Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 108 The most arrogant King of Heroes Golden Sparkle!!!

Characters in major anime worlds are now deeply poisoned by short videos, especially the short videos released by Bei Feng, which not only make many characters waste their workouts, but also hold their mobile phones all day waiting for updates.

"This original author is obviously already the blogger with the most fans of the comprehensive projection. I really don't know what I'm doing all day, and it still hasn't been updated?!!"

"Wait until my day lily is cold! Can you update it soon!

"Fuck! Updated! Twelve hours later, this author has finally been updated! Damn! If it doesn't look good, I'll have to kill him!

In the major animation dimension walls, all the animation characters have received the push messages of Bei Feng's short video one after another, and they seem to have seen the treasure of wealth!


Especially the title [The most arrogant King of Heroes!]

What is Heroic Spirit?

Or the most arrogant King of Heroes?

"Ms. Saitama! The ardent fans around you have been expelled, and you can come back. 35

Genos shouted to the sky, Saitama has been wanted by people in the whole city in just twelve hours. Facing these crazy fans, Saitama is not easy to turn against them.

"Damn it! If only these bastards were weird! I'm sure I'll kill them all with one punch!!!99

Saitama stood on the highest point of the tall building, looking at the empty plastic bag in his hand, his eyes were about to burst into flames!

It's because of these guys!

Just don't buy more stuff when the supermarket is on sale!

Lose to the explosion!!!

After Saitama heard Genos' shout, he flew home quickly. Genos was puzzled when he saw Mr. Saitama's anger.

But when he returned to the kitchen and threw the empty plastic bag into the trash, he understood everything and hurried forward, trying to comfort Saitama.

"Mr. Saitama, the people from the Hero Association are here today, and they just learned about your great achievements, and decided to give them a reward and raise your hero ranking to the first of the SSS-level heroes!

One of a kind in the world!"

Saitama was stunned for a moment. He looked at Genos dumbly. He didn't expect that after these videos were exposed, he would reach the pinnacle of his life so easily.

It was a little unexpected.

950 "Really? Didn't the S-class heroes kill me yet?"

It took Saitama less than a few hours to stomp all the heroes underfoot, and it would be unreasonable not to cause dissatisfaction and anger.

The corners of Genos' mouth twitched slightly. As Saitama's close disciple, he was very proud and took out a joint agreement from his pocket.

"No! Saitama-sensei! This is the joint request of all S-class heroes, this is not just the meaning of the high-level heroes of the Hero Association, they hope that you will do your best to protect the stability of human society in the future!

The anger in Saitama's heart was instantly reduced by more than half. Unexpectedly, these S-class heroes agreed to make him the first and only SSS-class hero in the world.

Kind of unexpected.

Saitama's eyes lit up, he took over the joint agreement, after a cursory glance, he put the joint agreement aside and took a deep breath.

"I will go to the Hero Association when I have time, but I want to tell you, Genos, whether I am a B-level hero or the first SSS-level hero, I will do my best to protect the stability of human society. 99

Having said that, Saitama put on a rare reassuring smile and continued to speak to Genos.

"Because I am a hero.

This sentence directly stabbed Genos in the heart like a sharp arrow, almost burst into tears, and the image of Saitama in his heart became much taller.

As expected of Mr. Saitama!

It's really admirable to have an idea like this!

"By the way, this is the reward that the Hero Association asked me to give you, a total of 10 million yen...

Genos just took the money out of his pocket, and before he could finish speaking, the money disappeared from his hand and appeared in Saitama's hand.

Before he could regain his senses, Saitama was already sitting in the living room, doing the inventory as quickly as possible.

"10,000 yen...20,000 yen...7.8 million yen...9.4 million yen..."

The further back, Saitama's smile became more exaggerated, and even the whole person went crazy. Genos shivered and wanted to escape from here.

Are you sure this smile isn't weird?!!


Genos took a few steps back subconsciously, took out his phone, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ms. Saitama! The author has released a new video, the most arrogant King of Heroes! The name sounds good Haki! Do you want to watch Saitama-sensei?

Saitama couldn't hear Genos at all, he had never seen so much money in his life, so he decided to count it again!

"10,000 yen...20,000 yen...7.8 million yen...9.4 million yen..."

With so much money, how many discounted items can I buy when the supermarket has a big sale!!!

But I would like to thank the original author of this video, it is really helpful!

"Huh? He even published a new video, the most arrogant King of Heroes?

After watching Saitama's video in the morning, Sengoku was busy until the evening. Sengoku, who was just about to rest, was instantly refreshed when he saw the news sent by Bei Feng.

You can see the wonderful battle scene again.

"Interesting, looking at this title, he should also be an arrogant king. Could he be the emperor of any country?"

The kings of various countries in the pirate world are also watching the latest video released by Bei Feng.

"Scumbags! They're all scumbags! I want this Saitama as my pet! Hurry up and do it! Otherwise, I'll chop off your heads!"

After the ugly Celestial Dragons saw the latest video released by Bei Feng, no matter what kind of role, he wants to declare his status to the world.

The proudest?

Can you be prouder than Celestial Dragons?

"The most arrogant? Humph! What a joke, a mere King of Heroes.

Frieza folded his arms across his chest, and Boros, who had scolded him before, was no longer able to interest him, because his strength was not worthy of shouting with him.

For the latest video released by Bei Feng, Frieza was also full of disdain and turned his eyes away.

This king is so powerful that he can't even make it to the rankings, which is really hateful!

Now the most arrogant King of Heroes has jumped out again?

I don't know what character it is, but it's definitely not as good as him!

"Vegeta! The author has released a new video. You can watch it, I guess you can see interesting battles again. I'm really looking forward to it."5

Kakarot and Vegeta had been training all day. Before going to bed, Kakarot happened to receive a message reminder from Bei Feng, so he woke up Vegeta directly and asked him to watch with him.

The two almost didn't fight directly.

"Kakarot! I just fell asleep! You woke me up, didn't you train tomorrow?!!'

But when Vegeta heard that there was a new video to watch, she didn't say much.

Such an interesting video, how could he not watch it?

The most arrogant King of Heroes?

Can he be proud of his dignified Saiyan prince?!

What a joke!

"The most arrogant King of Heroes?"

When the Bone King was resting in the bedroom, he also saw the latest video released by Bei Feng.

King of Heroes?

Has it been out of the category of humans this time?

The soul of a hero, in this game world, there is also such a legend, but it was a few years ago, even (babc) to a few Ten Thousand Years ago.

"Rimuru, have you seen it? The most arrogant King of Heroes, maybe an interesting guy. 99

With a smile on Limuru's face, he took the phone from the Demon Lord who had his own airport, still looking forward to it.

I remember that when I watched Saitama's video last time, he also used the great sage to conduct an in-depth analysis.

Apart from Saitama's astonishing physical attribute values, he couldn't analyze anything.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation, perhaps because of insufficient authority.

If he guessed correctly, the world where he lives and the world where Saitama is located do not belong to the same universe at all, and they do not even belong to the same plane.

That's why the great sage reminds him that his authority is not enough.

"Fortunately, I am superior, otherwise I would have been beaten to death by this guy.

Seiya was sweating profusely. He had just used the Thunder Penalty from the sky more than ten times, and finally solved the big boss in front of him. Seeing that the blue volume was about to bottom out, fortunately he was superior.

Of course there is nothing wrong with training.

The girl Lista stared at the second-level slime that disappeared without a trace at the feet of Seiya, and fell into deep thought.

She is about to collapse!

"Seiya! This is only a second-level slime! There's no need to use a spell of this level with Thunder Punishment!"

Seiya just sneered.

"What if this boss turns into a slime and tries to get close to me? You're still too naive."

Lista had nothing to say, and from the moment she stepped into the adventure world, Seiya has been using Sage Mode, which really made her laugh and cry.

After Seiya received the prompt message, he opened the latest video released by Bei Feng, ready to watch it.

"The most arrogant King of Heroes? Could it be him? 39

Dirumdo Audi frowned, since he mentioned Heroic Spirits, it should be the world he lives in.

If speaking of the strongest King of Heroes, there may be only a few candidates, but if you want to speak of the most arrogant guy, I am afraid there is only the guy in the golden armor, right?

I really want to compete with him to see who is stronger!

"It's really beyond my expectations that there are heroic spirits appearing on the leaderboard. In this way, the name of heroic spirits will resound throughout the world that can be mapped by the comprehensive projection."

Iskandar (King of Conqueror) burst out laughing, no matter who is on the list, this is for the sake of heroic spirits!

Even the ranking can be squeezed in front of that guy Saitama.

Really looking forward to it.

"Hmph, the most arrogant King of Heroes? Who would this guy be? 55

Arturia Pendragon (King Arthur) and Irisviel von Einzbern are walking on the road, as Saber's acting Master, they are almost inseparable.

"Don't Saber know who this video refers to? I think it must be a very powerful Heroic Spirit."

Saber shook her head secretly, there were not a few Heroic Spirits stronger than her, and from the current point of view, she could not be sure who the Heroic Spirit was referring to in the video.

All the heroic spirits in the fate/zero anime world have seen the video released by Bei Feng, and they immediately guessed, but they were not sure who it was.

Just keep watching the video.

And Bei Feng didn't directly pull the picture into the battle, because of the character's characteristics, his arrogant personality was even more noticeable than his strength.

The title subtitles in the black screen of the video gradually faded, and trillions of viewers were looking forward to the next picture, but they never expected that rows of subtitles appeared again.

At the cost of three Command Spells:

Give you the chance to hear me!

Glory to you talking to me!

Forgive you for being rude to me!


These three words are too crazy!

With just a few simple words, trillions of viewers felt his pride as a king.

Saying something to anyone is "give you a chance to hear me!"

Are the words that come out of his mouth the equivalent of a gift to others?!

This guy is too crazy!

And you can pretend like this when you listen to someone else's words, what does it mean to "give you the honor of having a conversation with me!" "Ah?

Is it an honor to speak to him?!

Even the gods would not dare to be so arrogant!

The last sentence is even more exaggerated. Many people even jumped on the spot. If it wasn't for Bei Feng's video being too attractive, they would have shut it down!

Otherwise, what is this sentence talking about?!

"Forgive you for being rude to me!

Co-authored they saw this guy from the video, is it rude?!

To ask him to forgive such rudeness?

The rudeness of the trillions of viewers needs his forgiveness?!

Depend on!

This is so insane!

This is the first time they can be so angry when they see Bei Feng's video!

So irritating!

Exactly like this, almost trillions of viewers want to see who this crazy guy is!

Do you have the strength to say such a thing!

Immediately afterwards, a new subtitle appeared in the video, burning everyone's anger to the top!

And don't confuse me with those mundane Heroic Spirits.

This king does not require employment.

I am the king of absolutes and beginnings.

The King of Heroes - Gilgamesh!

Who the hell is this!


Never heard of it at all!

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