Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 177


Chapter 177 Probing

Li Muxian almost subconsciously stepped forward and planned to catch up.

The night was dark and windy, and it was too dangerous for Qu Xiaoxiao to go out of the village alone.

But she took a few steps and stopped quickly, knowing that Qu Xiaoxiao was using this method to calm her emotions. The last person he doesn't want to see now should be himself, she will only have the opposite effect from the past.

And Qu Xiaoxiao should also protect herself and not let herself fall into a dangerous situation easily.

be that as it may, Li Muxian still went to Luo Qingwu and asked her to catch up with Qu Xiaoxiao to protect him and prevent him from having an accident.

After doing all this, Li Muxian planned to go back to his room, but when he walked a dozen meters away from the house, he saw the silhouette leaning on the wooden door. Some faint moonlight can still show the beauty of that face vividly and thoroughly.

"What did you say?" Mo Jiu leaned against the door and asked casually.

Li Muxian looked at him and approached slowly, her heart skipping a beat at a certain moment.

Only then did she realize that when the silvery rays of light shone on Mo Jiu, his black hair seemed to have turned white.

Li Muxian started backing up inexplicably, Mo Jiu looked at her and was stunned: "What are you doing?"

Li Muxian ignored him and kept going back many steps until Mo Jiu Her face became blurred in her eyes, and there was only a rough outline before she realized how similar Mo Jiu was to the Xiaobai she could barely see that night...

Hu Jiu is Xiaobai?

This idea was born in her mind, but Li Muxian was not shocked or disbelieving, as if it should be so.

The sudden appearance of Hu Jiu, why did he save him from the unfathomable mystery? Why did he follow them? Obviously there is no cultivation base, why can you cast such a powerful seduction technique? In the past, she encountered so many more terrifying dangers than that night, why did Xiaobai not appear, but he rescued her that night...

Everything seems to have spread out long ago It was in front of her eyes, but she never thought about it, and she never thought about it.

Li Muxian carefully digested this information, and for some unknown reason, a surprised smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she laughed silently, her shoulders twitched, her face filled with expression With intense joy.

Li Muxian thought that she would have hatred for Mo Jiu, but in the face of the fact, there was no hatred at all, not even a trace of resentment, only joy and happiness filled her heart.

It is not only a reunion of the old man, but also a lost and found, but also after a thousand sails, he finally returns and fulfills his promise.

Li Muxian's eyes were suddenly a little sour, she took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed it, the expression on her face became calm, and she moved towards Mo Jiu and walked over again.

She didn't know the reason why Mo Jiu kept it from her, but since that was the case, she also kept it from him, so that he didn't know that he had discovered his identity for the time being.

Although the above are all speculations, Li Muxian felt that there was no need for verification. She had a hunch that Hu Jiu was Xiaobai.

Just as she instinctively rushed to protect him when she saw that he was almost hurt, it was the Sixth Sense who was guiding her.

Mo Jiu looked at Li Muxian with a puzzled face, but there was peace in his pupils: 'She should have discovered my identity. '

'Aiya, what to do then! 'The system was a little flustered, and it was found that it was not in the host's plan, right?

Mo Jiu was not at all confused, lightly said with a smile: 'Let's see how she treats me. This is my plan, otherwise why do you think I left so many flawed weak spots? I want to see if her hatred of youkai will spread to me or not. '

But what he didn't say was that his heart was particularly uneasy recently, and he always felt that something would happen to showdown with Li Muxian so early. According to the normal plan, it would take at least a few more months for Li Muxian to discover his identity.

Is it the Sixth Sense that two fortunes gave him? This seems to be one of the functions of luck. The daughter of luck and Child of Destiny can turn peril into safety many times, which is the guidance of hunch.

This thing sounds mysterious, but it does exist, and he is gradually realizing this magic effect now.

As soon as Li Muxian came over, Mo Jiu directly opened the mouth and said: "Why did you suddenly step back when you were halfway through?"

Li Muxian gave him a deep look and found that 'Fox' After the idea of "Jiu is Xiaobai" was firm, she discovered many details that she hadn't noticed before.

Mo Jiu's eyes are long and narrow, and when he is not smiling, he is a little narrow, with a bit of cunning.

Isn't this kind of eyes a fox?

I'm afraid, his current appearance is just a disguise, what kind of appearance is mature, and the heart is pure and clear. The appearance should be the real face.

Li Muxian put a smile in her eyes, and quickly covered it up, lightly said with a smile: "I suspect that I have lost something, so I went back the same way to find it."

"Have you found it?" Mo Jiu looked suspicious, he could see clearly that she didn't drop anything at all, and she didn't look for anything.

"Nothing dropped, I feel wrong." Li Muxian dispelled Mo Jiu's doubts.

Mo Jiu glared at her immediately, her cheeks bulging slightly, as if she was angry that she was deliberately teasing him.

Looking at Mo Jiu's appearance, Li Muxian was in a trance for a while, and he couldn't tell whether he was true or false from inside and outside. Can he really pretend to be so cute?

Mo Jiu didn't know what Li Muxian was thinking, so he returned to the original question: "What did you tell Qu Xiaoxiao?"

It was a direct confession to test his attitude ? Or...

Li Muxian's eyes turned, and an unnatural flashed in her eyes, indifferently said: "Ask me about that white-haired man."

This remark As soon as it came out, Li Muxian noticed that Mo Jiu was stunned for a moment, then bit her lips lightly: "Really?"

There was a smile in Li Muxian's eyes, she had already detected Mo Jiu's identity.

She knew that if Mo Jiu was really a novice, then he must know that Qu Xiaoxiao asked him to go out to reveal his heart, and this rhetorical question meant that he did not believe his own words.

Of course, this is not enough to prove that he is Xiaobai. Another point is that she mentioned a white-haired man. Even if Mo Jiu was present at the time, he was not curious, even more how he' I don't know the existence of a man, why didn't he show any doubts about him?

"Really." Li Muxian confirmed.

As a result, she watched Mo Jiu's eyes flash with a hint of pain, and her brows furrowed slightly, as if she felt sad and sad because of her deceit and concealment.

For some reason, seeing Mo Jiu's expression, Li Muxian's heart throbbed suddenly, and she subconsciously didn't want to see the man in front of her showing a painful expression.

(end of this chapter)

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