Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 241


Chapter 241 Desires. Hope

This trip, Mo Jiu did not see Wen Muxi after all, obviously Shen Yuehan did not want them both People meet, but he doesn't care, because the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Shen Yuehan hugged Mo Jiu and went back to her place directly. She wanted to put the boy on the bed, but he stretched out a hand and grabbed her skirt tightly, looking terrified. Looking at her, her pale lips were trembling gently: "Master, don't go, okay..."

Shen Yuehan stared at Mo Jiu deeply, she could see the young man at the moment Without the slightest pretense, it was true that he was afraid of leaving, and that his reliance on himself was also true. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the ignorant young man who was unwilling to let himself leave his side at the very beginning.

Those feelings of jealousy and hatred of Wen Muxi, those opposites to simplicity, were all restrained in front of her, and all were disappeared.

Like the warm and lively Wen Muxi in the past, she will lose all her emotions in front of her, only panic, anxiety and attachment...

Shen Yuehan's eyes are dark , swallowed up all the light, became dark and dull, and there was a hint of unbelievable look in his eyes.

It was as if before that, she didn't even know and couldn't believe that her deep in one's heart had buried such dark thoughts.

I want to completely possess a person, I want to own a person alone, I want this person to belong to me completely, I want to erase all his character, and only rely on myself...

Shen Yuehan pursed her thin lips, is this really what she has in mind?

But at this moment, looking at the fear and panic in the eyes of the young man, and the hand holding his skirt tightly, the satisfaction and joy that came from the bottom of his heart, he told me all the time. with her answer.

But if that's the case, what is her feeling for Wen Muxi?

Is it because I saw his warm and lively side, so I wanted to destroy and obliterate this beauty?

Then maybe what she likes is not Wen Muxi at all, but a desire to destroy people like Wen Muxi.

In this way, Mo Jiu would be the most suitable choice...

Shen Yuehan was startled, suddenly came back to her senses, her brows furrowed.

Heart Demon.

Just now, she almost gave birth to the Heart Demon, which was caused by the negative and dark emotions that kept growing in her heart.

Shen Yuehan closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her expression returned to normal.

No, she has pure feelings for Mu Xi. If she really has the desire to possess and destroy him, she would have shot him a long time ago.

She didn't want to hurt Wen Muxi, and she didn't care so much about Mo Jiu, so she had these desires for him.

Exclusivity, destruction, obliteration... these emotions are only for Mo Jiu.

Wen Muxi's position in her heart is unique and unmatched, special, Mo Jiu... is also special, but his importance is far less than that of Mu Xi.

In this way, the meaning of Wen Muxi and Mo Jiu to him has been re-clarified, and those dark emotions have grown from the bottom of Shen Yuehan's heart again, but this time, there will be no Heart Demon anymore. Because she accepts these ideas and doesn't reject or deny them, then they are naturally not her other side, so they can't be called Heart Demon,

This is the strength of Shen Yuehan, Only need to change a single thought, the solution with no difficulty has given birth to the prototype Heart Demon. For ordinary cultivators, it can be said that it is difficult to eradicate it as soon as it is born, and it will become an eternal hidden danger that may erupt at any time.

But I'm afraid no one would have thought that Shen Yuehan's ability of 'Enlightenment' would be used in such a place.

It seemed like she thought about a lot of things, but after a thousand thoughts, the reality just passed a moment, Shen Yuehan took a deep look at Mo Jiu, and extended the hand instead, holding him and clutching his skirt. He waved his hand and said softly, "Okay."

The boy gave her a shocked look, as if he never thought she would agree.

"My teacher will come to accompany you every day, and I will definitely stay with you longer than with Mu Xi, how about that?" Shen Yuehan's eyes were gentle.

"Really, really?" Mo Jiu said timidly, the surprise was so huge that he couldn't even believe it, thinking it was his own fantasy.

It's like a fantasy flower that breaks when you touch it.

As everyone knows, the current Shen Yuehan likes his frightened and unbelievable look, which is different from the simplicity he pretended to be, and also different from his very scheming true face, because she was born. , is also the side she created.

Shen Yuehan whispered: "Don't believe it?"

"No! It's not..."

The little expectation and disbelief in the eyes of the teenager Broken directly, it turned into panic and confusion again, Shen Yuehan stared at him, suddenly lowered her head to kiss his open lips, and retreated when touched, lightly said with a smile: "Do you believe this?"

"I see, I believe..." Mo Jiu has been dazzled by the sudden kiss, and he still has a hint of disbelief in his heart, but his body's instinct has already made his cheeks flush with two blushes, and the corners of his lips A slight arc was drawn.

Seeing this, the smile on Shen Yuehan's face couldn't help but become more intense, and there was a slight throbbing in her heart, but it was only regarded as being satisfied by the appearance of a teenager.

But even the time spent by Wen Muxi's side can be given up, she has no requirements for Mo Jiu's natural impossible.

"But..." Shen Yuehan said slowly.

Mo Jiu raised his heart with some joy again.

"From now on, you can only stay in this room, and you are not allowed to go anywhere?" Shen Yuehan made a request to the teenager.

Mo Jiu's eyes widened slightly: "Isn't even the backyard allowed?"

"The backyard is fine, but it is absolutely impossible to step out of here without authorization like today, understand? As long as you can do all this, the teacher will come to accompany you every day." Shen Yuehan said softly, and there was even a hint of bewitching in his words.

Isn't this the same as it was six months ago?

Hearing this, Mo Jiu immediately sighed in relief, and resolutely agreed: "I can."

This request is no different from the two-year period when he Even without the company of the Master, I am still carefree every day, and it must be possible now.

Shen Yuehan looked at Mo Jiu and knew what he was thinking at a glance, he must think it was easy.

Indeed, this was the way he lived before a teenager, but after such a lively half a year, can he really endure the loneliness of being alone?

But whether he can bear it or not, she will not change this condition.

The reason why she kept the young man here before was because she didn't want others to discover his existence, so she didn't have to explain much, but now that she wanted him to stay here after she was clear about her desires, she He wanted to imprison him here like a canary.

Let his entire world be her, and...

It can only be her.

(end of this chapter)

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