Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 139


Chapter 139 ended

After Mo Jiu was buried, Luo Qingxuan, Luo Qingwan, and Long E each Go back to your Cave Mansion for a long retreat.

It is said to be a retreat, but it is actually digesting the pain after Mo Jiu's death. It is a pain that penetrates deep into the bone marrow. It takes time to heal, and only time can heal.

While Luo Qingxuan and Long E were both in retreat, in the town of beyond a thousand li, a silhouette dressed in a snow-white dress slowly walked on the street with only a few people. .

The sky was raining with thin strands of rain, which wet the ground. Luo Qingwan was not holding an umbrella in her hand, but the strands of rain could not fall on her at all, as if they were separated by something invisible and slipped out. A graceful arc, dripping to the ground and splashing at the feet.

She took a step and kept walking until she came to a stop before a towering ancient tree.

She looked down at the roots of the ancient tree, as if through the thick tree, she could see a coffin tomb and a wooden coffin underneath, with a white robe silhouette lying inside.

"Master..." Luo Qingwan called softly, glanced at her Taoist skirt, and tugged at the hem of the skirt with both hands, "Is it suitable for me to be like this?"

No one would respond to her at all, she still said each minding their own business: "The daoist robes are all white, so they should be appropriate."

After saying this, Luo Qingwan stretched out a hand towards the ancient tree, "Also, look, this is your ring."

On the ring finger of her right hand, she wears a dark ring, which doesn't seem to be There was a trace of beauty, but she was not satisfied. She looked left and right, and suddenly laughed softly: "This is also very suitable."

A passerby passed behind Luo Qingwan and heard her sudden smile. He was so frightened that he hurriedly glanced at her, then moved away from her, accelerated and left here in a hurry.

Ignoring the strange gazes of the pedestrians, she still smiled, laughed for a while, and said, "Master, thank you for not forgiving me."

Luo Qingwan's ear rang Mo again. Jiu's words: 'Luo Qingwan, I will never forgive you...' Forgive you.

Neither Long E nor Luo Qingxuan understood what the Master meant, only she understood.

Master...still loves her.

Only when you stop loving, can you stop hating, stop being persistent, and forgive.

Master refuses to forgive her, isn't that the expression of still loving her?

In the last period of time, he would ask Luo Qingxuan to accompany him, not only because Luo Qingxuan never hurt him from beginning to end, but to punish her.

This time, it's no longer her self-deception.

His eyes, his words and deeds had long revealed his true thoughts and told her the answer.

"Master is still not good at lying." Luo Qingwan said softly, "The only thing that Master didn't lie is that Master is really afraid of loneliness. When he was a child, and now, he will let elder sister accompany him. By your side."

"So, before the Master passed away, the elder sister was always with you. After the death, why should it be my turn?" Luo Qingwan tilted her head slightly and smiled sweetly.

The next moment, she appeared in the coffin tomb, gently moved towards the coffin and lay down, gently stroking the lid of the coffin with her right hand, as if she could touch the man inside through the coffin. face.

The snow-white dress was suddenly dyed with a thick layer of blood, like a blooming manjusha, exuding the charm of death.

The dress is getting redder and redder, Luo Qingwan's voice is getting weaker and weaker, but she smiles: "Master, don't be afraid, I'll come to accompany you."

" You won't be alone anymore..."


At the same time, Luo Qingxuan suddenly opened her eyes and felt a strong heart palpitation.

She disappeared in her own Cave Mansion in an instant and appeared in Luo Qingwan's Cave Mansion, but there was no silhouette she wanted to see here.

She was about to push the strength of Heaven and Earth again, but she saw a ring on the table, she walked over to pick it up, and perceptively penetrated into it, there were many and complicated things inside, Luo Qingxuan The first thing I saw was a trapped soul bead, trapped by the soul of Hun Junya.

The trapped soul beads seem to have no restrictions, and Soul Junya is trying to escape from it. Luo Qingxuan's soul suddenly slammed into the past, and Hun Junya let out a shriek, and she became almost dying.

Stopping Hunjunya at will, Luo Qingxuan thought of something, left Cave Mansion, and moved towards the west like crazy.

After a long time, Luo Qingxuan finally came to the sky above the town.

She looked down at the century-old cypress tree, the throbbing in her heart became clearer and more intense, she quickly fell down, and just took a few steps, her footsteps stopped there.

There is no need to approach any more, her perception has already seen the scene in the coffin under the ancient tree.

A woman in a blood-colored Taoist dress was lying on the coffin lid, the ring on her right hand seemed to shimmer in the darkness, and there was a small satisfied smile on her face.

Luo Qingxuan stared blankly at this scene, the pupils in her eyes trembling uncontrollably.

Her expression suddenly calmed down: "Alright, your sins do need to be repaid with your life. You and the Master are together, and under Yellow Springs, you shouldn't be alone."

Luo Qingxuan turned and left here, her face expressionless.

When passing by a shop, the little boy inside saw Luo Qingxuan and asked, "elder sister, why are you crying?"

Luo Qingxuan raised her hand to subconsciously He wiped his face, stopped suddenly, looked up at the sky, and said indifferently: "It's raining heavily."

After speaking, he immediately took a step to leave, his footsteps were a little hurried.

The boy's immature face was full of doubts, and he tilted his head and said, "But the elder sister's clothes are not wet."


Years later, this world has experienced unprecedented turbulence, and in this environment, countless Heaven's Chosen have naturally emerged. In the end, the one who stood out and resisted the responsibility of saving the world was an indifferent and ruthless woman. Her cold blood was synonymous with her, and her fierce name was extremely loud even in the evil way.

Under her leadership and organization, the evil monarch who died ten thousand years ago but was resurrected in this world strangely, intending to sacrifice the entire world and become her cultivation base, seems so unable to withstand a single blow, and finally won a great victory, and the world is at peace.

Just when everyone thought that this woman was going to follow the general trend of the world and use this to break through the barrier and soar to the Immortal World, she retreated bravely and went into hiding directly.

Only her closest subordinates and friends know that she lives in a small town.

She doesn't want to be disturbed, but she's the fate of the entire world, the daughter of Heavenly Dao, and the town has prospered for hundreds of years, whether it was intentional or not. , it has become a 'Holy City' that brings together the world.

No matter how the city develops, an ancient cypress tree will always stand there. Everyone has a consensus not to hurt this ancient tree, but to worship and pray instead.

Not because of other things, but because of the remains of the Master who saved Sword Immortal, the female swordsman of the world, and...

under this ancient tree.



This world is over! I don't think it's abusive or not, it's up to you to judge. But this world does tell a complete story with a beginning and an end, and for me it is also a big breakthrough and progress.

The next chapter will write about what happened in Feng Jiuyou's world, and then the next one... The male protagonist is a fox demon who turns into a human in order to repay his gratitude!

I can't say whether this world is abusive or not.

(end of this chapter)

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