Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 170 What are the 4 ultimate skills? The ultimate bad street?!!!

"What? I heard it right just now! The ultimate skill [King of Mingming]? The Storm Dragon evolved the ultimate skill?"

The tenth Demon King Clayman was in a trance. He didn't expect that even Slime's subordinates couldn't compare to the other Demon Kings!

Why is this so?

"Damn it! Why can this dragon evolve the ultimate skill? But I don't?

The fourth Demon King Daguri Yulu was so angry that he smashed the ground with one foot to vent his anger.

Storm Dragon——Veldra's ultimate skills are considered to be the ultimate skills for free prostitutes!

With the help of the King of Wisdom before, and the gift from the slime's evolution into the Demon King, he has evolved the ultimate skill so easily!

He can't be mad!

He is the fourth demon king!

"Has even his younger brothers started to soar in strength now?"

The corner of the first Demon King Qiy's mouth was slightly raised. In fact, what he saw in the video was just the beginning. You must know how many powerful little brothers this slime has!

They all accepted the gift of the Evolution Demon King, although they couldn't see anything in a short period of time.

But with the passage of time, even the little brothers under the slime are very likely to reach the level of the slimes they are now!

If that time comes, I am afraid that they will not face as simple as a Demon King.

At least in Guy's eyes.

"Could it really be so lucky to be a slime's little brother? 35

The ninth Demon King Frey bowed her head in silence, and I had to say that she was also envious after seeing the storm dragon, Veldora easily acquiring the ultimate ability.

He even wanted to be a secretary for Slime directly. The overwhelming sense of power was enough to make many people surrender.

Even the younger brother's growth rate has become so terrifying.

"Let's be more powerful.""

Second Demon Lord Milim prayed like this.

"Uuuuuuuuu! Ultimate ability! My storm dragon——Veldra! A calamity like a natural disaster! Now I also have an ultimate ability!"

Limuru was overjoyed in her heart, but she never thought that the gifts she brought to her subordinates could be so rich.

It has directly evolved the ultimate skill.

tsk tsk...

Hearing the Storm Dragon——Veldra laughing in his stomach, Rimuru asked.

"By the way, I have always wanted to know what kind of existence this ultimate skill is. Why are you so happy?"

Just from the video, these ultimate skills really gave Rimuru a strong shock.

But I feel that the difficulty of evolving the ultimate ability is very small. Just by evolving into a demon king, I have obtained two ultimate skills, and even the storm dragon who received the gift, Veldora, has evolved the ultimate skills.

In Rimuru's eyes, this ultimate skill seems worthless.

"Is this ultimate skill very powerful? I feel that it is very easy to obtain the ultimate skill. When you evolved into a demon king, you brought two with you, and even you have evolved the ultimate skill. It doesn't seem to be very valuable.

Storm Dragon——Veldra’s laughter stopped abruptly, and it was dumbfounded.

After Rimuru said so, it really almost thought that the ultimate skill was a garbage skill.

The rubbish skills in Rimuru are the skills that countless people, monsters, and even dragons in the world dream of!

The ultimate skills, without exception, all have the power to reach the sky!

"Lord Limuru, don't tell outsiders these words, or I'm afraid you will be beaten to death, and now even I want to do something to you."

If anyone in this world heard Rimuru's words, he would probably vomit blood and die on the spot.

Storm Dragon——Veldra can't wait to give it a roll of eyes, fortunately, the current slime is not strong enough, I can damage him a few more words.

I will no longer have the courage.

"Outrageous! The ultimate skill should not be a bad street skill, why does it bring out an ultimate skill by the way?"

Xin Zhao is confused. If Rimuru evolved into the Demon King, he was still a little excited when he evolved his ultimate skills, but now he is a little numb.

Even his subordinates have ultimate skills.

"Bad Street?!! Don't you see how fierce the King of Wisdom is! Dammit! I really want to worship this slime as my big brother! 99

Liu Chuang was jealous. Originally, he just thought that slimes could have such good luck, but how could this dragon have obtained the ultimate ability!

"That's over, I can now imagine how strong Slime's gang will be in the future.

Ge Xiaolun first let out a long sigh, recalled various previous scenes, then grabbed Liu Chuang and Xin Zhao by the shoulders and shouted hysterically.

"Do you two know how many men he has?!! Ah!!!"

Liu Chuang and Xin Zhao were dumbfounded, and Ge Xiaolun's roar woke them up. There were at least hundreds of subordinates in the square of Limulu town before!

If you count the elite subordinates, there are at least ten, or even twenty.

Storm Dragon——Veldra is just one of them, it has evolved the ultimate skills with its own powerful strength.

But that doesn't mean the other Slimes don't have this ability!

After all, their growth is for everyone to see.

After thinking about this, Xin Zhao and Liu Chuang looked at each other and could see the fear in each other's eyes.

This guy, if each of those younger brothers can master this ultimate skill, I'm afraid the end of the world will be a trivial matter, right?


The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

"It turned out to be another ultimate skill..."

Queen Morgana now looks at the slime and feels that she is not a good leader or a good officer.

I'm afraid the gang of demons under him might think so too.

The subordinates of a mere slime have become extremely powerful under the brilliance of the slime, but what about them?

I can only study those data all day, and I will pay for it. If those super soldiers come to my door, I will not blink a single knife.

Morgana is better than a slime!

If they follow this slime for two or three years, and then learn an ultimate skill, I am afraid that they will be able to kill a super soldier when they come back.

The situation reversed in an instant! Is there wood?!!!

"I'm starting a group of little brothers looking for slimes, are you here? 35

The S-class hero metal bat has now been completely abandoned. Instead of watching Slime's strength increase day by day, it is better to let go and be his little brother!

"If you're not joking, then I will definitely sign up. I don't think Slime can compare to him. Compared with his younger brothers, I am still very confident. 99

The S-class hero Silver Fang smiled jokingly.

If you can really find this slime, give it a name by the way, and restore the youthful vitality when you were young, wouldn't it be beautiful!

The S-class hero Xiaolongjue was speechless when she looked at these S-class heroes who had completely given up their resistance. Although she also wanted to become stronger, she must not be without dignity!

"Cut! I really despise you, and I would be willing to be a little brother to a slime.

"Ultimate skill...another ultimate skill."

The top officer of the Hero Association has a solemn expression, and just the word "ultimate skill" can bring him heavy pressure.

After the data group's speculation, the combat power improved by this ultimate skill is simply unparalleled.

If a low-level ghost can obtain an ultimate skill, then its strength will jump two levels directly, and it will directly become a terrifying existence of the ghost level!

If it is a monster at the level of the dragon, and obtaining an ultimate skill, its strength will at least be improved by a grade!

And the most terrifying thing is that this is only for those ordinary ultimate skills.

If there is an ultimate skill like the King of Wisdom, it is very likely that a dragon-level geek will become a god-level geek directly!

After all, the King of Wisdom can be supported by the technology of the sixth-level cosmic civilization!

The horror is even more unimaginable!

The point is, this one is just a little brother of Slime!

How many little brothers does it have!

"It turns out that being a slime's younger brother is treated so well?!!"

Sengoku took a deep breath. As Marshal Marine, most of the angles he was standing on while watching the video were ordinary.

Facing the storm dragon in the video——Veldra still has deep fear.

Now that he has obtained the ultimate skill, it will be even more terrifying.

Slime's personal strength aside, the strength of the team it leads has reached a terrifying level.

Even trying to flatten the Marineford is not difficult.

This storm dragon - Veldora's coercion has now surpassed that guy from Whitebeard.

Even he can't compete with the storm dragon!

"This is a real dragon, not a fake that ate Devil Fruit. 35

Garp shrugged his shoulders lightly. For them, monsters of these levels were no longer within their reach.

With only one physical attack nullification, and natural influence nullification, they are invincible in this world!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen also left messages below the video, since they saw the horror of the ultimate skill, the King of Wisdom.

Almost hundreds of millions of people are organizing a team to find slimes, threatening that they will never give up if they are not the scumbags of slimes.

These comments also caused Rimuru himself to feel troubled. I am afraid that there are already monsters in this world, and they are looking for it.

If they were given names, they would not be able to recover from kidney deficiency for thousands of years.

The storm dragon in the video, Veldora, is still showing Limuru his power after being reborn, and he is explaining the specific purpose of his [King of Research] in an instant.

"..Hahaha! [King of Mingming], my power is "probability manipulation", that is, I will be able to see the probability of all events in the world, and can easily change these low-probability things.

However, due to the influence of magic element, it is a very good skill.

In addition, I also have the highest authority of the analysis department called "Revelation of the Truth".

As long as you have this ability, you can instantly see through the power of the enemy and make appropriate responses.

How is it! My Storm Dragon——Veldra is amazing!!!”

In the video, Limlu acted as an enthusiastic audience, clapping and applauding, after all, this is his little brother, the stronger his strength, the stronger his own power!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also shocked by this ultimate skill, which was another skill that could trace the origin of all things.

It can even modify the probability, and can even see through the power of the enemy in an instant. Isn't this the same as a perspective plug-in?

its not right!

This is what a plug-in is!

It seems that all the ultimate skills are plug-ins! (Lee Hao)

Not to mention these audiences who don't understand the horror of ultimate skills, even they know how buggy the so-called ultimate skills are.

At this time, the top ten demon kings are indeed choked up. Ultimate skills like this are the most troublesome, and the functionality is far more comfortable than the destructive ultimate skills.

Unless it can be strong enough to break these laws and rules, it can only be seen through.

That is to say, at least to the level of the first Demon Lord Guy and the second Demon Lord Milim, in order to ignore these functional ultimate skills.

The current top ten demon kings were originally in a state of confusion, but the next moment they heard the sound of the king of wisdom from the video.

The world view of the top ten demon kings has completely collapsed...

[Information: Not only has the storm dragon Veldela evolved the ultimate skill (King of Mingming), but also obtained the ultimate skill (King of the Storm) by analyzing the remnants of Veldela. 】

After a very brief pause.

[In addition, by analyzing the unique skill (infinite prison), the unique skill (infinite prison) was successfully obtained, and based on the unique skill (infinite prison), the ultimate skill (the king of vows) was successfully obtained after the skills were merged. 】

In the video screen, Rimuru's four ultimate skills appear in the center of the screen.

King of Wisdom!!!

King of Gluttony!!!

Storm King!!!

The King of Oaths!! Use!


The whole anime dimension wall is shocked!!!

Is this the ultimate skill?

Are you saying that this is not a bad street skill?


How long has it been!

This slime has obtained four ultimate skills?!!!.

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