Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 230


Chapter 230 Opposite Scene

But Mo Jiu's body is indeed a lotus flower, yes, he will be her adult Intriguing, his growth was all seen in her eyes, how could there be such a side that she didn't know about?

Shen Yuehan lowered her eyes and stared at the young man's soft blue silk. After thinking for a while, she seemed to realize something.

Yes, he has become a human, and he has the Seven Emotions and Six Desires of human beings. The lotus flower can emerge from the mud without being stained, how is it possible for a human being?

She couldn't treat him like a lotus.

So, this young man had his own thoughts when and where she didn't know?

Just like Mo Jiu's heart, Shen Yuehan could see through it, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart every day. It is very likely that there is a distraction due to something, which gives birth to these emotions that only people can have.

Yes, and those books.

Shen Yuehan raised her eyes and looked into the room, and she seemed to see the books on the wall through the open back door of the window lattice, and she was suddenly stunned.

There are so many books in this room, books, history books, biographies, not only stories, but also the way of dealing with people and the personalities of all kinds of people. Under the influence of books, it will be affected more or less. And the simpler a person is, the easier it is to be influenced.

The white lotus that looks pure and flawless is actually a black lotus?

Shen Yuehan's eyes showed a look of interest, not because of Wen Muxi, not because of other things, but simply because of Mo Jiu, a rare interest.

If he is no longer pure, and his pure appearance has always been disguised, then will his love for her also be false?

Thinking like this, Shen Yuehan said indifferently: "Tell the teacher, what were you thinking about?"

Sure enough, I saw...

Mo Jiu's heart Another skipped beat, but calmed down quickly.

Because he found that the system didn't punish him.

What does this mean?

It means that the character design has not collapsed. Shen Yuehan has found a suitable reason in his heart and agrees with his previous expressions and actions.

Now if he continues to play the role of a young man with a pure heart, he will be deviating from the character.

be that as it may, he is also impossible to change his appearance from a good child to a 'bad child' all at once, and he still has to act.

Mo Jiu thought for a while, and then slowly lifted the head, with a faint redness on his cheeks: "I'm thinking about Master..."

Shen Yuehan raised the corners of her lips , she didn't expect a young man to act like this.

"Then how come the look when I thought of Master was different from now?"

Shen Yuehan watched the boy's look pale when she said these words. down.

Her eyes darkened and her voice became low: "A lying child is not a good child."

"Tell me, what are you thinking about?"


Mo Jiu bit his lower lip tightly, and looked at Shen Yuehan with wet red eyes, as if begging her to stop asking.

To gain sympathy from others?

Shen Yuehan smiled faintly, and Mo Jiu gave her more and more surprises.

"It's fine if you don't say it." Shen Yuehan stared at Mo Jiu's sparkling eyes, and after seeing a hint of joy in his eyes, the cold wind blew her face, "Then I don't think so. You're a Disciple."

"Don't!" Mo Jiu exclaimed in surprise, reaching out and grabbing her dress tightly.

Shen Yuehan laughed lightly in her heart, but her face was still cold: "Then say it."

"I know if you lied."

You know shit.

"I said, I said..." Mo Jiu whispered, "I want to make the Master like me more."

"en?" Shen Yuehan's tone rose, Staring at Mo Jiu with a stern look.

Staring at him with such a gaze, the boy's lips were bitten and oozing blood, dyed with a strong bright color, the pupils in his eyes trembled slightly, and his inner defense line was broken little by little.

At the end, Mo Jiu couldn't hold on any longer, tears welling up in his eyes, falling from the corners of his eyes, his voice trembling: "I want the Master to like me more, at least like that person..."


That Wen Muxi?

Shen Yuehan's expression was stagnant, did he know?

Also, other people don't know Mo Jiu's true identity, doesn't Mo Jiu himself? How could he be one's younger brother.

With so many Disciples in Baihonggu, there will always be someone mentioning Wen Muxi intentionally or unintentionally. It is normal for Mo Jiu to gradually understand and know Wen Muxi's existence under the scrutiny.

But the key lies in what Mo Jiu knew, if he only thought he was a substitute, it would be fine, if he guessed that he was the one to be sacrificed, he committed suicide with a perish together attitude in desperation , that will undoubtedly cut off Wen Mu Xisheng's hope.

Shen Yuehan thought for a while, and the next moment her voice revealed a hint of surprise: "You, you know?"

"Master..." Mo Jiu's eyes were hazy with tears, and his expression was desolate. Looking at Shen Yuehan, "Am I really just a substitute?"

I really thought I was a substitute...

Knowing this, Shen Yuehan sighed in relief , and then remained silent, pretending to be hesitant to speak.

Mo Jiu knew with her toes that she was also acting, so she could not help laughing. How dare they put them here to play against each other?

Of course he had to cooperate with her, and he had to.

Facing Shen Yuehan's silence, the expression in the boy's eyes turned from sadness to despair.

"Is the Master doing that to me before because of that person?" Mo Jiu said every word, his voice suddenly became hoarse and weak.

Looking at Mo Jiu like this, Shen Yuehan actually felt a little bit of unbearable. I don't know if it was because he had the exact same face as Wen Muxi, or because she had been with the teenager for so long. Get along, and feel unbearable.

Thinking like this, Shen Yuehan stretched out her hands and hugged Mo Jiu slowly.

There was a ray of light in the boy's desperate eyes.

Before this, the Master had never hugged him like this.

Is it because the Master still has him in his heart? Not just purely as a substitute.

Mo Jiu looked into Shen Yuehan's eyes, looked at her tremblingly, opened the mouth and said, "Master, do you like me? Alright..."

His tone was slow, with a bit of apprehension, and with the last glimmer of hope, eager for an answer.

Shen Yuehan's heart trembled slightly, she actually felt that if she said no, the boy would kill himself without the slightest hesitation.

For Wen Muxi, he can't die either.

She thought so, and gave a soft 'um'.

"Master!" The boy suddenly became excited, and his eyes glowed brightly again.

The next moment, Mo Jiu seemed to be full of emotion, suddenly stood on tiptoe, approached, and was about to kiss Shen Yuehan's lips.

At this moment, a soft, cold hand firmly blocked his lips.

Mo Jiu: "???"

(end of this chapter)

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