Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 150


Chapter 150 Reasons for leaving

Li Muxian stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and seemed to return to the burning blood and fire in a trance At night, an indescribable throbbing permeated from the heart and spread throughout the body.

“gu gu.”

It wasn’t until Mo Jiu’s panicked cry sounded that Li Muxian came back to his senses from a somewhat stiff state, hurried over, and took Mo. Jiu was in his arms, his head buried in his fluffy snow-white hair, and he didn't say a word, but his body trembled slightly.

Until a certain moment, Mo Jiu felt a few drops of wet liquid fall on his back, and his body suddenly stiffened.

She cried.

If it was just a little bit flustered, then Mo Jiu was really flustered at this moment. He didn't know what to do for a while, so he had to stick out his tongue and lick Li Muxian's tender little hand, still in his mouth.

gu gu ' cried, constantly comforting her.

Mo Jiu is inexplicably ashamed. This behavior is an animal's instinct and there is nothing wrong, but he is a human, so naturally he can't do this action. He hasn't licked Li Muxian even once a year later.

This has nothing to do with the original owner's character, just like people have to breathe, licking is also an instinct of animals, and it doesn't matter if you don't show it, it's not against the human design.

But at this moment, Mo Jiu used it to coax Li Muxian.

This is the first time he feels so guilty. In the past, he tried his best to make others owe him and feel remorse, but he didn't expect it to be reversed today.

This is the purpose of the Lord God?

Li Muxian buried her head and cried silently for a while, before she lifted the head under Mo Jiu's lick. Her big eyes were moist and watery, and her eyes were flushed, but she stopped her tears temporarily, and she was about to cry. It looks even more pitiful.

"Xiao Bai..." Li Muxian let out a low cry, her voice contained a faint weeping sound.

"wu~" Mo Jiu hurriedly responded, turning his head to look at her, his eyes full of urgency, and a bit of apology, as if feeling guilty for her crying.

Li Muxian was slightly startled, why did Xiaobai react like this, didn't he think about leaving her because he was tired of her?

Is there something else hidden?

Thinking of this, Li Muxian's eyes lit up with hope and asked, "Xiaobai, why did you leave me, do you hate me?"

Mo Jiu His little head shook like a rattle.

He raised her as a daughter, how could he be bored with her?

hearing this, Li Muxian burst into laughter, her eyes curled: "I knew it."

But she was only happy for a while, and her smile disappeared, thinking that Mo Jiu didn't hate it She even loves her dearly, but she wants to leave so stubbornly, how can she stop this?

Xiaobai will leave eventually...

Li Muxian's little face was filled with a naked eye, and she whispered: "Then can you tell me why you Do you want to leave me? Is there something I have to leave?"

Mo Jiu immediately twisted his body slightly, wanting to get out of Li Muxian's arms, she let go of him knowingly, and watched him stretch out He stretched out two small claws, constantly gesturing something towards himself.

"Pu 呲!"

After watching for a while, Li Muxian laughed again, Mo Jiu looked at her resentfully, and she quickly waved her hand: "I didn't mean to laugh at you, It's Xiaobai who is really cute."

She could see that he was making gestures very seriously, and the scene where the Small Fox stood up and gestured with its two paws, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed Jiaohan.

Mo Jiu slumped on the bed immediately. He was gesticulating for a long time, and he was exhausted to death. Li Muxian couldn't understand it or not, and even gave a lovely comment.

It's broken, he's a stupid little system.

Li Muxian laughed for a while, suddenly thought of something, and clapped her little hands: "Wait, I have a solution!"

The voice fell, she rolled over and got out of bed and quickly left here , 5 minutes of effort, and came back quickly, holding a piece of hemp paper and a small box in his hand.

"Wait a second, apply the medicine first." Li Muxian opened the small box, and there was a piece of yellow white ointment inside, which was slightly sunken into a thin layer, or it had only been used occasionally. Or it has been used many times, but only a little is applied each time, and I use it very cherishly.

But judging from how much Li Muxian cherishes Mo Jiu, the value of this ointment is obviously the latter.

She put Mo Jiu on her leg, untied the chain, then dug out a large piece of ointment without the slightest distress, and smeared lightly on Mo Jiu's bald hind leg.

While smearing, Li Muxian was also distressed, her thin eyebrows were tightly knit together, and the hand that applied the ointment seemed to be trembling slightly.


Suddenly, Mo Jiu received a mild slap on the head from Li Muxian, who reprimanded: "Why don't you cherish your body so much? If I didn't find out, would it be true? Are you going to bite off your own leg?!"

Mo Jiu was beaten a little stunned, but he knew that he was doing something wrong, so he had no reason to refute, and had no conditions to refute, so he could only whimper lowly, indicating I was wrong, and I will never do it again.

'pu chi. '

Hearing the laughter in his head, Mo Jiu's face seemed to be a little hot, and he said angrily: 'What are you laughing at? '

'I played the game and cleared the game. ' The system blinked with wide eyes and an innocent look on his face.

Mo Jiu stopped straight and didn't make a sound.

The system laughed secretly, and the round body was shaking. When has it seen the host's sullen appearance? so fun.

Mo Jiu accepted the mistake, and Li Muxian's imposing manner suddenly weakened, his eyes were red: "I also did something wrong, I shouldn't have chained you. You were born free, but I restrained you because of selfishness, and I was afraid that you would leave me... I'm sorry." By the end of the sentence, Li Muxian's voice was a little choked up.

Mo Jiu could only lick the back of her hand, comforting her in this way.

Then he turned his head, his eyes filled with worry, he looked towards the window through the window lattice.

The day is coming to an end.

And Li Muxian noticed his action and felt even more sad, forcibly stopped the urge to cry, and put the hemp paper in front of Mo Jiu: "Write on the paper the reason for your leaving. ."

She thought Mo Jiu had something to hide and had to leave her.

If this is the case, she can ask the Master to help Xiaobai later.

Li Muxian also brought over the bowl with water on the head of the bed.

Mo Jiu looked at the water and the paper, and hesitantly stretched out his paws, soaked in water.

If you can write, it shouldn't be against the character, right?

He wrote the first word on the paper with his water-soaked paw, and found that the expected pain did not appear, so he continued to write the second word in surprise.

Li Muxian watched intently and carefully, and said silently: "I want..."

At this moment, Mo Jiu's body froze suddenly, and his movements stopped immediately. down.

(end of this chapter)

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