Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 187


Chapter 187 My choice has nothing to do with you

As soon as these words came out, Qu Xiaoxiao's lips were slightly open, and she was speechless. words, nothing more to say.

Luo Qingwu heard this, her heart trembled and she whispered: "You don't need this, we just go out."

She looked at Mo Jiu so lightly. I hate myself, and the unspeakable pain in my heart is so clear.

However, Mo Jiu ignored her at all, and was not affected by this remark at all, turned around, bent over and kissed Li Muxian again, an invisible essence passed to her like this. in the body.

Luo Qingwu watched this scene, she clearly should leave at this time, and her inexplicable affection for Mo Jiu was also causing her heart to ache, but she hesitated for a long time and chose to stay here. , watching Mo Jiu kiss and kiss Li Muxian with his own eyes, it seems that breathing becomes difficult, which can be called masochistic behavior.

As for Qu Xiaoxiao, staring at this picture, ripples appeared in the depths of her eyes, smeared with a strong blood color, but no one could notice it.

He clenched his hands slowly.

Wait...and wait!

A full two sticks of incense had passed before Mo Jiu got up, her lips were pink, tender and moist, with a shimmering sheen, looking delicate and mature, like a mature Yes, like dewy cherries.

Looking at Li Muxian again, a faint rosy color reappeared on her cheeks, apparently returning to the state of yesterday.

"You guys guard her here, and then think of a way. I'll go back to the room." Mo Jiu said indifferently, and then moved towards the door.


At this moment, Luo Qingwu suddenly grabbed his slender wrist.

Mo Jiu coldly said: "Let go."

Luo Qingwu opened her lips slightly, just as she was about to say something, her palm felt a tingling pain and had to let go With a hand, Mo Jiu retracted his arm and left the room.

Luo Qingwu was still staring at the door.

"What do you care about that monster?" Qu Xiaoxiao complained a little, then softened her tone again, "Let's see if we can wake up Muxian."

Only then did Luo Qingwu regain her senses, she slowly retracted her hand, and there was still a faint pain in her palm.

She just felt that Mo Jiu was in a wrong state. If possible, he should want to stay by Li Muxian's side all the time, why would he suddenly return to the room? But her concern was met with such a response.

Even if she had a good impression of Mo Jiu, it was worn down a lot at this moment, Luo Qingwu's eyes finally turned cold as she looked at the door.

Qu Xiaoxiao, who had been quietly observing her, saw this, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That's it...

In the next room, as soon as Mo Jiu stepped into it and closed the door, a strong pale face suddenly appeared on his normal face, and his blush was gone. Lost, the color of weakness was written directly on his face.

Li Muxian's essence was not slow, and the essence he passed on to her was naturally his own. This process is destined to lose a lot of energy. If Li Muxian wants to return to the state of yesterday, he has to replenish more energy. One to two times, his energy has been lost by 20%.

This weakness is not exhaustion after a battle. Even after a Life and Death Battle, it is beneficial to recover slowly afterward, and then gain valuable experience in combat.

Passing one's own essence to Li Muxian consumes the source, which is impossible to restore, and must find a way to replenish the essence again.

And how to replenish the essence? Of course it's absorbed from someone else's body.

But Mo Jiu won't do it, it's not because he is kind-hearted, but he always feels that there is a hole in it, and someone is waiting for him to jump into it.

'You said, if I die like this, will Li Muxian regret it? 'Mo Jiu lay on the bed, muttering to himself.

The system thought for a while: 'Maybe it was extremely moved, burst into tears, and then after a while, with the memory of you, a lot of harems? '

Mo Jiu: '...'

Mo Jiu sat up suddenly: 'If you want to talk like this, you will kill the world! '

But he thought about it carefully and found that what the system said was indeed true. Even he himself felt that Li Muxian's feelings for him were still too shallow now, and more of it was to find the past. The memories of the years together are mostly cherished.

If he hadn't been suspicious, he wouldn't have asked the system such a question.

In this case, he must resolve this matter, otherwise, no matter who he and Li Muxian die, there will be no follow-up at all.

In this way, Mo Jiu everyday all will pass on the energy to Li Muxian, and then go back to his room to rest for a while, not wanting Luo Qingwu and the others to see their weakness.

If you want to get their sympathy, now is not the time, you need to brew for a few more days.

In this way, after five days, Li Muxian still did not wake up, but her physical condition was very healthy, and she never entered a dangerous level.

Mo Jiu parted Li Muxian's lips, got up slowly, and looked at Luo Qingwu: "You still haven't come up with a solution? In that case, find another Taoist priest."

"Okay." Luo Qingwu ugly complexion, so far, it can only be like this.

Mo Jiu nodded lightly, turned around and habitually went back to his room, but Luo Qingwu grabbed his wrist tightly, he frowned, and a strand of Monster Qi jumped out from his wrist and gave it to Luo Qing. Dance, but she doesn't let go.

"Let go!" Mo Jiu icily said, looking a little embarrassed.

Luo Qingwu looked at him, said solemnly: "The essence you passed on to Li Muxian is your own?"

Mo Jiu was stunned, she didn't expect that she would find out Then she restrained her embarrassed expression, calmly said: "yes and how?"

This attitude of not caring about herself really annoyed Luo Qingwu, she gritted her teeth and said, "You never thought of this Do, will you become weaker and weaker yourself?!"

"I thought about it."

Luo Qingwu started.

The corner of Mo Jiu's lips raised a faint smile, as long as he smiled, the feeling of bewitching all beings would arise spontaneously, and he said, "But apart from this, is there any other way? "

Luo Qingwu was silent for a while, purse one's lip, and whispered: "But you don't have to..."

"This is my choice, what will be the consequences?" , of course, it is my responsibility, and it has nothing to do with you." Mo Jiu's smile gradually brought a bit of real coldness, "Now... can you let me go?"

"We can think about it. Do something else..."

"Let go!" Mo Jiu struggled violently, but now he is too weak to break free for a while.

The good intentions were despised over and over again, Luo Qingwu couldn't help but bring a bit of real anger, relying solely on the strength of the fleshy body, she yanked it hard, Mo Jiu's footsteps were vain, an unsteady one, unexpectedly It fell down and fell into her arms!

This time, not only Luo Qingwu was stunned, but Mo Jiu was also stunned.

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at the scene in front of her, and the chill in her eyes suddenly rose.

(end of this chapter)

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