Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 239


Chapter 239 Luo Yuebai

Whether the Lord God has heard this conversation will not be known until the next world, there is nothing to this world Influence, what should be done should continue to do.

Mo Jiu stopped crying after the conversation with the system ended. Even in acting, crying is a very emotional thing, and he has to save some energy for the next few scenes.

So he stayed up all night and sat on the bed with his knees folded all night. Even with the help of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, the spirit could not be restored in this way, and a conspicuous black outline appeared around his eye socket.

'I knew this scumbag was just talking about nothing serious. 'Mo Jiu yawned inwardly, but his face was clearly exhausted and sad.

The system spoke in an inopportune way: 'She promised to accompany you every day all, but only eight hours have passed since this day, maybe she will come in a few hours later. '

'...' Mo Jiu criticized, 'If you talk like this, you won't be able to find your other half in the future. '

The system loudly said: 'I am the system, the system does not need the other half! '

'Why don't you study your senior? '

senior? Which senior? Is that the senior with the host?

Wait! With the host... with? !

The little face of the system immediately turned red, and he spat several times: 'pei pei pei, fart, don't even think about it! '

This was the first time that the system had used foul language, and Mo Jiu was completely stunned.

The other half of that system is her host, but he forgot about it.

After doing this, Mo Jiu couldn't even talk back, he hesitated for a moment, got up, put on his clothes, and walked out the door.

It's time to meet that Wen Muxi.

A few days ago, he was not a crowded place here, and occasionally a group of Disciples would come to look for him, but after Wen Muxi came back, he was so busy that even Shen Yuehan didn't want to come.

Obviously in the hearts of all Disciple who don't know the truth, he is a fake who is occupying the nest.

He could even guess what Wen Muxi was thinking.

The saying that he is his younger brother was passed down by Lin Xi herself, and she would say that because it was impossible for Shen Yuehan to benefit from it.

And Wen Muxi would naturally think: 'Why did the Master find a substitute for me? '

Mo Jiu has probably guessed some of the meaning of his existence. Although 'Shen Wuxi' won't know now.

Whether Wen Muxi understands Shen Yuehan's good intentions or not, there are only two choices in front of him, admitting that he is his long-lost younger brother. But looking at the situation now, he chose the other one, which is to firmly deny that he is his younger brother: 'I don't have a younger brother who has been separated for many years! '

But in that case, the group of Disciples will target Lin Xi and Shen Yuehan, and they will question why they tell such lies.

Wen Muxi obviously won't let her Senior Sister and Master suffer this kind of criticism, so what can I do to make them not responsible?

Naturally: 'That person must have bewitched the Master and the others...'

All the responsibility falls on him.

Before Shen Yuehan's purpose was revealed, this statement was obviously the most logical.

It's better than 'Shen Yuehan has unbearable thoughts about his own discipline, but he can't violate the ethics of master and disciple, so he will find a substitute to vent his feelings', okay?

That was a huge scandal for Bai Honggu, but if Wen Muxi had a little emotional intelligence, he would stop the group of Disciples from thinking in this regard.

Mo Jiu straightened out the general idea and decided to verify it. The easiest and most direct way is to meet the group of Disciples and see how they react to him.

He dragged his exhausted and sad face moved towards the direction of Wen Muxi's residence.

In the past six months, someone has naturally introduced him where 'his big brother' lives.

Not too far away, a Disciple spotted him, Mo Jiu noticed his sight, and followed him, feeling slightly happy.

It's good, it's an acquaintance, you have to see the attitude of the acquaintance.

"Yue Bai." Mo Jiu called softly, with a hint of joy on his face.

The female disciple was silent, and did not respond to Mo Jiu, but turned his head away, his expression darkened, and the expression in those eyes was extremely complicated.

Mo Jiu watched her reaction secretly, his face changed slightly, and he shouted again: "Yuebai!"

This shout was loud and wanted to It was impossible to pretend not to hear, Luo Yue white frowned, and some icy eyes met Mo Jiu's eyes.

The two looked at each other, but found that the young man looked very haggard, as if he had not slept all night, the light blue shadows all around his eyes were clearly visible, and even the pupils in his eyes were still shaking slightly. , the eyes express a kind of 'why do you ignore me' sadness and sadness.

Luo Yuebai's coldness couldn't be maintained anymore at the pitiful appearance of the young man, her brows furrowed, her face tangled. After struggling for a long time, she whispered, "Don't call me that again."

As soon as she said these words, she saw that the boy's already tired and weak face turned paler, his lips turned paler. The flap opened slightly, and the trembling of the pupils infected the voice: "Aren't we friends..."


This title made Luo Yuebai's expression grim for a moment, but he restrained himself, but his tone finally took on a bit of coldness: "Not anymore."

Mo Jiu's lips wriggled a few times, wanting to say 'why', and finally thought of something, and said with difficulty: "because I...isn't Wen Muxi's younger brother?"

So those kindness and friendship that can only be gained because of Wen Muxi will also be lost because of the loss of the identity of 'Wen Muxi's younger brother'.

But he thought that at least part of his friendship was because he really only liked himself...

Luo Yuebai gritted her teeth, she really wanted to say it wasn't because of Wen Muxi , but Shen Wuxi, what the hell are you? !

Is it really bewitching Shen Yuehan and the others disguised as human monsters, or is it a substitute created by Shen Yuehan for her own feelings, and she knows this, but she still has no psychological burden. .

It is not because of Wen Muxi that I will be your friend, and of course I will not cut off my relationship with you because of Wen Muxi! but you!

In the end, what kind of person are you...

Luo Yuebai looked at the miserable young man in front of him, and simply couldn't tell whether his pity at the moment was disguised or not. Yes, just as simple as he used to be.

Because if he was pure, how could he enjoy what he got because of others with such peace of mind.

But Luo Yuebai didn't say these words, just suddenly let out a breath, the whole person seemed to be slumped, and said softly: "You know what you have done." Then she turned and left.

(end of this chapter)

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