Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 260


Chapter 260 My teacher likes him

Shen Yuehan glanced at Wen Muxi in a daze: "You think he wants to occupy the magpie's nest, Replace everything for you, right?"

"If that's the case, how could Shishi watch it? Even if I acquiesce, how could Xi'er and Caixuan allow it?"

Wen Muxi has guessed something, her lips are wide open, and she said in a trembling voice: "So..."

"That's just our compensation for him, and also for the cause and effect between you and him. Another person dies, whether intentionally, unintentionally, or for whatever reason, Heavenly Dao has its own destiny, this is a debt that must be repaid." Shen Yuehan said indifferently, her tone had calmed down, but from her She didn't dare to look at Mo Jiu's eyes to see what kind of emotions she had in her heart.

"He's the identity of your long-lost younger brother, and it was made up to make him better integrate into the White Rainbow Valley." She looked towards Wen Muxi, no complaints or blame in her eyes, just her tone After all, he sank a little, "I didn't expect that as soon as you came back, you would reveal his identity, so..."

The rest of the words don't need Shen Yuehan to say that Wen Muxi also knows that those Disciples heard him To be precise, I don't have a younger brother, and I directly doubted Mo Jiu's existence and true identity, alienating and indifferent to him.

Wen Muxi still clearly remembered that when he came to look for Mo Jiu, he wanted to see with his own eyes this man who looked exactly like him.

At that time, his attention was almost all drawn to the marks on Mo Jiu's lips and neck. Now he recalls carefully, how was the teenager at that time battered and exhausted?

Is it all because of him that Mo Jiu became like that...

"I don't know, I really don't know..." Wen Muxi slowly shook His head, his voice trembled slightly.

"I don't mean to blame you as a teacher." Shen Yuehan said softly.

After all, even if Wen Muxi made Mo Jiu lose all her friends and become alone, she would know it, right?

As long as she wants, she can make everything he lost come back.

But she didn't.

At that moment, she looked at the terrified and uneasy young man, and the dark and monopolistic desire in her heart emerged from the depths. Being alone...

This is not the real reason why Mo Jiu wants to commit suicide, but reminds Shen Yuehan how much she owes him.

"My teacher just wants you to know that he didn't rob you of anything. If you owe someone the most, then it is Shen Wuxi." Shen Yuehan's voice became serious, "Do you understand?"

Wen Muxi nodded slightly, but didn't say a word.

I still stole something...

He raised his eyes and stared at Shen Yuehan deeply, Mo Jiu's red and swollen lips appeared in his mind again.

But if he thought of this scene before, it would only make him angry and jealous, but now he thinks, those emotions have dissipated a lot.

Before that, he had always thought that the Master had created Mo Jiu as a substitute, and then under the temptation of him, he tacitly allowed him to contact Disciple in Baihong Valley.

The slightly swollen lips and the red marks on the neck are the best proof.

Now that I know the truth, I recall everything Mo Jiu said in the main hall before.

At that time, Mo Jiu's eyes were fixed on the Master, and he was standing beside her. When he looked up, his eyes could fall directly into Mo Jiu's eyes.

Affectionate, painful, hopeless, reluctant to give up...

Rao Shi Wen Muxi held a strong hostility to Mo Jiu, and he had to admit that at that moment his heart was a little disturbed. touched.

In the next second, he developed even more anger and hostility.

However, at this moment, the mood is completely different.

Mo Jiu is just a substitute, a substitute...

Wen Muxi's heart trembled, and there was an indescribable look in her eyes looking at Shen Yuehan.

He stopped talking.

If his judgment is correct, does Mo Jiu love the Master deeply, but the Master doesn't love him at all?

Then Mo Jiu's desperation seems to have an explanation.

But if the Master doesn't love him, how can he take care of him like this, and even his attitude towards himself has become unfavorable.

Wen Muxi bit her pink lips lightly, hesitantly said: "Master, you like Wuxi... don't you?"

Shen Yuehan's face changed, she wanted to refute decisively, but Yu Yu Light glanced at Mo Jiu lying on the bed, and the farewell, affection and despair before his bones were still vivid in his mind.

Even if he couldn't hear him at the moment, she was unwilling to say anything that would hurt him...

"Yes." Shen Yuehan said this word slowly.

She thought it would be difficult, because Mo Jiu looked exactly the same as Wen Muxi, and she would like him, which undoubtedly exposed her thoughts about Wen Muxi.

But after speaking, it was unprecedentedly relaxed, more like firming up his own heart.

Yes, she just likes teenagers, there's nothing hard to admit.

It's just that she didn't realize it before, and she didn't want to admit it at all.

You have to wait until you are about to lose before you can fully recognize yourself.

Wen Muxi had already anticipated it, but hearing this still trembled in her heart, and jealousy and sour emotions were about to arise again.

But after a while, he found that he wasn't so uncomfortable.

He and the Master are already impossible. If he is really only given one choice, then he will probably choose Lin Xi... The anger at Mo Jiu taking away the Master has several points of is really cherishing true admiration for the Master?

I'm afraid it's more of 'what belongs to me has been taken away by others', right?

Not only the Master, but also the group of Disciples in Baihonggu. Obviously he has no admiration for them, knowing that they have made friends with Mo Jiu and dote on Mo Jiu as much as he loves and takes care of him. After that, I will be so sad that I want to cry.

It's just that possessive desire is at work...

"Master..." Wen Muxi bit her teeth and said slowly, "Before that, did you like me? "

This question is too sharp, even Wen Muxi felt a little embarrassed, and immediately regretted it after asking it, why did she ask such a question?

Shen Yuehan's expression froze, but unexpectedly, she admitted: "Well, when I was a teacher, I treated you..."

Wen Muxi's lips were slightly open, He wanted to say something, but Shen Yuehan had already said before him: "I know what you want to say... At that time, I really regarded Wuxi as your substitute. He loved me so much and regarded me as the entire world, but I did not. Abandoned like a shoe."

She slightly paused, and a look of pain appeared on her face: "It's all because of me that he will become like this..."

"Also There is a chance to make up for it, isn't it?" Wen Muxi suddenly said, "Wuxi is not dead yet, as long as he wakes up, the Master can respond to his feelings."

Shen Yuehan stared at Wen Muxi blankly, like I didn't expect him to say such a thing from his mouth.

It was because she sensed Wen Muxi's hostility and jealousy towards Mo Jiu that she explained all this to him.

Now it seems that Wen Muxi is still the young boy who is doted on by Baihonggu.

"en." Shen Yuehan nodded seriously.

(end of this chapter)

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