Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 200


Chapter 200 The Awakened Future

Fang Yi's heart was filled with doubts and incomprehensions. She didn't hurt Li Muxian at all. System punishment?

The punishment intensity of every piece of flesh and blood on her body convulsing at the same time, that is, she has done actions and behaviors that may completely change the world line, making many things that were destined to happen no longer happen, The trajectory of the entire world is offset in the other direction.


Fang Yi looked back at Li Muxian, facing a pair of crimson eyes, the whole person was slightly startled.

She finally discovered Li Muxian's strangeness, her spirit was already on the verge of breaking out, as long as there was a little more stimulation, what would happen next, everything would be out of her control and expected.

That is, at this time, a picture suddenly appeared in Fang Yi's mind. The colors in the picture were bright and the light and shadow flickered. In just a split second, she finished reading a story.

Afterwards, Fang Yi was already horrified.

Is that the future calculated by the Lord God?

Just because she got Mo Jiu, Li Muxian will go crazy and embark on a bloodthirsty road, killing all the monsters in this world, good or bad, good or bad.

Her end was naturally the most tragic. After humiliating Mo Jiu in front of Li Muxian, she took him away for the sake of his wonderful taste. He was treated like a slave to vent his desires, and his spirit collapsed under her day after day torture. In the end, she was approached by Li Muxian and tortured to death without even escaping her soul. The Remnant Soul was used as the fuel for the 'Soul Lamp', which continued to burn for endless years.

And Mo Jiu's miserable appearance made the always ruthless and cold-blooded Li Muxian finally have a trace of fluctuations in his eyes again, and silently shed tears, he decisively killed him and ended his pain. .

The more Fang Yi looked, the more frightened she became. She thought about it carefully. Those actions in the picture were really something she would do. This means that there is no problem with the calculation of the Lord God, and it is very likely that it is a high probability. The future will happen!

But it's not this that scares Fang Yi. After she dies, she will leave this world. What does Li Muxian do in this world and what does it have to do with her? Everything has nothing to do with her, she doesn't care about the flood.

However, Li Muxian seemed to realize that there were other worlds besides this world, so he tried to leave here and go to other worlds to get rid of all the monsters there!

What is this?

In the eyes of others, this is obsession. But in Fang Yi's eyes, this is an awakening!

This is like a word book sold at a street stall, where the characters realize that the world they are in is a fake, constructed and created by others.

This is awakening.

And when this character is not only aware of all this, but also has the ability to break down the 'barriers', then it is indescribably terrifying.

The behavior of Li Muxian in the future clip is no different from her.

This has not only changed the trajectory of this world, even other worlds may be affected and affected.

No wonder the Lord God punished her, she was undoubtedly jumping and trampling above the bottom line of the rules.

Fang Yi immediately stopped all the movements in his hands, and there was an unspeakable fear in his heart.

Until now, the organs in her body seemed to be twitching slightly.

Compared to Li Muxian's awakening of self-consciousness, Fang Yi was more afraid of the systematic punishment.

It's not that she hasn't been punished by the system, and that's why she has a strong fear of this thing. No matter what kind of cultivation base and realm she was at that time, she would endure the pain like tearing, the pain deep in her mind and bone marrow, and there is no way to weaken or avoid it.

Under the threat of systematic punishment, Fang Yi finally made up his mind. The poisonous snake wrapped around the necks of Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu aimed at their exposed skin and bit down, piercing the poisonous fangs. Inject a tiny but highly effective venom.

The next moment, Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu both passed out and lost consciousness.

Fang Yi turned around and looked towards Mo Jiu , the charming expression on his face seemed to be the strongest in this brief moment, seducing her all the time, attracting her eyes and mind.

Li Muxian has passed out, can she take the opportunity to do something to Mo Jiu?

As soon as this thought came out, Fang Yi's body trembled strangely again, and the face showed three colors of redness, cyan and pale because of the pain, constantly changing, looking inexplicably funny.

After a long time, Fang Yi let out a long breath, her legs were shaking, and she no longer dared to think of Mo Jiu.

Even if Li Muxian is in a coma, what she does to Mo Jiu will still affect Li Muxian's future life trajectory.

How important is Mo Jiu to Li Muxian? Isn't he a love robbery for her? !

"What do I want to do, what do you want me to do!" Fang Yi said frantically with her hair loose and scattered like a madman.

She was asking the Lord God, and the two consecutive systematic punishments brought Fang Yi's extremely fragile spirit to the brink of collapse soon.

The Lord God also realized this, did not punish Fang Yi again, allowed her to be disrespectful this time, and immediately sent a string of data to her system.

'Host, you want this...'

Fang Yi listened silently and calmed down, but those eyes were extremely gloomy, with a terrifying cold light.

"I understand." Fang Yi nodded, in the eyes of Mo Jiu and Qu Xiaoxiao, she seemed to be muttering to herself, but in fact, she was on the verge of collapse, and she couldn't care to hide anything.

As soon as she thought, the poisonous snake on Mo Jiu's neck pierced into his tender skin again, injecting a drop of venom, causing him to pass out.

Immediately, Fang Yi finally looked at Qu Xiaoxiao and walked towards him step by step.

Qu Xiaoxiao's body suddenly trembled like a sieve, and the extreme fear made his face lose its blood immediately: " don't come here..."

The same is on the chopping block Let Fangyi play. She has no interest in Qu Xiaoxiao. In terms of purity, he does not have Mo Jiu's deep feelings for Li Muxian. In terms of maturity, he is even less than 1/10 of Mo Jiu's. How could he possibly be interested in him?

Fang Yi just stared at Qu Xiaoxiao with a weird look, and whispered: "Do you want to get her? I'll give you a chance."

hearing this, Qu Xiaoxiao directly He froze in place, as if no Fang Yi would say such a thing to him, and trembled: "What do you mean?"

"I will let you get Li Muxian, even another A woman will also belong to you, and their hearts are all on you alone." Fang Yi pressed his lips to Qu Xiaoxiao, word by word, his words were low, like bewitching.

"This opportunity... do you want it?"

(end of chapter)

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