Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 218


Chapter 218 Senior Brother Don't Cry

The girl gathered up her courage and shouted loudly: "Senior Brother! Senior Brother !"

She shouted twice in a row, so loud that even the birds on the trees in the distance ran away.

Senior Brother can you hear it?

The girl's heart is nervous, anxious, and full of anticipation, hoping to see a look back from the boy, and then chuckling and waving: "Hello, Junior Sister."

In this way, She probably wakes up laughing when she dreams, right? Also have the capital to brag about with those apprentice sisters.

However, the girl was destined to be disappointed. On the contrary, her two shouts seemed to make Senior Brother run faster.

The girl looked lost and looked back regretfully.

Maybe Senior Brother has something very urgent...

Well, it must be.

Thinking like this, the girl felt a little better, and then decided to tell others about the Senior Brother's return.

The existence of Senior Brother is special to the whole 'White Rainbow Valley', and his return will naturally make almost everyone happy.


In the backyard, Shen Yuehan was facing a girl.

The girl has clear eyebrows, a straight nose, and delicate and three-dimensional facial features. She looks beautiful and heroic.

However, at this moment, her face was full of anxiety, and the panic in her eyes was uncontrollable.

"Master...Master! You go..." The girl gasped violently, as if she had rushed back from a thousand miles away, hesitating for a long time, without even saying a complete sentence.

Shen Yuehan's face was calm: "Cai Xuan, have you thoroughly forgotten your teacher's teaching?"

"Yes, but..."

"You can't even speak completely, and you're wasting a lot of time."

hearing this, Cheng Caixuan had to take a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

And as she did this, the restlessness in her heart really dissipated a lot, and she gradually became calmer.

Seeing Cheng Caixuan straightened out, Shen Yuehan said indifferently: "I came back in such a hurry, but got into trouble?"

"en." Cheng Caixuan nodded his head , there was a hint of urgency in his eyes again, "Master... Senior Brother, he was detained by Dragon Clan!"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yuehan's calmness was instantly broken, and he said in surprise: "Lin Where's Xi?"

"Senior Sister was also detained to protect Senior Brother! Master, hurry up and save them!"

Shen Yuehan's eyes flickered, her heart glowing Ripple after ripple, which is extremely rare for her. Only the 'he'... 'them' in Cheng Caixuan's mouth could make her mood fluctuate so much.

"There is no need to panic, there is a good teacher, they will never dare to hurt Lin Xi and the others."

Cheng Caixuan did not get any comfort, she knew that the Master had already broken through again. She has become one of the top experts in the world, and no force will dare to harm her recipe.

However, the group of dragon clansman did not want to hurt the Senior Brother, but...

Shen Yuehan has calmed down: "What are they detained for?"

If it is for no reason, or relying on Dragon Clan's arrogance, deliberately provoking the first, taking advantage of one's position to bully people, then she will definitely ask them for an explanation.

It is necessary to understand the general situation clearly before we can think of a solution.

Cheng Caixuan hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "When we were passing through the Western Regions, we were discovered by the dragon clansman, and then they sent people to stop us."

"Why?" Shen Yue frowned.

Cheng Caixuan gritted his teeth: "There was a dragon clansman who fell in love with Senior Brother and said... that he wanted to marry him! By the way, that person called herself Dragon Clan Great Princess. Brother, they were taken away together, and Sister Senior asked me to quickly come back to Master for help."

"Impossible!" Shen Yuehan said coldly, a layer of frost seemed to condense on his face.

"I'm going to take them back for the master."

"en." Cheng Caixuan replied, she believed in the master's strength, and all the dragon clansman would be helpless. Master.

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Yuehan's silhouette disappeared here. In a desperate situation, the sentence 'go and return' was naturally forgotten.

However, after Shen Yuehan left for a while, Cheng Caixuan regretted it, she should have asked the Master to take her there too. She was worried that she was holding back the Master, but with the Master's strength, why should she worry about this? It made her stay here alone, scratching her head and making it difficult for her to calm down.

"Tsk!" She gave an annoyed 'tsk', then noticed the drawing board on the ground, and went over to pick it up suspiciously.

Is this a painting by the Master?

As expected of a Master...

Cheng Caixuan sighed, although she doesn't know how to draw, she can see the exquisiteness and ingenuity of this painting. But the outline of this pile of flowers and plants is lifelike.

And when she looked at this painting, her inner annoyance and anxiety were inexplicably calmed down. The purity and clarity of the painting could actually affect a person's emotions.

Who else can do such a method except her Master?

"It's just that Master suddenly thought of painting little flowers and grass? So young..." Cheng Caixuan hurriedly closed his mouth and glanced up somewhat guilty.

The Master possesses great magical power. She is really afraid that she will be heard by the Master if she makes a random comment.

She planned to put the painting back in the room, but as soon as she turned her head, she saw half of her head sticking out from the edge of the door. She noticed that she was suddenly looking at it and put it back immediately.

"Who?!" Cheng Caixuan shouted suddenly, a little shocked in her eyes, she didn't notice the person's breath, if she hadn't turned around suddenly, she wouldn't have found anyone else here.

After she discovered this person, she still couldn't sense that there was someone behind the door, as if the glance just now was just her hallucination.

However, Cheng Caixuan can be sure that there is someone there, and for some unknown reason, she actually thinks that person looks very similar to Senior Brother...

Cheng Caixuan licked his lips, and his footsteps were approached. , and then slammed into the house!

She looked at a young man squatting in the corner. After seeing her, the young man immediately put his head in his hands and curled up in the corner, his body still trembling slightly.

Cheng Caixuan fell into a huge shock: "Master, Senior Brother?"

Master brought Senior Brother back so quickly?

It seems that time it takes to burn a stick of incense hasn't arrived yet, right?

Cheng Caixuan was a little messy for a while, but with her 'Senior Brother', the boy's trembling became more intense, and there was a faint cry: "Don't...don't catch me, Master, hurry up. Come on..."

"Senior Brother, don't tease me." Cheng Caixuan's face was distressed, his face was a little red, and there was a little joy in his eyes.

She likes being teased by the Senior Brothers.

Mo Jiu cried even louder.

The monster, the monster... the monster is going to take him.

Cheng Caixuan panicked when he cried, and hurriedly squatted down: "Senior Brother, don't cry, don't cry."

She stretched out her hands, stiff in the air, and hesitated. After a while, he moved towards the young Bai Nen's wrist, and the heartbeat in this brief moment was as intense as a drum.

Ok, so this Senior Brother's hand?

(end of this chapter)

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