Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 256


Chapter 256 is alive

Silence, dead silence.

Even if the fairy light is dim and completely dissipated into the invisible, everyone can move, and the needles can still be heard here.

But it was only a breath of silence, and the next moment, there was an uproar here, and several people moved towards Mo Jiu and rushed over there.

Cheng Caixuan was right next to Mo Jiu. To touch him, she just squatted down, but with such a simple action, her knees suddenly softened when she bent, and she almost collapsed to the ground. She stretched out a hand and grabbed the table tightly, then slowly squatted down.

And then...what should I do...

There is a pool of thick, thick blood in front of me, but there is no trace of fishy smell, but it contains a bit of sweet taste, just like It was overripe, like a rotten fruit that fell from a tree to the ground.

But Cheng Caixuan knew that this was not the juice of the pulp, but the blood of the youth...

Because of this, it was even more horrible to see. Completely dyed red, I don't know what to do at the moment.


I don't know who rushed over and pushed Cheng Caixuan to the ground, but she didn't have the slightest pain or anger, but the pupils in her eyes trembled, staring blankly at the top of the main hall.

Among the group of people who rushed over, there was Luo Yuebai's silhouette. When Mo Jiu slashed the skin and flesh on her back, and the dripping blood spurted out, her eyes were stained with blood at the same time.

Her mind was very clear, and she listened clearly to every word Mo Jiu said, and then realized what she had misunderstood.

The young man did not want to occupy the magpie's nest and replace Wen Muxi's position. On the contrary, he really wanted to replace Wen Muxi, but what he replaced was not his existence, but the future he was destined to die. ...

From the beginning to the end, there is no possibility that the teenager can replace Wen Muxi, because the purpose of his birth is to die for Wen Muxi...

Those doves occupying magpie nests are actually all Shen Yuehan compensated him.

Mo Jiu obviously didn't know the truth at the time, but after being alone and lonely for a long time, he wanted to be friends with each of them.

No, the young man is not lonely, it's just that he is too simple, and because of the kindness of each of them to him, they return it with sincerity and treat everyone as a true friend.

But they don't know that the reason why they treat him kindly is because he is 'Wen Muxi's younger brother', even she is no exception...

But with Gradually get along with the teenagers, and at the back, they also began to sincerely regard Mo Jiu as a friend.


If you really regard the teenager as a friend, how can you alienate and indifferent to Wen Muxi's words...

What kind of sincerity is this...what does she have with them? The qualifications are Mo Jiu's friends...

Even if the teenagers would do such a thing at the moment, how come there is no reason for their alienation and indifference...

It's just Looking at Mo Jiu's blood, Luo Yuebai thought so much, and hated and repented for what he had done.

But like Shen Yuehan and others, it was too late.

Under the shackles of Xianguang, she could only watch the bloodstains on the back of the boy getting bigger and bigger, and finally revealing the spine, and at the moment when her heart stopped suddenly, she took out the blood. That bone...

Luo Yuebai knelt down beside Mo Jiu, blood soaked her white pants, and a few drops of blood were on her face, she looked down at him blankly, also not knowing what she was going to do what.

Finally, Shen Yuehan, who was standing on the high platform, was moved. She wanted to appear beside Mo Jiu in an instant, but the spell that had never failed failed the first time, and then the second time. The third was not until the fifth time that she appeared in the pool of blood.

She looked down at the young man. The originally white and smooth jade back had been completely cut open in the middle, and the bloodstains from the neck to the tail vertebra were hideous like a monster's mouth, with a bloody mouth open. wide open like a sacrificial bowl, to devour everything.

Shen Yuehan's eyes were swallowed in, those eyes were wide open, and the pupils had completely turned scarlet.

Lin Xi recovered from the shock, noticed Shen Yuehan's expression, her heart trembled slightly: "Master! Junior Brother is still alive!"

These words not only awakened Shen Yuehan's consciousness also recalled the consciousness of Cheng Caixuan and Luo Yuebai.

"Teacher, Master... hurry up, hurry up... hurry up and save him!" Cheng Caixuan said hoarsely.

Shen Yuehan immediately squatted down, she could clearly see the scar on Mo Jiu's back for a long time, but after getting closer, she looked at it, but her mind was still in a trance for a moment. .

"Don't touch him..." She opened her lips and said, not only herself, but also others were shocked. Her voice was hoarse than Cheng Caixuan's, as if being thrown into the air. In the desert, mortals who haven't had a sip of water for three days and three nights seem to have their throats crushed.

But Shen Yuehan couldn't care less, there was only one thought in her mind, and that was to save the boy, he couldn't die...he couldn't die anyway...

She thought What, he turned his head suddenly and looked towards Lin Xi, hesitating to say anything.

"Master, what do you need me to do?" Lin Xi hurriedly asked.

Shen Yuehan's lips opened slightly, and finally closed again, she pursed her thin lips tightly, and looked towards Mo Jiu again.

Lin Xi is the daughter of destiny, what about her?

Just having such an idea, Shen Yuehan didn't hesitate at all, and directly cut through the palm of his hand, the bones were deep, but the blood did not spurt out, but floated up and gradually condensed in the air. into a blood cell.

She stretched out another hand to grab Mo Jiu's spine, but after grabbing it, it started slightly, because even if the young man passed out at the moment, he was still holding onto the root of Ying. white bone.

In the end, Shen Yuehan got the spine, and with his arms trembling slightly, he tried to put it back into Mo Jiu's body.

But this is not only the vertebrae of the young man as a human being, but also the rhizome of his lotus. The rhizome has been broken, how can it be reconnected intact?

Shen Yuehan only tried it once, then the bone was about to burst into white light, and it was going to hurt Mo Jiu in turn. She hurriedly stopped, gritted her teeth, and had to pour her own blood in this way. into his body.

Then, at a speed visible to naked eyes, the hideous wound on Mo Jiu's back began to heal, and soon closed together, leaving only a thick and long blood scab.

Until this moment, Shen Yuehan dared to move Mo Jiu, slowly turning his body over, and a pale face like a dead man appeared in front of everyone here.

Even Lin Xi's pupils shrank.

Shen Yuehan took out another medicine pill and put it into his mouth from between Mo Jiu's pale lips.

After a long time, his chest finally had a slight heave.

Shen Yuehan let out a slow, trembling sigh.

The boy's life was saved...

(end of this chapter)

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