Video Game Designer

Chapter 443: Success is not terrible, who is less embarrassed

Mention the indie game and give people the first impression.

From the cost point of view, it is a low-cost game that is made by a dozen or two hundred thousand yuan and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

From the production team, one person, two people, three people, absolutely no more than a slap of the number of people, what numerical planning, music, art, programs are all responsible for one person is also a common thing.

People who can make a good independent game are basically old fritters that have been in the game industry for several years. If someone who has no experience and may not even be familiar with the game industry wants to develop an independent game, Either you are a true genius, or you rely on luck.

Many of the hundreds of submitted games look quite innovative, but in fact there is simply no way to achieve them.

For example, in one of the games, in a demo and GDD, they said they wanted to make a sci-fi game with pixel style.

Then the background of the whole game is the universe, which has more than tens of billions of planets, and then there must be different terrains, different monsters, even the weather and the planet’s gravity, and then different civilization structures. .

For example, mechanical civilization, technological civilization, cultivation civilization, and biological civilization, and then all players will be in the same server, starting from scratch, creating a weak civilization, the development process is probably like a spore.

Wow, so cool!

Judging from the description of the subsequent games in GDD, it is indeed a very cool game.

Then this right button was decisively deleted.

The reviewers don't know whether the person who wrote this GDD is serious or just trying to trick them into making a fortune.

If you are serious, you can only say that I hope you can stick to it for another half a century. It is possible that the technology after half a century will develop to what you want.

Such a huge plan, even if the Tianhe Network is involved, will not come up with it!

The first is about the AI ​​technology in the game, and the second is the stacking of a lot of art materials, and the release of memory, etc., and the BUG caused by so much content is absolutely terrifying.


Inside the headquarters of Redwood City EA, Chu He and Charles sat in his office.

Just now, Chu He and Charles visited the headquarters of EA.

At the same time, I also saw some EA works, such as a game being developed in secret, which looks quite interesting.

Just like Marvel's Iron Man, a game related to Mech.

Of course, although the secret development did not release any news, it is mainly because the reputation of EA is not very good in recent times. Even if the last survivors seem to give EA a sigh of relief, a +1, but this In the limelight, EA is also worried that this news will become negative news after it is released.

After all, the previous Andromeda and Star Wars 2 have already hurt EA a little bit.

"Will the IP of the dead space be given to us at that time?" Chu He sat in the office and said jokingly with Charles.

Hearing Chu He’s words, Charles couldn’t help but say nothing: “We can’t sell the copyright of the dead space, we are not SE, we are not short of money, but if the two parties cooperate in development, we do not refuse.”

Speaking of SE, I have to say that after the original sale of Neal's copyright, the Platinum Studio took over to make it a very popular game, SE can say that the intestines are regretted.

Who can think of a three-line IP at the bottom of the box, and others can play it into flowers?

However, I feel regretful. In fact, both SE and EA are very clear. Neal’s copyright remains in their hands, and that is the IP of the third-line.

After handing it to Platinum Studio, the focus shifted from the game's background world view and plot to **** female characters, plus the refreshing ACT style, which was the main reason for Neil's success.

Of course, the more important reason is that the SE itself was not very good at the time. The continuous loss has made the SE a little difficult, so there are a variety of unsightly actions, what its classic IP final fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Killer, one after another mobile game, alive to lose his original reputation of only 5 points to 3 points.

The difference with SE is that EA is not short of money now, don't look at it because of several consecutive failed strategies, causing the market value to plummet.

But in terms of cash, EA is really not lacking, and the dead space itself is an FPS type game, which can be said to be one of EA’s housekeeping skills. Even if the subsequent works fail, wait for another one In two or three years, would it be beautiful to launch a dead space 1 reset version?

Of course, the more important reason is that EA is also a little afraid.

It’s no problem to sell copyrights, but the key is that after selling it to you, if you make this game an explosion, is that not the end?

Then will the market value of my EA fall again?

After all, the same studio, several games in succession under its own EA, are all failed.

Then switched to Tianhe Network, and you suddenly succeeded. Doesn't that mean that EA is a younger brother?

It is not a big deal that an IP that is already giving people cool is done, but the key is that it is less embarrassing.

Hearing Charles' words, Chu He just smiled and said nothing.

The old dead space cannot actually make too many changes, and innovation is an inevitable thing.

For example, when EA once disbanded bullfrogs, Nishiki and other studios, countless players condemned EA, but in the final analysis, it was just that these studios did not make games that meet the tastes of current players. Although it has a certain relationship with EA~www. But part of the reason is because the studio at that time could not make fun and sell games.

Just like Capcom’s Resident Evil, from the initial horror game, it slowly evolved into an FPS game, and then returned to the original origin to pursue pure horror.

This is actually just a choice made by the player market.

Players' feelings are not games, but memories related to that game. Just like the domestic Swordsman series, new works are released every year, but in fact many of them will not pass the game after buying. , Just to buy a list of past memories of feelings.

"We will not discuss the specific details, but I have an idea about the type of game. It is better to do mech-type FPS games." Chu He looked at Charles and said.

Science fiction type FPS games, it seems that Tianhe Network has never set foot in it yet.

Mecha fights, it sounds really interesting.

Just like Neon's work called Gundam, mech is the romance of men.

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