Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 159


Chapter 159 Does it look like a fairy?

Li Muxian didn't know how many times she frowned. Just as she was about to say something, Luo Qingwu opened her lips and said, "How can you be sure that there will be vacancies in other restaurants?"

"Because here It is the best teahouse in Winterfell, and naturally has the most people. But the business of other teahouses will not be as hot as this one, and there will definitely be vacancies." Li Mu immortal dao.

Luo Qingwu asked: "The best? Why is it the best?"

"Because a lot of information can be found here, and it's the most real." Qu Xiaoxiao replied.

This is why this teahouse is the best teahouse in Winterfell. Even this teahouse can only be regarded as their sideline. Their most outstanding thing is their intelligence ability. The intelligence organization, inquired about all kinds of information for them, and then sold it through the restaurant.

It is more accurate to say that it is a tea house, but it is more accurate to say that it is an intelligence building.

Of course, the tea here is naturally the best in Winterfell. Drink a cup of tea, one day in hot summer and one warm day in cold winter.

"So, if you go somewhere else, can you find out what we want?" Luo Qingwu slightly bent her fingers and tapped the table, "Don't be so pretentious, Master Hu Jiu Young We have been invited to sit, what else is inappropriate?"

The logic of this remark is clear, Li Muxian did not find a point to refute, so she said 'excuse me' to Mo Jiu, and then sat down Beside Luo Qingwu.

"Thank you." Qu Xiaoxiao said softly and sat next to Mo Jiu.

The corners of Mo Jiu's mouth showed a slight smile, and the smile was just right. People: "Don't be so polite, this girl helps, I naturally want a small reward, Otherwise, wouldn't it be a thankless wretch?"

Qu Xiaoxiao stared wide-eyed immediately, Luo Qingwu was also stunned.

Immediately, she bumped Li Muxian with her shoulder and said with a smile: "No wonder Master Hu Jiu Young invited us, it turned out that you helped him, why didn't I see you willing to help others before? "

Li Muxian was silent, she had nothing to say, who made her brain twitch for a while and suddenly helped Mo Jiu?

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly: "You are talking nonsense, why isn't Muxian willing to help others? She often draws a knife to help her, but you didn't know us at that time."

Luo Qingwu raised her brows slightly, why did the unfathomable mystery mention this.

Also, what's with this weird atmosphere?

"It turns out that the girl's name is Muxian." Mo Jiu smiled, as if looking at Li Muxian at will, but it seemed as if his eyes had been on her face and never left, "many thanks, Mu fairy. Help."

Hearing her name from Mo Jiu's mouth, Li Muxian felt a little itchy in her ears, and said casually, "It's nothing."

"Since it's like Xiaoxiao's younger brother said. Said, Fairy Mu has helped a lot of people, so it shouldn't be too strange for me to be helped by others, right? It means that there are still more good people in the world." Mo Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, smiling like a cunning Small Fox, "Then why did Mu Fairy ask me if I have been helped by other people?"

As soon as these words came out, Qu Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly, and she immediately raised her eyes looking towards Li Muxian, and found that her face was calm : "I'm just curious, fox... Young Master looks like this, he's alone, won't he be in danger?"

Qu Xiaoxiao secretly relieved in her heart, she was just curious about this.

He turned his head to look at Mo Jiu, and was struck by the beauty at close range, it was really beautiful... He also became curious.

Mo Jiu stretched out a white finger to the bright red lips, lightly said with a smile: "This is... a secret."

This is a simple act. Playful, with his charming temperament, he was so charming that it was indescribable, making Li Muxian's breathing a little short, and he almost failed to keep calm.

Yes, how can there be no means of self-protection when others are alone? It's just that this is someone else's privacy, and it's normal for him not to tell them.

"It was me who was abrupt." Li Muxian said indifferently.

However, Li Muxian managed to keep his indifference all the time, and completely broke down in the next moment.

" doesn't matter if you tell Mu fairy." Mo Jiu restrained all his charming and seductive temperament and became incomparably pure, like a white lotus blooming, and his face Two thin blushes flew out, seeming a little shy, and said softly, "I have never been helped by anyone other than Fairy Mu, only Mu Fairy..."

Li Muxian heartbeat instantly Like a drum, Mo Jiu is only answering her questions, but it seems that he is pouring out his love and affectionate confession to her.!

The next moment, Li Muxian felt that his state was very wrong. As soon as he thought of this, a heat flow immediately appeared in his chest, which quickly spread throughout his body. As a result, the feeling of heartbeat speeding up did not weaken at all.

Not seduction?

Li Muxian was shocked. If it wasn't for seduction, wouldn't it mean that he was really tempted by the man in front of him?

No, it's just a momentary fascination.

She would rather think that she is lustful than admit that she is attracted to Mo Jiu.

Fortunately, with this idea, Li Muxian's heartbeat gradually stabilized.

"Young Master is joking. So, even if I don't help, Young Master should be able to solve the trouble by himself?" Li Mu immortal dao.

"en. ” Mo Jiu slightly nodded, "But it is indeed the first time for me to meet someone like Mu Fairy who helps me."

> There are clearly four people here. Personally, but it happened to be a conversation between Mo Jiu and Li Muxian, two people who had just met. Luo Qingwu and Qu Xiaoxiao had a hard time interrupting.

At a certain moment, Qu Xiaoxiao found the right time and planned to change the topic, Mo Jiu opened the mouth and said: "You guys came to the 'Tianji Tea House' to inquire about the news, right? I happen to be Lindong. People from the city, I guess I know a little bit about what you want to inquire about."

"Master Hu Jiu Young has been living in Winterfell?" Luo Qingwu was finally able to answer and asked.

"en. ”

As soon as these words came out, the three of Li Muxian understood instantly. It's a local, maybe it's the Young Master of which company. This is sneaking out to play.

Qu Xiaoxiao said: "The information we want to inquire about, I'm afraid Master Hu Jiu Young doesn't know."

"Xiaoxiao younger brother tell me, in case big brother Know?" Mo Jiu said with a smile.

Qu Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip, who is your younger brother!

'Hahaha! 'The system is too happy, a trifling teenager, who dares to play tricks in front of the host without looking at his rank.

Qu Xiaoxiao also got angry, lifts the head, revealing a snow-white neck: "We want to inquire about goblins, do you know what goblins are?"

"Goblins? "Mo Jiu raised his brows slightly, raised his hand, and once again assumed the posture of leaning against the window before, lazy and seductive, with a charming voice, said with a smile, "Do you think big brother...doesn't he look like a fairy?" ”

(end of this chapter)

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