Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 268


Chapter 268 Rejection


Shen Yuehan appeared in the room, sitting on the bed Mo Jiu immediately looked over when he heard the sound, his eyes seemed to light up faintly, then quickly dimmed, then lowered his head and stopped looking at her.

Shen Yuehan has long been accustomed to Mo Jiu's attitude towards her. Over the past month, every time a teenager sees her, he will look away from her. Then she says what he will not respond to, only endless silence.

This is even more tormenting than the conflict between the two and the direct quarrel, but Shen Yuehan couldn't say a word of rebuke to Mo Jiu, because when she came, the boy's eyes In that moment of joy, she saw it all. He wanted her to come, but he just couldn't believe her anymore...

It's all her fault, but regretting it now has no meaning anymore. Since Mo Jiu doesn't believe she really loves him, only time will tell.

She believes that as long as she perseveres, the boy will always open up to her again.

Shen Yuehan sat next to Mo Jiu, hesitated for a moment, then stretched out a hand, which seemed natural, but in fact, cautiously and slowly hugged his waist, as long as the boy resisted, she would Will let go immediately.

But Mo Jiu didn't, just as Shen Yuehan judged, he still likes and yearns for himself, and although he won't respond to her, he won't resist her either.

"Lian'er." Shen Yuehan lowered her head slightly, her voice soft like a gust of wind, and said in Mo Jiu's ear, "Will you take you out for the teacher? Haven't you always wanted to see the world outside? ?"

As soon as these words came out, Mo Jiu finally had the biggest reaction in so long, he lifted the head suddenly, looked at Shen Yuehan in disbelief, the pupils in his eyes were still slightly. trembling.

Shen Yuehan smiled slightly, she knew that the boy had always wanted to go outside. Back then, he was so curious and exploratory that he even read a whole wall of books, how could he not be right outside Baihonggu? world yearning?

It's just that she had promised Mo Jiu long ago, but she just forgot about it and let it go.

Her smile faded a little, and she realized once again how much damage she had done to the teenager...

Fortunately, she now has the opportunity to make up for it all.

Shen Yuehan exhales one breath saying softly, and said softly: "How is it? Huh?"

She deliberately lowered her voice and said it extremely The lingering, so that Mo Jiu's ears are gradually dyed with a blush, and it looks crystal pink. Tender, people can't help but want to take a bite.

But Shen Yuehan won't do this. Before Mo Jiu opens up to her again, she won't make too close contact with him, lest he think he is for him again Body. Wrapping his arms around his waist was the most intimate move so far.

Who knew that Mo Jiu lowered his head again after staring at Shen Yuehan for a long time, and made a weak voice: "I don't want to..."

Shen Yuehan's expression changed slightly. Stagnation, although she was very disappointed in her heart, she didn't show the slightest sign on her face, and said softly, "Okay, then we won't go..."

She didn't notice that when Mo said this remark, Mo Jiu's eyes darkened.

Under the current relationship between the two, Shen Yuehan could only accompany her, she stayed until Mo Jiu had some sleepiness in her eyes, and then she left.

Shen Yuehan's silhouette disappeared here, Mo Jiu lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes, a somewhat urgent voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

'Host, why don't you agree? Didn't you say that you need to spend a honeymoon with Shen Yuehan to be sure to make her fall in love with you completely? '

After finally a month, Shen Yuehan finally thought of her previous promise and invited the host, but the host actually refused!

'What's the hurry? 'Mo Jiu's voice was leisurely and flat, 'Of course I couldn't agree so quickly, otherwise my suspicion and distrust of Shen Yuehan would become a joke? A trifling honeymoon is over, don't even think about it. '

'Oh...' The system seems to understand, 'so you plan to agree when she invites you for the third or fourth time, right? ! '

Mo Jiu: 'No, no matter how many times, I will not agree. '

System: '? '

'Why? ' The system is so angry that it's going to stomp its feet. It doesn't want to stay in the White Rainbow Valley anymore, it wants to go out and have a look!

'This is Shen Yuehan's problem, but if she is more careful, she will find that my rejection is not a rejection at all. A man's heart is seabed, who makes her not understand? '

System: '...'

Yes, a man's mind is indeed so complicated.

'What if Shen Yuehan never found out? '

Mo Jiu spread out both hands: 'There is no way. '

The system bowed its head and remained silent.

How could Shen Yuehan perceive a man, and it is the mind of the man played by the host! ! !


In Wen Muxi's residence, Shen Yuehan's silhouette suddenly appeared, he was not surprised, but leaned over happily: "How about Master, Junior Brother, did he agree? ?"

The smile on his face quickly subsided, and without Shen Yuehan's answer, he knew Mo Jiu didn't agree with her expression.

Shen Yuehan slowly shook the head and whispered, "He refused."

"I didn't is this possible..." Wen Muxi frowned slightly.

Shen Yuehan would take Mo Jiu to take a look outside. It was his suggestion, and even lowering his voice to confuse Mo Jiu a little was also his suggestion.

Shen Yuehan could understand the reason why Mo Jiu didn't respond to her, and Wen Muxi could understand after listening to the Master's remarks.

Therefore, he also knew the reason why Mo Jiu resisted the Master.

This will not only make Master miserable, but also make Mo Jiu miserable, so he gave Shen Yuehan advice to make her and Mo Jiu reconciled as before.

It stands to reason that Mo Jiu likes the Master so much, so it is right to refuse such an opportunity, how could it be...

"Master." Wen Muxi lifts the head, looking fixedly at Shen Yuehan, "What did the Junior Brother look like when he refused?"

Shen Yuehan was slightly startled, she was too lost and didn't notice Mo Jiu's expression, but she was so cultivation base, of course, can go back to what happened in such a short period of time. After a little recollection, he opened the mouth and said: "He seems to be... disappointed?"

She couldn't help but wonder, Mo Jiu was not Don't you want to go out with her, why are you disappointed after refusing?

Wen Muxi heard this and immediately understood: "Master, take Junior Brother out directly!"


"His refusal is not The real rejection is just a hurdle in his heart, as long as you take him out with a little more force, Junior Brother will definitely be happy."

Shen Yuehan's eyes lit up slightly: "Really? ?"

Wen Muxi affirmed nodded: "en."

"Then try again tomorrow for the teacher." Shen Yuehan's words suddenly stopped, and she pursed her thin lips: "Thank you. It's over..."

The voice fell, and she left here instantly.

As a master, even she would feel a little embarrassed to ask about these things from the discipline.

Wen Muxi was stunned for a while, then laughed softly.

Just from the fact that the Master does not care about the Master's face for Mo Jiu, you can see how much she likes Mo Jiu.

As a discipline, he owes Mo Jiu so much and naturally hope they can be happy.

Therefore, Master... Come on.

(end of this chapter)

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