Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 266


Chapter 266 Come and get it!

Hearing the words 'after death', Cheng Caixuan keenly sensed something was wrong, and quickly said softly: "You are not dead, how can this be the after death world?"

Mo Jiu But he slowly hooked the head, a little dumbfounded: "If this is not the afterlife world, the Master is not what I imagined, why does she love me so much?"

hearing this, Shen Yuehan's face Instantly changed, she finally understood what the uneasiness and strangeness in her heart was all about. No wonder the young man didn't care about the hurts she had done to him, so he naturally accepted her feelings. It turned out that he thought he was dead, this is the afterlife world, and even she was imagined by him, so he loved him so much.

At this moment, the unease in my heart grew and expanded, as if to break through my chest, Shen Yuehan hurriedly came to the bedside, and said softly to Mo Jiu: "Because the teacher recognizes how he treats you. In fact, I already liked you a long time ago..."

Mo Jiu, who was held in Cheng Caixuan's arms, turned his head slightly and looked at Shen Yuehan fixedly.

Even though Shen Yuehan's heart seemed to be clenched by an invisible hand and looked pale, she still showed just the right tenderness to Mo Jiu.

Mo Jiu turned his head and looked into the distance again, looking at Lin Xi and Wen Muxi who were standing in front of the door, and focused on the face of the person who looked exactly like him.

Wen Muxi was a little flustered by Mo Jiu's staring straight at him, but he could understand his emotions, so he resisted a little fluster and let him stare at himself, even to him. Showing a faint kind smile.

After all, he and Shen Yuehan took care of Mo Jiu when he was in a coma. Is this his repayment and compensation? There must be, but there is also sympathy and guilt for Mo Jiu.

Mo Jiu's lips moved slightly and suddenly said, "Master, go kill him."

Everyone's expressions changed.

Shen Yuehan: "Lian'er, what are you talking about?!"

However, before they could carefully digest this sentence, Mo Jiu spoke again, stunned: "So, I didn't imagine this Master, this is really not the afterlife world..."

Shen Yuehan's shock dissipated with these words, she didn't know how to speak, and how to comfort Mo. Jiu.

She didn't care that there were still three more disciplines, she said anxiously and softly to Mo Jiu: "Lian'er, I love you... I will never leave you again, you believe in being a teacher again. , okay..."

Cheng Caixuan released Mo Jiu at the right time, Shen Yuehan half-squatted in front of him, and his soft eyes looked at him earnestly.

Mo Jiu looked at her motionless, and suddenly slowly nodded: "Okay, I believe Master..."

Shen Yuehan put out a long breath, only then did he dare to hug Mo Jiu, stroking his back.

Mo Jiu's head rested on her shoulder, and she was a little dazed. She didn't know where to look. She opened her lips and said, "Why didn't I die?"

Shen Yuehan's heart pounded. He jumped to the ground and found that Mo Jiu looked calm again, thinking that he was simply asking why he was still alive.

"I stopped the blood and saved your life. But you were always in a coma and didn't wake up..." Shen Yuehan told everything about this time.

Mo Jiu's eyes moved slightly when she heard Wen Muxi taking care of him,

After Shen Yuehan finished speaking, Lin Xi added: "In order to save you, Master She paid more than she said..."

Shen Yuehan stopped Lin Xi's next words with her eyes.

This is what she owes him, and simply shouldn't mention it.

"Well, I see." Mo Jiu nodded again, his eyes fell on the ground, and he whispered, "All the Masters save me like this, should I give you some rewards?"

Shen Yuehan noticed that this was abnormal, even if she was not good at it, she knew that it was completely different from the previous teasing: "No need, this is what I should do..."

"No, I think I need some rewards."

Mo Jiu pushed Shen Yuehan away, and then, under her gaze, raised his hand to unbutton his clothes, just her In such a moment of stupefaction, he had already taken off a coat and was about to take off the inner coat.

"Lian'er, what are you doing?" Shen Yuehan hurriedly reached out and grabbed his wrist, but the young man started to struggle desperately like crazy, and his empty hands began to tear apart the only remaining parts of his body. 's underwear.

Shen Yuehan also grabbed his other hand tightly, Mo Jiu couldn't struggle, so he stopped, indifferently said: "Let go."

" I won't let go. What are you doing?" Shen Yuehan's voice trembled.

Mo Jiu lightly laughed: "What? The Master saved me, so I will reward the Master. If the Master likes my body, I will give the Master my body."

Shen Yuehan was stunned, she didn't even know the logic of Mo Jiu this remark, but she knew that the young man at the moment was emotionally unstable, and she had to stabilize him no matter what.

She hooked the head and whispered: "I don't need any reward, I will save you because I love you..."

"Love me?" Mo Jiu lips The corner raised slightly, let out a slight sneer, and suddenly screamed hysterically, "Love me, then why don't you let me die! Let me live, do you want to continue to die for Wen Muxi?! I have no bones, already No more bones... No, I still have bones, so hurry up and get them! Why do you want the orangutan to cheat! Why do you deceive me like this!!!"

Shen Yuehan With a heavy blow, his face instantly turned pale.

She understood, she finally understood everything, the young man didn't believe that he would love him at all, and thought he saved him and was going to die for Wen Muxi. But she couldn't even explain it, because that's what she did in the first place, that's what she's done...

Mo Jiu coughed violently, coughing out of his mouth Out of a mouthful of blood.

Shen Yuehan's hands loosened slightly, Mo Jiu broke free, then stretched his hands back, beating and tearing his back frantically, shouting again: "Take it! , come and get it!"

Shen Yuehan hugged Mo Jiu tightly, and in such a short time, the underwear on the boy's back was torn to pieces, and even the flesh was dug out by his fingertips A small piece of meat.

She was so distressed that the spiritual power in her body was restless, her heart felt like it was about to be crushed, and she trembled: "Don't do this, you don't need your bones, really don't. Need..."

Mo Jiu hoarsely said: "So you saved me for my body?"

"No! Not for your body, I... "..."

"You love me?" Mo Jiu's body couldn't help shaking, tears finally couldn't hold back, and the tears kept flowing from his eyes, and the despair that emerged from the bottom of his heart would drown him.

(end of this chapter)

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