Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 203


Chapter 203 Calling for help

Mo Jiu finally recovered from the shock. He couldn't understand for a while why he had lost his appearance. This group of humans still yearned for him. He almost subconsciously covered his face with his hands. Faintly discernible eyes contained clear anger and shame.

The Auctioneer glanced down and yanked the chain that connected Mo Jiu's neck collar, causing his body to fall down. His face showed a bit of pain. revealed to the public.

Auctioneer said with a smile: "It's really wild and hard to tame, but his future owner doesn't need to worry, his demon power has been completely sealed by us, no matter how vicious it is, it's like a chicken without a hand. There is no difference between a normal man with strength. In this way, his character becomes the best sex. Everyone can imagine bringing such a rebellious fox back home and taming him. Obediently and honestly, he is very well-behaved, so he can only show his humble and flattering side in front of himself, and even make a tactful cry under himself, what kind of feeling is it!"

"But it is estimated that the difficulty of taming him is not small. If you don't have the ability, our auction house sincerely recommends not to participate in the auction."

Under this remark technique of Auctioneer, the atmosphere of the entire auction house is once again. The heat has doubled, even people with extremely high rank and status are standing up at this moment, and their tone is a little excited to increase the price, it is difficult to maintain the usual calm.

Not to mention Auctioneer's description really makes people daydream, the last sentence, they knew it was deliberately stimulating and provoking, but they were still willing to do so. Because no woman will admit that it is difficult for her to conquer a man!

And when this man is a monster, his character is fierce and cruel with animal instincts, which further stimulates their desire to conquer.

The shouts from the audience were one after another, deafening, and there were countless lines of sight that converged on Mo Jiu, so hot that it seemed to pierce his body.

He clenched his teeth, and his eyes flashed fiercely, these goddamn humans!

Suddenly, Mo Jiu thought of something, hesitated for a long time, and finally summoned up his courage, raised his eyes and looked at the audience, his eyes swept through the crowd, looking for the silhouette he was looking forward to.

Finally, he saw something, and a dazzling light suddenly lit up in his eyes. At that moment, even the people in the audience could feel the joy. Instead, they became more and more excited and greedy. eyes. Every frown and anger is full of temptation, such a Top Grade item must be obtained by yourself!

Mo Jiu found Li Muxian's silhouette under the stage. In an instant, all maliciousness disappeared in an instant, and nothing could be felt, only the rich joy filled his heart, softened his eyebrows and curved his eyes. lip corners.

She's here, she's here to save him.

She really didn't abandon him.

But after just being happy for a while, Mo Jiu's joy suddenly diminished a lot.

He...he was seen by so many people, would she be angry?

Mo Jiu, who originally only looked at this group of people with anger and hatred, was now ashamed and panicked, desperately curling up his legs that were exposed to the air, trying to cover up as much as possible. own skin.

The monsters have no shame, but Mo Jiu has it because of Li Muxian.

Because of the violent shame, Mo Jiu seemed to feel the despair and despair of being manipulated by Fang Yi in front of Li Muxian again. The eyelashes are trembling slightly...

It doesn't matter, even so, Li Muxian will not dislike him, and she will definitely find a way to save him.

Thinking like this, Mo Jiu felt a little better and looked up at Li Muxian again, eager to get a worried or reassuring look from her, which would give him motivation and support him. Keep going.

Mo Jiu froze slightly.

He met a pair of eyes that contained complex emotions, tangled, angry, questioning... But there was no encouragement and comfort he hoped for.

Mo Jiu's hands and feet became cold a little bit, and he even temporarily forgot where it was, only the chill immersed in the internal organs gradually froze his fleshy body, making his body stiff there.

Why...why did she look at him like this, was she angry?

Li Muxian's brows and eyes are beautiful and moving, but there is no trace of concern or tension in those eyes, and some are only indifferent as if they have met a stranger.

Like in a tea house, he met her again at the first glance.

No, even strangers are better. Li Muxian still has anger in her beautiful eyes at the moment, like an enemy...

An enemy.

Mo Jiu thought, he must be dreaming.

Li Muxian's impossible look at him with such eyes is absolutely impossible!

Mo Jiu's mouth was the first to return to normal. He moved his lips slightly, got up and approached Li Muxian's direction. Even if the moving range was only a small iron cage, he still wanted to get closer to her.

But with the sound of the iron chain, Mo Jiu, who was about to get up, was suddenly pulled and fell down, his head hit the hard iron pillar, making a crisp sound of 'bang'. .

Auctioneer, who had been planning strategies, was breathing heavily at this moment: "Five hundred tael of gold once, five hundred tael of gold twice, five hundred tael of gold three times!"

After the deal was reached, Auctioneer excitedly announced: "This beautiful fox has his master from now on, and he belongs to this grown-up!"

A woman in a mask was sitting On the seat, she looked very calm, but her slightly trembling hands still revealed her excitement.

"Okay, this auction is over now, please leave the venue in an orderly manner. Customers who have photographed things, please go to the backstage to collect your belongings, or our auction will send someone to put the things back for You're coming to the door!"

The icy iron pillar tightly ironed Mo Jiu's cheeks, and his eyes were completely red.

At this moment, he had to doubt the probability of Fang Yi's remarks. Could it be that Li Muxian started to hate him because he lost his previous appearance?

No, he doesn't believe it...

The staff of the auction house has already come to the stage to push the cage away, Mo Jiu turned his head and still stared at Li Muxian, feeling deeply. With the last hope.

Then, when he saw Li Muxian get up, he turned around without hesitation.

She is leaving.

Mo Jiu opened his mouth wide and looked dull.

The next moment, tears bursting out of his eyes, he staggered to his feet, grabbed the iron pillar with one hand, and moved towards Li Muxian with the other, desperately reaching out, shouting hoarsely: "Master, save me! Me!"

The group of people who were ready to leave all turned back.

She was the only one who didn't.

Mo Jiu stared blankly at Li Muxian's back, the whole figure seemed to have lost all power and slowly collapsed into the iron cage.

The black cloth was covered, and everything was hidden in the darkness.

(end of this chapter)

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