Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 153


Chapter 153 Humans!

The road was muddy, bumpy, and full of gravel, and Mo Jiu hid on the branches of the big tree beside this path.

The hair on his body is no longer white, but full of stains, dyed into yellow and black by the muddy water, like a pool of dirty deep water, very ugly, and exudes a strange odor.

This appearance really made Mo Jiu uncomfortable, and it also affected his state of action, but he had to do it, because his snow-white hair was too conspicuous, even if he was hiding in the grass. It is easy to find inside and on tree trunks.

There is no way, this is all for the purpose of transforming people. If you are uncomfortable, you will be uncomfortable. When the time comes, you will be able to feel comfortable.

Mo Jiu was lying there, motionless, looking into the distance, keeping this posture for a full hour.

Finally, someone's silhouette appeared in his sight, and he slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a somewhat cunning smile.

This is the last batch of people. He absorbs this essence and should be able to condense into a monster core, which can transform people.

It has been a full year and a half since he left Li Muxian, and another Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter has passed, and now is the hot summer.

Thanks to his cultivation base, otherwise the sweat glands on his body will be blocked. In such a hot weather, he may really pass out of heat.

Mo Jiu just glanced at the number of people and horses in this group, and knew that they would all be buried here, and the beautiful men might also be left with their lives as *** Things, the woman will definitely be separated and blood splattered here.

The people and the carriage passed somewhere, and a boulder that seemed to fuse with the mountain rolled down directly. Instead of moving towards the group of people, they blocked their way back.

Immediately, a large group of angry women jumped out from nowhere, and the leader said with a big smile: "hahahaha, sisters, women are killed, men take away!"

"You dare! Do you know who we are? We are..."

Before he finished speaking, a head rolled 'gurulu' on the ground several times, holding a machete The person in the gang smiled slyly: "I don't care who you are, even if you are from the yamen, you can't help us here!"

Mo Jiu slowly retracted his gaze, closed his eyes for a short time without sleep, Let the woman's screams, begging for mercy, and the man's screams ring in his ears...

His heart didn't fluctuate at all, because he had seen the same scene too many times. And even more bloody and cruel scenes than this, it is not that he has not seen them, and some of them are even caused by him.

He is already guilty of sin, how can he be shaken by this picture?

After a long time, until there was no sound in his ears and he completely calmed down, Mo Jiu opened his eyes and found that there was only blood on the ground and no corpses below.

It was this group of bandits who handled the corpse, and they were still waiting for the next group to come over. Naturally, the corpse couldn't be allowed to rot naturally here.

Mo Jiu did not leave immediately, but waited silently. The shining sun above his head turned into a silver moon, and the crescent moon turned into a fierce sun again. The whole day passed, and the blood on the ground dried up. Well, he still didn't move.

At this time, two figures stood up from the grass not far away, looking tired and irritable: "Where is the bloodthirsty fox? Let us stay here for a day for nothing, and even celebrate the merits. I didn't attend the banquet either."

"Shh, this is what the second sister ordered, just complain a few words here, don't say such things in front of the second sister." Another person reminded.

"Of course I know." The woman looked impatient, "Let's go, I'm going back to sleep."

The two left here.

Mo Jiu's fox eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the backs of them gradually leaving.

He's been here for so long, so no matter how cautiously, someone will definitely notice his existence, and they will send someone to look for him and try to catch him.

Mo Jiu lightly fell from the tree trunk to the ground and slowly walked to the dried blood. There is still a little essence left in it, but it is obviously much worse than the blood that just came out.

But he is only short of so much energy that he can transform people.

Mo Jiu opened his mouth and took a breath, and he absorbed an essence from the blood that only he could see.

For a long time, he closed his mouth and absorbed the essence. Those long and narrow fox eyes have gradually become full of charming and charming at this moment, exuding a faintly discernable hook.

The monster core has been completed, he is now considered a fox spirit, and his body will exude charm at any time, which is an instinct.

Mo Jiu looked at the direction where the two left, with a sharp cold glow in his eyes.

He left here, went to a cave that had become his stronghold, coiled up there, and slowly closed his eyes.

It should take some time to transform a person, and after transforming a person, he still has an opportunity to test his own strength and increasing cultivation base...


Mo Jiu looked at the dead body lying at his feet, kicked it at will, kicked it aside, then looked down at his smooth and tender white hands, and slowly clenched his fists.

He finally has a strong power.

Immediately, he walked to the door of a room, where a man was crying, and suddenly a crisp slap sounded, and everything came to an abrupt end.

Mo Jiu pushed the door and walked in. A woman with a gloomy face suddenly looked over with shock in her eyes. The kinky laugh and shouted: "Who found the man? Really Top Grade, reward!"

She thought Mo Jiu was a gift that her subordinates brought to her.

The woman immediately ignored the man under her, got up from him, moved towards Mo Jiu and walked over.

She is not a person who is in a hurry, but in front of this man at this moment, she can't restrain her desire at all, just seeing that stunning face in her eyes. even more how this man's arms and legs are all naked. His white skin and skin are just dazzling. If she can hold it any longer, she will not be a woman!

"Beauty!" The woman rushed over, but a 'puci' sounded, she fell down without touching Mo Jiu at all.

A fluffy tail swayed slightly, looking extremely soft, but it was this thing that pierced the woman's chest directly, and it was not stained with any blood, and the hair was white, like First in the early winter. Stage Snow.

The man on the bed was stunned, not even screaming.

Mo Jiu glanced at him lightly, looked away immediately, then walked to a cabinet, opened it, and as expected, there were many luxurious brocade clothes.

Finally, I don't have to wear leaves like a savage...

Mo Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, took out a piece of clothes and pants, and moved towards the door.

"You...are you a demon?" the man on the bed asked tremblingly.

Mo Jiu didn't look back: "No, I'm human." He stepped out of the room.

The man stared blankly at the snow-white foxtail behind him, lying...

Fox ears, foxtail little Mo Jiu, I'm so excited to write Ahhh!

(end of this chapter)

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