Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 181


Chapter 181 The fox's tail can't be touched

"Curiosity, I'm just curious..." Li Muxian whispered, this When he spoke of which he felt guilty, the word 'rogue' was almost written on his face.

She thought Mo Jiu would not agree, but he stared at her deeply for a while, and suddenly showed a helpless smile, it seemed that there was still a kind of emotion in it, it seemed like... doting?

"Since you want to see it, can I still not show it to you?" Mo Jiu rolled her eyes at Li Muxian, she almost did not restrain her instinctive impulse and wanted to hold him tightly in her arms .

The next moment, Li Muxian watched Mo Jiu have two pointed fox ears on his head. In her memory, his ears were exactly similar to when he was a fox, only slightly bigger. Some.

She was about to extend the hand when she heard a '呲la' sound, she hurriedly heard the sound and looked around, and saw a clump of furry emerge from Mo Jiu's caudal vertebrae. , and then gradually expanded into a huge, fluffy snow-white fox tail.

Li Muxian was stunned, and her eyes were a little dazed.

Mo Jiu's current appearance can be called a fox demon, half-human and half-monster, pure and charming, and the whole person reveals an indescribable temptation.

Li Muxian subconsciously reached out and wanted to grab Mo Jiu's tail, but the fox's tail deftly swayed and escaped the grab.

Mo Jiu looked at her with a smile: "You can't touch the fox's tail, especially when the fox is still a virgin, Little Sister."

If you say The cry of 'elder sister' made Li Muxian's body soften, so this 'Little Sister' undoubtedly aroused her competitive spirit instantly, raised her hand and moved towards Mo Jiu's tail and grabbed it.

The fox tail looked huge and fluffy, and could be grasped at will, but it was so flexible that Li Muxian used both hands, and couldn't even touch a single hair.

'pu... 'In Mo Jiu's mind, the system couldn't stop laughing. Of course, it knew that the host was flirting with Li Muxian. This was also a way to enhance feelings, but in its eyes , the host is clearly teasing the dog.

Li Muxian tried for a long time without success. She glanced up and saw the smile in Mo Jiu's eyes, as if mocking. The dignity of a woman was immediately provoked.

Li Muxian got angry, and... hugged Mo Jiu's waist with one hand, and finally grasped his fox demon in his hand.

"You are shameless, you shameless!" Mo Jiu blushed and struggled continuously.

And she stopped moving at this moment, not daring to move, time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Mo Jiu's voice was so loud...Li Muxian only thought that the whole village might wake up in the next moment.

"Don't yell so loudly!" Li Muxian said anxiously, but looked down and was dumbfounded again. I saw Mo Jiu's face was blushing, his eyes were like water, his expression was blurred, and he looked like he was intoxicated with lust, poison, and fire.

This... how about this?

Li Muxian regretted her actions for a while, and made Mo Jiu like this. She couldn't do it without dealing with it.

But she has no experience whatsoever!

Li Muxian's face also gradually turned red, stained with a blush, which perfectly exposed the fact that she was just an innocent girl.

Just when she was not knowing what to do, Mo Jiu who was in her arms suddenly stood up with a playful smile in her eyes: "Look at how anxious you are."

Li Muxian stared at him blankly, and took a long time to react: "You just pretended?"

"Yeah." Mo Jiu admitted frankly, said with a smile, "You really think a fox The tail is the weak point. It will be soft when touched, and it will collapse when you pinch it? Then we foxes don't have to live. Every one has to be caught and thrown into the auction to be auctioned off and become someone else's slave. In fact, this tail is The most powerful part of my body, even a steel essence iron knife can't stop me from poking my tail lightly, how could it be so fragile?"

After he finished speaking, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. He got up, stretched out a finger to lift Li Muxian's chin, said with a sneer: "Tell me, from which words did you know these messy things, you are very skilled when you stroke my tail, is it something else? Did the fox demon do such a thing?"

Li Muxian: "..."

Now she finally understands Mo Jiu's true character, what kind of innocence and innocence are all fake !

The two of them made trouble for a while, and finally returned to the original topic. Li Muxian told her story, Mo Jiu listened quietly, listening to the dangers she went through, the crises she encountered, There was no change in his expression, but his eyes seemed to turn a little red.

After finishing speaking, Mo Jiu's eyes were completely red, and Li Muxian didn't care much, comforting him gently: "It's all right, it's over."

"I don't know. Mo Jiu's voice choked, "I didn't know that you encountered this after I left, even your Master..."

Li Muxian shook the head and said softly, "It's not your fault. "

Under her constant comfort, Mo Jiu calmed down and said in a low voice, "I once went back, but when I went back, I only saw a ruined and abandoned Taoist temple. I know you may have encountered something, but I thought you and your Master were fine."

Li Muxian was stunned, so Mo Jiu went back to find her?

She thought he had broken his promise, but he always remembered it, but she broke his promise.

Li Muxian's heart suddenly rose and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you went back. At that time, in order to avoid that monster's pursuit, I had to leave there."

"This is also It's not your fault." Mo Jiu rejected her apology, then said nothing, just turned around, approached slowly, wrapped his arms around her neck, and rested his head on her shoulders.

Li Muxian also hugged his waist, the two hugged each other, leaned on each other, and could even clearly feel each other's heartbeat.

There was silence for a while, and after a long time, the two separated, and then looking at each other's eyes, it was obvious that the emotions in their eyes were much more natural and profound.

The two suddenly looked at each other and smiled again. The estrangement and strangeness brought about by their separation for more than ten years seemed to melt away cleanly at this moment.

Suddenly, Mo Jiu keenly caught the footsteps of the two, and his heart trembled: "Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao are here."

He looked at Li Muxian, his eyes widened. With the meaning of inquiry, she was asking what she should do.

The feeling of being entrusted and depended on is really good, Li Muxian couldn't help showing a smile, thought for a while, and said, "Take your tail and ears back, and you don't have to change your hair."

"Aren't you worried that they will find out I'm a monster?" Mo Jiu said in shock.

"I know." Li Muxian nodded, and looked at the head: "But, you are different."

(end of this chapter)

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