Video Game Designer

Chapter 372: Why didn't you suddenly stop playing?

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What is the most uncomfortable thing in the world?

Nothing is better than eating buns with green vegetables, and people who think you are not as good as you are eating big fish and meat.

There is no doubt that for EA, watching Tianhe Network is such a feeling.

A mass-effect Andromeda fell into failure. Although the failure brought a great price, EA was able to bear it.

But in Star Wars Battlefront 2, it was hard to kill a game with good potential in your own hands. By the way, it even made EA fire again, but it was not so good.

Compared with the losses caused by the failure of two 3A projects, this is the most important thing for the EA brand.

At the same time, compared with EA's helplessness, the ice frog and its team located there are a little lost.

At first, the whole team wanted to contact Blizzard, but Blizzard itself mainly focused on World of Warcraft and the Titan project. There was not much interest in their map from the ar3 editor.

Only then did they devote themselves to it, but then they accidentally got the chance to meet with Tianhe Network. Bing Frog talked to Chu He but didn’t quite agree with Chu He’s view on DOTA’s game concept. HON has been there for a while, so he directly rejected the olive branch of Tianhe Network.

But now it seems that they have lost, although there are external conditions that influence, such as’s richness in game promotion, is stronger than HON.

But the player’s gaming experience will not lie at least. IGN and Reddit games are almost screened by League of Legends. At the same time, the number of League of Legends viewers on titch has also reached the top five, even at the peak. It has surpassed popular live games such as PUBG and World of Warcraft to reach the first place.

And the ice frog itself has also learned about this game, he also has to admit one thing, if as a purely competitive game, the League of Legends may look unbalanced.

The biggest feature is the fast pace, and the snowball effect, which means that in the high-intensity professional competition, the level and execution of both sides are very high, the early gains will basically increase the win rate directly by a few percent , And the qualitative position caused by the hero skill characteristics also makes the game's tactical system less.

Not that there is no way to develop it, but there are some things that cannot be developed. For example, a hero’s positioning is a tank. All his skills are around the flesh. Only the flesh can make him stronger. You can output 6 God may not be able to beat others 3 gods, how to fight this?

Coupled with the allocation of resources and maps, as well as the big and small dragon bosses that can strengthen the ability, almost as long as they lose a wave in the middle of 20 minutes, they will be taken away directly.

This kind of game rhythm, if it is an ordinary low-end player, it may be very exciting to play back and forth, even a game of four or fifty heads is a common thing.

However, in professional events with high enough execution and skills, teams of the same strength may appear to be carefully guarded against being broken by GANK, and then swipe the resources on the map. After the equipment is equipped, the strong team in the mid-term will force a wave. , Won the snowball with the strategic BUFF, and then the equipment crushing game ended.

The entertainment effect of the players is very good, but the viewing degree of the game is not high. The entire game is biased towards the allocation of economic resources and the expression of personal abilities. The personal abilities are weak, but the team’s execution and the team with tacit understanding may be in this game. It is not possible to get good results unless the game version is updated, which slows down the rhythm and makes it impossible to get a snowball in the early stage. This is the view of the ice frog.

Although the individual does not call the League of Legends game Ice Frog very much, he prefers his perfect DOTA. After all, this is his slowly perfect game, although he is not the founder of this type of game, or even DOTA. Founder, but there is no doubt that he devoted much more effort on DOTA than the original founder.

In HON, he actually dislikes the practice of selling heroes, which cannot allow players to unlock all heroes.

Although the operation department of the game told him, this is to give players a sense of harvest and a sense of accomplishment.

However, it seems that this is exactly the same as what the public relations department said when EA faced the bad review of Star Wars 2 not long ago.

Maybe here, you can't let yourself realize your game dream, and HON is not what you want.

In addition, in the face of the sudden rise of the League of Legends, Blizzard also expressed its attention. After all, Tianhe Network has been discussing with them about the acquisition of DOTA copyright, but although they do not pay much attention to DOTA copyright, they do not want to Just sell like this, after all, they are not short of money.

However, at this moment, I saw that the League of Legends is hot all over the world, and their hearts are active again. They don’t pay attention to this game, and outside of World of Warcraft, they also have a science fiction RPG game called Titan. In the secret development, it is better to exchange some benefits than put it in your hands.

So in the face of Tianhe Network’s proposal to acquire copyright, they took a rather ugly proposal to share, and authorized copyright to Tianhe Network. However, games developed under the name of DOTA must have 40% owned by Blizzard~www.NovelMTL .com~ In the Tianhe Building in Jinling, I was about to watch the latest development progress of Neil sent by Platinum Studio, and I was connected to the video call of the person in charge from Blizzard. I was suddenly unhappy.

What is Blizzard thinking? Now that the United States is not in the daytime, is this daydreaming?

Blizzard owns 40% of the profits from the game, and then they are just authorized?

Is this the same as treating yourself as an intellectually disabled person?

When I first cooperated with EA, the Jedi survival profit was five or five points. Fortunately, EA also contributed funds, out of the team and technology, and then was digged out by themselves.

Then you Blizzard now wants the empty glove white wolf?

"Let them stay cool and stay there, privately talk to the ice frog to talk to their team, and let the legal department study it to see if they can take advantage of it. If it's a big deal, don't use their dota. We register one ourselves. Dota2's trademark, let alone Blizzard, let's play our own." Chu He said a little angrily.

I have to say that Blizzard's eating really made him sick. What kind of person is this?

Really divide the benefits of the game. In Chuhe's view, it is also distributed to the ice frog and its team, not Blizzard.

As for the copyright of DOTA, it is just that Chu He wants to be more justified.

But now, obviously Blizzard doesn't want to get it.

As the undisputed master of Tianhe Network, the next day Blizzard fully realized how strong the implementation of Tianhe Network is.

The two sides were still negotiating the day before, and the related personnel had already purchased the ticket the next day. Their next task was to contact the ice frog and his team there.

Blizzard, who got the news, was stunned.

Isn't it normal to ask for price and pay back the money on the ground?

Why didn't you suddenly stop playing?

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