Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 197


Chapter 197 The Mermaid

The fox tail of the fox demon looks soft, but in fact, after activating the demon power , will become extremely hard, called impervious to sword and spear, every strand of hair is the sharpest weapon.

And when this fox tail is inserted into the body and becomes hard again... As you can imagine, it is no different from Wanjian entering the body.

At this moment, Mo Jiu only felt that all his internal organs seemed to be pierced and punctured at the same time, and a ripped pain continuously came from his abdomen, making his eyesight a little. Blurred and drowsy.

A stream of blood flowed back from his throat, Mo Jiu clenched his teeth tightly to prevent the blood from flowing out, but he ate a mouthful of blood and blood, and even his teeth were stained red.

"Stop!" Li Muxian said angrily, trying to get up, the poisonous snake crawled near her eyes, and jade green's vertical pupils looked at her leisurely, as if she only made any move, It will make her lose an eye.

Even at this time, Mo Jiu was still paying attention to the movement here, and when he saw this scene, he shouted: "Don't!"

This mouth, the savings in The blood in his mouth finally spit out, and Mo Jiu's breath seemed to spit out with it, the whole person was sluggish, and his voice was hoarse: "Leave me alone..."

He would rather be hurt than Li Muxian paid a painful price to save him.

Besides, in this situation, she will only sacrifice in vain.

"You can't protect yourself, and you still care about others?" Fang Yi lightly said with a smile, but at this moment, she was puzzled.

Mo Jiu and Qu Xiaoxiao, who is Child of Destiny?

Judging from the tasks released by the system to her, Qu Xiaoxiao should be the Child of Destiny, and Mo Jiu is Li Muxian's destined 'love calamity', if there is no accident, he is the only one. Child of Destiny, will come together with Li Muxian in the end.

But since it is a love calamity, something will naturally happen between them. In short, the departure of Child of Destiny has made the daughter of luck more mature, so that she can deal with more difficult and dangerous disasters in the future.

Ke Fangyi looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but have some doubts about his original judgment.

Because Qu Xiaoxiao is easily bewitched and controlled by her, it really doesn't look like Child of Destiny should behave.

And from the performance of Mo Jiu and Li Muxian, they are the true love and a destined couple.

'Maybe this world's real Child of Destiny hasn't appeared yet, this fox is a love calamity, and this man is just an irrelevant supporting role? ' Fang Yi thought about it, and felt that it should be the case.

Moreover, the Lord God issued a task for her to break up Mo Jiu and Li Muxian, even if Mo Jiu is really the Child of Destiny, this is their doomed catastrophe, and she is their catastrophe!

Thinking of this, Fang Yi suddenly felt a strong sense of control over everything. What she controls is her destiny, and what she plays with is the feelings of the daughter and son of luck!

Fang Yi had a morbid smile on his face, and controlled the fox demon to stop.

The fox demon stopped urging the demon power, and the fox tail softened and pulled out from Mo Jiu's abdomen.

He stumbled a few times and almost fell to the ground, but he managed to keep it from falling, but his face had become extremely pale due to the twisted and cramped pain in his lower abdomen, and with a head of white hair, It seems that a gust of wind can blow it down, and it is so fragile that it is pitiful.

But Fang Yi obviously won't have such thoughts, she can only feel a strong desire. Seeing Mo Jiu's weak appearance, she is more and more urgent to conquer and possess him.

Just like how others treated her in the past...

At that time, she got the system and came to a world where the concept of men and women was reversed, and she naively thought that she would get the same results as before. different life.

But she was wrong, every time in this world she played the villainous villain. Since she was the villain, the final outcome was naturally terrible. There were many times when she died under the humiliation and torture of a group of perverted women.

Over time, she abandoned her previous concept and shame, and began to gradually become the same as these women in the world. She had a desire for men, and wanted to put everything she had experienced on them. come out.

As the number of worlds she completes increases, her system level becomes higher, and she finally comes into contact with the main god.

Under the approval of the Lord God, she has obtained some 'privileges', that is, she can complete the 'suicide' task in less hurry without disturbing the world line.

In other words, after completing all the tasks, she can immediately go to the next world without committing suicide, but continue to stay there and do what she wants to do. Of course, everything still has to be under the premise of maintaining the character.

As a result, Fang Yi began to vent the negative emotions she had accumulated in such a world, otherwise she would collapse if she continued.

However, it was said that she possessed the bodies of those men, but no one but her knew that those men were cruelly played by her to death.

Until now, there are still terrifying rumors about her in that world, just because she has abused hundreds of young men.

At this moment, Fang Yi looked at Mo Jiu in front of him, how much of his inner desire did he really want to get him? More, she may have never touched Child of Destiny. This time, she has the opportunity to see the painful appearance of Child of Destiny in her hands...

Thinking like this, Fang Yi When he tilted his head, a few locks of hair fell off, fell to the ground, and turned into a few poisonous snakes. The length and thickness were not comparable to the two on Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu's faces.

Those poisonous snakes moved very fast and approached Mo Jiu almost instantly. Two of them had already taken the lead along the white boots and climbed up to his ankles. The snakeskin and Mo Jiu had bare feet. As soon as his skin touched, the cold touch made him almost unsteady.

This...what are these things? !

There was some faint panic in Mo Jiu's eyes. He raised his leg and tried to throw the poisonous snake off, but the force was not enough. If he increased the force, it would involve the wound on his lower abdomen.

"fuck off!" Mo Jiu shouted low, the snow-white fox tail hanging down behind him, trying to pierce those poisonous snakes, but they were very agile, and one took the opportunity to wrap directly around his tail , the thick snake body is like a rope that binds it from head to tail, and then twists it suddenly, it has already compressed and wrapped around the bone in his tail, and the strength is so strong that it seems to completely smash the bones. generally.

The fox's tail was restrained, Mo Jiu lost his balance instantly and fell to the ground. Several other poisonous snakes immediately wrapped around him, binding his ankles, wrists and neck.

"Ah..." He let out a hoarse moan of pain.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Jiu became a fish on the chopping board, a merman.

(end of this chapter)

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