Video Game Designer

Chapter 389: Console version or PC version?

When all players are paying attention to the League of Legends game and fictitious tickets, some players suddenly find that a new game of Tianhe Network has started pre-sale on Tianhe Network's official website, steam platform and other major websites.

The global unified price is 49.9 US dollars, and the host and PC platforms have simultaneously opened a pre-sale model.

Has a new game been released so soon?

Has Tianhe Network become so good?

On the Tianhe Carnival, which just ended not long ago, it just changed the subject, started the memory killing, and fooled the sale time, and then it was suddenly released now?

This is so surprising.

‘Platinum Studio’s new work “Neil: Mechanical Epoch” has been pre-sold on major platforms. The regular version is $44.9 and the special version is $69.9. Players participating in the pre-order will receive special rewards. The game release time is set to five months later. ’

Not the last survivor in your imagination? But the new work of Platinum Studio is not bad.

After all, several producers of Platinum Studio are considered big names in the industry. When working for Capcom, many classic masterpieces are familiar to countless players.

Although after leaving Capcom alone, besides embracing Sega and Nintendo, there has been an angel witch hunt, and a metal equipment revenge for the OEM of Kelem, basically there is nothing that can be achieved.

But no one can deny the platinum studio's attainments in ACT games.

It can only be said that the ACT game is really no longer popular today.

More and more series that were originally ACT games are transforming towards ARPG.

It can only be said that this is the market trend chosen by players. Of course, if there is really a talented studio that can redefine the style and characteristics of ACT games, it is another story.

However, judging from the current general situation of the entire industry, basically there will be no more in a short time.

Although it is an ACT type game, all players still maintain a high degree of attention. After all, this is produced by Tianhe Network. Although it is made by Platinum Studio, not the work of Tianhe Network Direct Studio, it is enough. what.

After all, as long as the name of Tianhe Network is hung, the quality of the game seems to be worth looking forward to.

And the most important thing is that this game is very gimmicky.

Do three things, Naoko, buttocks, big white legs.

All three of them can be said that Neil has taken it all.

And in the previous carnival of Tianhe Network, the battle demo part about Neil Mechanical Age has also been released, basically let players have a basic understanding of this game.

Among them, the most important topic about this game is to focus on the protagonist of the game 2B. I have not participated in any game show demos, and I have not released any video of actual test.

The most displayed in front of the player is the video released on the Tianhe Carnival, but this does not affect the player's love for 2B.

Although there is a bit of a twist in the meaning of evil, it has to be said that in the player's opinion, they are quite happy with this kind of thing.

Otherwise, there will not be such a sentence, if you show me Naiko, I will give you a ticket.

Of course, for this type of game, under normal circumstances, it is best that you can really show the player, or else you are playing this 18X game. After the player buys, it is found that the child is not visible, then don’t think about it It's a refund and bad review.

As for Neal’s words, don’t worry too much about this. After all, Neil’s propaganda hasn’t been on it since the beginning. Although the character set itself has this meaning, it’s platinum studio. Including Tianhe Network, there is not too much emphasis on this element.

It's just that players obviously don't have a little resistance to this kind of second-dimensional young lady, especially the setting of the mechanical lady.

Also because pre-sales have been opened, including actual action videos in the game, this time it was also released.

Basically, it is no different from the previous Tianhe Carnival.

The original highly popular League of Legends ticket event, with the heat of the first King's League, was suddenly snatched away by the news that Neil opened the pre-sale.

Countless players have also started to discuss in major game forums, post bars and other places.

"The trough, Neal is out! I can't believe it. I thought it would be at least next year!"

"Wake up, just pre-sale, buy it and get it next year to play, five months!"

"For five months, it won't pass when you open your eyes? A little anticipation, I don't know what the modeling of Miss 2B in the game is like."

"Don't talk about it, start rushing! If you show me Naiko, I will give you a ticket, it's so refreshing!"

"The game is a little expensive at $44.9, it's almost two hundred oceans!"

"Buy a genuine game for the first time? This is not the normal price tag? Like some domestic sword games, you can't make good quality games yourself, don't dare to set a high price, and then the third party of the steam platform draws, dogs Shit-like publishers also let us players bear it, and then licked their faces and said that domestic games need to adopt a low-price strategy, and I don’t look at their game quality to sell more than 60. I am too expensive."

"Is there only one detail that I noticed? The pre-order interface on the steam platform shows that the game supports the creative workshop! Refer to the road to survival, IMHO I have a bold idea."

"It's true, I also have a bold I don't know how the console version is different from the PC version. If it is the same, I feel that I bought the PC version and support the creative workshop."

"Lab MOD! Lab MOD!"

Countless players began to discuss, and then the PC version and the host version of many players fell into a heated quarrel.

I think the console version is a little better, and speculate that the follow-up Neal has a multiplayer mode. After all, the official has not directly announced that this is a pure stand-alone, and Tianhe Network has always been in the game multiplayer mode, and good The operation was praised by players.

But there are also some people who think that the PC version will be better, and it is far from the previous survival path. The original survival path that has been cooled on the host platform, after logging in to the PC, open MOD, maps made by various MOD gods, and gun skins With the modification of the character's skin, it can be said that the whole game has a second spring.

And there are some MODs that older drivers prefer, from ordinary stickers on the walls to self-built models.

There are even some gods who are more hentai, and they have specifically changed the game parameters to make the entire game a gentleman game.

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