dragon? It's really fucking horrible! 35

The S-class hero metal bat took a deep breath and kicked the chair beside his feet directly, with an angry expression on his face, this kind of thing was too scary.

I can't imagine what it would be like if one day my body was transformed into another species.

The other S-rank heroes also looked at each other blankly, and they still had some expectations for the words of Sansei Ciel.

How is a slime transformed into a dragon?

"Damn! The technological products of this sixth-level cosmic civilization are amazing!

Queen Morgana was stunned in front of the screen for a full minute before she recovered. Under the watchful eyes of a bunch of devils, she directly cursed.

This kind of science and technology that changes the nature of species, I am afraid that they cannot guarantee that they can be developed for thousands of years or even Ten Thousand Years.

All kinds of problems are like mountains, blocking the front of the world's technology.

The structure of DNA, and the arrangement of genes, not to mention the level of technology that can change these substances!!!

Can a Pseudo Charr really do this?

Queen Morgana smiled, her self-deprecating smile seemed to be calling herself a fool, and she even used her level of science and technology to understand the functions of the technology products of the sixth-level cosmic civilization.

That's ridiculous!

"Fuck? Transformed into a dragon? Isn't this a bit too scary?

Xin Zhao people are stupid. For him, this Slime hang is like playing lol. He can change heroes and equipment at will in the game, and he does not need to follow the rules of the game at all.

Is this kind of thing possible?

Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang were also standing aside, taking deep breaths. This kind of thing was too terrifying for them.

Even if it is open, it must open a reasonable one!

This is totally unreasonable!

"Ah?! Transformed into a dragon?"

Rimuru was dumbfounded, his brain seemed to have stopped functioning, and at this moment, even the storm dragon, Veldora, was stunned.

"Just now, the Psionic Ciel said that he could transform you into a dragon, right?

Veldella couldn't believe her ears, so she asked another question, and Rimuru took a deep breath to calm her mind before answering solemnly.



Storm Dragon suddenly made a questioning voice that broke through the sky, Limuru's current mood is not too different from his, and the two of them really can't understand.

As a primitive dragon species, Veldora is even more incomprehensible!

It's been Ten Thousand Years, and there are only a few of the original dragon species, but now Sanso Charr actually says that he can create it?!!!

Before the trillions of viewers could recover from the shock of developing 263's skills, they were again shocked by the words of Psionic Ciel.

Transform the body structure and evolve into a dragon species?

What are you kidding?!!!

The Rimuru in the video is also in the same mood, and he can now give up to understand the principle of the psychonucleus charr.

Since you have a plug-in, why bother to understand the principle of this plug-in?

Just use it!

Invincible is enough!

From now on, it is possible to transform the body structure of Rimuru-sama into a "dragon seed".

Do you want to implement it?

When Limuru heard Ciel's words, he pondered for a moment, and then opened his mouth to confirm it again.

"You mean, can I be a dragon too? 35

Sansuo Ciel stated it again solemnly.

"Yes! Do you want to evolve into a dragon species? YES/NO?"

Hearing this, Rimuru couldn't help laughing out loud, this feeling of hanging up is really fucking cool!

It was able to evolve into a grand existence, and directly became the top existence of the pyramid in this world!

Is there any question of choice?

Ha ha ha ha!



After receiving the confirmation order, the psycho-core Ciel began her transformation work, and under the gazes of trillions of viewers, Limuru's whole body began to gradually emit a golden light.

A little bit of it leaked out of the body, the divine light was extremely dazzling, and all the audience had their mouths wide open and their faces were unbelievable!

Is evolution really still alive?!!!


[Notice: Obtain the inherent skills of the dragon species (Dragon Spirit Haki)]

In an instant, the pain that was still haunting Rimuru disappeared!

Possessing the inherent skill of the dragon seed [Dragon Spirit Haki], under the devour of Rimuru, the dragon seed has also become an existence like ordinary creatures.

As long as you swallow, you can gain power!


Rimuru's magic power is rising!


The divine light emanating from him is like a scorching sun that makes it impossible to look directly at it!

The accumulating amount of magic element made the powerful people among the trillions of viewers in front of the screen begin to doubt whether this powerful amount of magic element would be enough to make Limuru fall into a state of runaway.

All the audience held their minds at this moment, as if they were watching the birth of a god.

"It turned out... did it really start?"

First Demon King Guy is dumbfounded!

He looked at Rimuru's accumulating magical energy, getting closer and closer to the original dragon species...

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