Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 258


Chapter 258 Get out of emotions

'Host! Host! The host...'

There seemed to be a call after another in my mind, and there was a strong anxiety in the words.

Under such a voice, Mo Jiu slowly woke up, opened his eyes with difficulty, looked at this place for a long time in a daze, and then realized that this is the data space in his mind, He closed his eyes again as he sighed in relief.

'Ah! ' The system immediately let out a scream, and the voice became even more flustered, 'Master, why are you unable to wake up? Don't wake up, wake up! '

This series of words without the slightest pause directly dispelled Mo Jiu's idea of trying to rest. He had to open his eyes, as if he was getting up, angrily and weakly said: 'Okay, alright , I'm fine. '

'Are you really all right? ' The system looked disbelieving, not talking about the host's weak tone, it had never seen his eyes open and closed again.

'I didn't...' Mo Jiu's words came to an abrupt end, because he suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his back, as if someone had twisted his body into a twist. .

This is still his conscious body, and he is not injured. It is only when the flesh silhouette rings that he will feel pain. It is conceivable what condition his body is in at the moment. If he regains consciousness and wakes up, the pain will be ten times more severe.

'Okay, I have something to do, it hurts to death...' Mo Jiu gasped violently.

As soon as these words came out, the system's voice became quieter, and said in a low voice: 'Does it really hurt? '

Mo Jiu nodded,

and held breath again: 'I knew the consequences would be so serious, I should have committed suicide at that time...'

But he was worried about this Not being able to get luck, Shen Yuehan would only have strong regret at that moment, but it was unknown whether strong love could breed, so he gave himself a sigh of relief and planned to stay.

But judging from the situation at this moment, it is obvious that something went wrong...

At this moment, the system suddenly said: 'Host, let me help you! '

'Huh? 'Mo Jiu was puzzled, it's just a system, how can I help?

'I will try. ' The system came over, turned Mo Jiu's body over, and put two small hands on his back.

'You have to do...' Mo Jiu immediately sucked in a cold breath of air, and only felt a strong scorching and burning sensation on his back, but it was not painful, but it was like a hot spring. , let him relax under the heat all over his body.

Mo Jiu couldn't hold back, let out a small moan, closed his eyes, and said hoarsely; 'It really doesn't hurt anymore, what have you done? '

'Changed the data of your consciousness. '

'Huh? ! '

Mo Jiu was frightened, and turned around immediately, facing the cute chubby face of the system: 'This is my soul! '

The soul is the most important thing in a person. If it is modified like this, is there really no problem?

The system blinked: 'Soul is both soul and data, not contradictory. '

'Anything is data, as long as you want data, you can modify it. '

'You mean...everything can be turned into data modification? 'Mo Jiu hesitantly said.

The system nodded its head: 'Well. '

In the eyes of their system, everything can be converted into data, it just depends on whether it can be forwarded, whether it is difficult to convert, and there is nothing that cannot be converted.

If it is the main god, maybe even anything can be converted into data, and then modify it.

'But this is the soul...' Mo Jiu is still worried, the main thing is the system, he can only act stupid, play cute, play games, and suddenly he has such a powerful skill, he really does not too much to believe.

'I just modified your perception data, other important data didn't change, why make a fuss about nothing! '

Even though he was well-meaning to relieve the pain of the host, he did not trust it so much that even the system was a little angry.

Don't think that the system has no temper, it's not, hmph!

Mo Jiu: '...'

'Okay. But this method, does all your systems have it, or...'

At least Mo Jiu has never seen the 'pre-system' use this ability. If every system has it, then these systems Isn't it possible to modify the host's soul unconsciously? Then the host is really just the slave of the system.

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Jiu felt a chill in his heart and shuddered slightly.

'How could it be possible for every system, only the Lord God and a small number of Innate systems will. ' There was unabashed smugness in the system's tone.

'Then how did you learn it? '

'I taught myself! '

'Huh? '

'Really! Don't be ignorant...'

'Tell the truth! '

'...' The system pouted, 'senior gave it to me. '

'The one who fell in love with his host? 'Mo Jiu's only impression of that system is this.

Hearing this, he relaxed instead. If the system was self-taught, he would have to wonder if it was possessed by the Lord God. Knowing that it was taught by others, he would be relieved.

'But why should it be so nice to you? There are thousands of systems. '

System: 'senior said, because I am very simple, like a white lotus. '

'Pfft. '

The system blushed and said angrily: 'What are you laughing at, I won't help you in the future! '

'Sorry sorry. 'Mo Jiu hurriedly stopped laughing, the system was working now, he really had to coax it a bit.

And chatting with the system, he is really relaxed.

Substituting emotions is not a simple thing, sometimes it is too deep to get out of it.

Because Shen Yuehan is too strong and he is too weak, in order not to reveal the weak spot, he really took the role of 'Shen Wuxi'. Even now, he didn't dare to recall his previous performance in the main hall, otherwise the emotions that he finally got rid of, those despair and pain... would return in a swirl of dust.

But after chatting with the system for a while, those negative emotions that were Faintly discernable in my heart completely dissipated.

'That's right. ' The system's face was cold, as if still angry, but looking at Mo Jiu sitting on the ground, he still said, 'Aren't you awake? '

'Huh? Oh. 'Mo Jiu shook the head, smiling,' how could he wake up so easily? At least let Shen Yuehan reflect for a while. '

And even if the time is up, if Shen Yuehan doesn't 'enshrine' some Heaven and Earth Treasure for him, he will never wake up.

You have to follow the plan step by step. If you are too anxious to get Shen Yuehan's luck, isn't all the suffering he suffered in vain?

He needs the fiercely tortured Shen Yuehan!

(end of this chapter)

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