Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 183


Chapter 183 Heartbreak

Mo Jiu didn't mind Luo Qingwu's attitude at all, just gave Li Muxian's finger Let them see: "Does this count as an injury? Will it cause any irreparable damage?"

Luo Qingwu frowned, her eyes were thoughtful, and she understood what Mo Jiu was trying to convey. .

That is the thing of blood, which is different from organs or flesh and blood. If you only ask for this amount, it will not cause any harm to people.


Before she could speak, Qu Xiaoxiao said: "The simpler the way to obtain what you need, the more it means that the amount of this thing must be huge. If you only get the essence from blood, how long does it take you to absorb it to transform a person?"

The implication is that a little blood is really not important to a person, but Mo Jiu wants to transform a person. , The essence needed, that is, the blood is destined to be a lot. What if he absorbed all the blood of a person in order to speed up the transformation?

Small injuries can become irreparable fatal injuries.

Just like that swashbuckling Taoist priest, even the flesh and bone marrow were devoured cleanly, how could it be called harmless?

Qu Xiaoxiao decided that Mo Jiu was avoiding the important and taking it lightly, and he looked at Li Muxian, as if to see what her attitude was. And when he glanced at the hand she gave to Mo Jiu, a faint scarlet blood flashed in his pupils, which he secretly clenched the teeth and suppressed it.

Mo Jiu had a calm face and was about to answer Qu Xiaoxiao's question when he suddenly found Luo Qingwu and Li Muxian looking at him, he was surprised: "What kind of eyes do you guys have?"

"That's how you absorb other people's blood?" The two of them said in unison, and their focus was actually on such a strange place.

After speaking, the two looked at each other and found that each other's faces were not very good-looking.

Mo Jiu demonstrated with Li Muxian's finger like this. Could it be true when he was absorbing other people's energy before?

As long as Mo Jiu thinks of that picture, Mo Jiu bites someone's finger, sucks it hard in his mouth, and they feel a strong anxiety and annoyance for no reason. Anger, even a killing intent, begins to stir.

Even if he is still in the form of a fox, they are still unacceptable!

Especially Li Muxian also thought that Mo Jiu was planning to use Luo Qingwu's hand to demonstrate. He even seemed to have no sense of shame when she was here, so what would he be when she was not there? appearance?

Li Muxian's face sinks like water, as if covered with a cloud.

Mo Jiu's face was dazed and puzzled. Some of them didn't know what they meant. After a while, he realized that his face suddenly climbed to a blush at a speed visible to naked eyes. , embarrassed and said: "I haven't absorbed other people's blood like that. Is it disgusting? I just did this to demonstrate to you. Also, I was a fox at that time!"

Li Muxian's expression softened: "Really?"

"Hmmmm." Mo Jiu hurriedly nodded, "I did this because of your hand."

Li Muxian's expression completely returned to normal.

On the contrary, Luo Qingwu's expression became even more ugly, as if Mo Jiu treated her and Li Muxian completely separately. This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

She doesn't know where this feeling comes from, she obviously has nothing to do with Mo Jiu...

Thinking of this, Luo Qingwu was slightly stunned, and the words came to her lips Also swallowed.

She has nothing to do with Mo Jiu, how can she say this?

Qu Xiaoxiao's pupils trembled slightly. Do Li Muxian and Luo Qingwu care about Mo Jiu so much? Why?

He must reveal Mo Jiu's vicious and cruel true face!

Mo Jiu looked at Qu Xiaoxiao again, and finally said, "But have you ever thought about the blood that doesn't need me to take action, it will also spill in many places, and the blood will be all over it."


Qu Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly, what Mo Jiu said was indeed the truth. After he finished speaking, he naturally thought of where blood would flow into a river: battlefield, prison, bandit den... …

If Mo Jiu really went to the battlefield, it might even only take a few days for him to absorb enough energy to have the power to transform into a human being.

But Qu Xiaoxiao didn't believe it, not because Mo Jiu could go to the battlefield and come back intact. But I don't believe that as a monster, he has never killed a single person!

"Then you dare to swear that you haven't killed even a single person?" Qu Xiaoxiao said loudly.

Mo Jiu slowly shook the head under his gaze, before Qu Xiaoxiao could be happy, he heard him indifferently say: "Of course I have killed people, why can't I kill people? Don't you guys kill people? Have you ever been a demon?"

Li Muxian's eyes shrank, Mo Jiu's words turned people against demons almost instantly, and he seemed to be standing on their opposite sides.

Qu Xiaoxiao said angrily: "What we kill are all evil monsters, which are full of evil, that is to eliminate harm for the people!"

"Then what do you think I killed? Unarmed civilians?" Mo Jiu looked down at Qu Xiaoxiao coldly, "How do you think I got the blood to get my essence? I stayed on the side of a mountain road, where carriages would pass by from time to time, and at this time, from A lot of bandits will jump out of the grass and surround them. The women will all be killed on the spot, while the men will be brought back to humiliate and play with them. There is no exception. Shouldn’t the robbers who burn, kill and loot be killed? ?"

Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, she was speechless.

It turns out that Mo Jiu is not arguing about people and demons, but about good and evil.

"Then how can you guarantee..." Qu Xiaoxiao wanted to say more, but was stopped by Luo Qingwu, she could see that he had nothing to say, and what he said could only be rhetorical.

When Mo Jiu said those words, the anger in his tone was not hypocritical, it was all true, and there was a high probability that what he said was the truth.

And what if it's fake? Without evidence, you can't kill Mo Jiu, she... Li Muxian is impossible to watch.

Li Muxian looked at Qu Xiaoxiao, who was clenching her silver teeth, and said seriously: "Xiaoxiao, I believe in Xiaobai, he was raised by me, and he won't do harm to the world like other monsters. I don't expect you to trust him now, but at least please trust me, okay?"

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Li Muxian blankly, as if returning to the two of them not long ago When he was alone...

He seemed to have suddenly thought of something, was stimulated, and pushed Luo Qingwu away: "Get out of the way!" Then he rushed out.

Luo Qingwu was worried that he would run to a dangerous place again, and was about to chase after him when she found that he had returned to the house where she lived, so she sighed in relief.

When Qu Xiaoxiao returned to the house, she lay directly on the bed. The bed was extremely hard and uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth, his slightly red eyes turned red again, and tears almost couldn't stop flowing.

Why...why does Li Muxian like Mo Jiu...

He cares about Mo Jiu's identity as a monster, whether he really hates the monster, or is he jealous that Mo Jiu got it Li Muxian's feelings, even he himself does not know.

It's just that when he was so excited, the pupils in his eyes seemed to have turned into a pair of vertical pupils. , is chilling.

(end of this chapter)

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