Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 272


Chapter 272 Rejected again

Shen Yuehan was stopped.

Is my feelings for the teenager, guilt...or love?

She felt... no, she knew, that was love, that must be love.

When Mo Jiu splattered blood in the main hall and slowly fell to the ground, only she knew what kind of emotions she was filled with at that moment.

And if it was just pure guilt, she would never be able to treat Mo Jiu so tenderly.

But the teenager won't believe it anymore...

She woke up too late, just when Mo Jiu almost died, he would think that he was compensating him because of guilt, a little It's not surprising.

But she couldn't even say a word of explanation, and even she herself couldn't tell why she liked Mo Jiu.

Perhaps Mo Jiu was shaped by her hands little by little, and she is most satisfied with her existence; it may be that both parties clearly know each other's deepest desires; or it may be that fuse together again and again ...

But no matter which point, it cannot be explained in a few words, and it will not be the answer that Mo Jiu wants to hear now.

Shen Yuehan fell silent.

Faced with her silence, Mo Jiu just regarded her as acquiescence, lowered his head, and said in a soft voice: "So, Master, please erase my memory..."


In this way, he can believe that the Master really loves him, and he will no longer suffer so much...

Thinking like this, Mo Jiu even relaxes, The originally stiff body became soft again and melted into Shen Yuehan's arms.

"Actually, I want to erase all my memories after two and a half years." Mo Jiu said softly.

After hearing this, it was Shen Yuehan's turn to gradually stiffen up. She knew which memory the young man was referring to. It was the time after Wen Muxi returned to Baihong Valley, that is, from that time on, she no longer cared about the young man's feelings, and bit by bit all his trust in her... …

"But I think about it seriously, even during that time, there are many good memories that I don't want to forget."

A good memory? Do you mean when you are with yourself? But at that time, every time she came, she only longed for the boy's body...

This is not a good memory...

"So, it is better to erase the recent This memory." Mo Jiu lifted the head again, those black eyes looked up at Shen Yuehan, as if staring at everything about him, "Let me forget that I am still alive, and still think this is the afterlife world... "

Hearing this remark, Shen Yuehan could no longer keep silent: "Isn't this memory that we watched all over the world beautiful?"

Mo Jiu's voice It's always soft: "It's beautiful, but can the memory really be erased from a certain period in the middle? Even the Master can't do it... From the time I woke up to now, the past few days, it has been possible. The shortest memory that has been erased. At that time, I had not seen the outside world, and I would really think that everything here is the afterlife world. As long as the Master shows me all the scenery, it will be fine, and that At that time, I will still love Master wholeheartedly, isn't that right?"

The young man's words were gentle and full of yearning, as if he had already thought of the perfect future.

But when Shen Yuehan heard it, he felt that Mo Jiu was not talking about erasing his own memory, but more like erasing 'another him'.

The memory of her traveling all over the world with him has been erased, so does the boy from these days cease to exist?

Thinking of this, Shen Yuehan's heart suddenly became cold. could she erase Mo Jiu's memory, especially when they traveled the world together and saw the splendid memories of the world, she was even more impossible to get rid of all this!

"No, I won't erase your memory." Shen Yuehan firmly rejected Mo Jiu again.

Mo Jiu was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect that Shen Yuehan would reject him, the pupils in his eyes trembled, and a light of water emerged from it again.

Why, why... Doesn't the Master want him to believe her love for him?

He opened his lips, as if to ask 'why', but in the end he slowly closed his eyes: "I see..."

Sure enough, the Master only compensated him. She didn't want her to love her wholeheartedly. If it was too intimate, the Master would be bored?, that's it, that's it...that's it.


Shen Yuehan's heart trembled slightly, just now, after the boy uttered the words 'I know', she seemed to sense that he was right. Her somewhat open heart closed tightly again.

But she really couldn't agree to Mo Jiu's request, not to mention that the memory was the best time they had together, and the means of erasing the memory, no matter how careful it was, would be very helpful to people. more or less impact. even more how teenagers are mortals, and their souls are even more fragile.

And she didn't want him to suffer any more damage...

Mo Jiu slowly took a deep breath, forcibly stopped the urge to cry.

Can't cry, he can't make the Master hate him...

Now, he's very satisfied.

When the boy opened his eyes again, there was even a faint smile in his eyes: "What's the matter, Master?"

Shen Yuehan stared at him steadily , although Mo Jiu is laughing now, but she always feels that he is different from just now, and the mind of Faintly discernable wanting to get close to her has disappeared.

"It's nothing." Shen Yuehan didn't dare to say more, lest the fragile Mo Jiu think too much, "Do you still want to see the stars again?"

"No... um, then Let's take a look." Mo Jiu looked up at the starry sky, and the dazzling sky, which he thought was extremely beautiful before, suddenly lost its appeal.

Even the body behind him is still soft and warm, but he feels that this embrace doesn't belong to him anymore.

For a long time, Mo Jiu couldn't open his eyes anymore. He leaned against Shen Yuehan's arms and whispered hoarsely: "Master, I want to go home..."

Go home.

This word touched the tenderest part of Shen Yuehan's deep in one's heart, and she finally stopped in her heart, which was guessing the young man's thoughts in a panic.

She looked at the boy who had closed his eyes and had already fallen asleep. His eyes were as warm as water, the next starry sky contained in the vastness, and it seemed that there was only the next person.

Shen Yuehan said softly, "Okay, let's go home."

Under the moonlight, the two figures seemed to merge into one, slowly moving towards the end of the sky. Go slowly.


Mo Jiu returned to the White Rainbow Valley. Every day, apart from playing and sleeping, Shen Yuehan would definitely accompany him by his side every day, not to mention Cheng Caixuan, Wen Muxi and the others. Come here, some Disciples of White Rainbow Valley are also indispensable.

Obviously, all of them feel guilty about him and do everything they can to make up for him.

(end of this chapter)

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