Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 137


Chapter 137 Only Days Left

Mo Jiu's cold voice fell, Luo Qingwan gritted her teeth and cried In the end, it burst out of his eyes, dripped across his pale cheeks, and cried silently.

The Master wants to die.

He has made up his mind, who can change his mind and who can stop him?

Forcing him to take medicine pills against his will would speed up his death.

They can only obey.

"Luo Qingwan." Mo Jiu suddenly called her, and then regardless of whether she responded or not, he continued, "You should hand over all the medicine pills you have recently refined to sect. Happy Sword Sect, treat me Not thin, I ask for anything, but I am withdrawn, not good at communicating with people, I have almost never left the sect, and I have never given any help or contribution. There are only a few medicine pills in return for Immortal Sect's kindness."

Luo Qingwan stared at him blankly. After listening to this remark, there was no trace of dissatisfaction or disobedience.

She didn't feel that she had worked so hard to pill concocting and finally had to hand it all over to the sect. Her Alchemy Technique, cultivation method, everything on her body and even her life are all given by the Master. As long as this is the Master's will, then she will do her best to complete it.

Luo Qingwan kowtowed deeply: "Disciple ... as ordered."

Mo Jiu glanced at Luo Qingwan, then moved his eyes to Long'e's face: "Long'e."

"I'm here." Long E said quickly.

"You and I have long since broken, but you still rescued me. I don't say thank you. What do you want, I can do my best to satisfy you." When Mo Jiu spoke to Long'e, his face His expression finally softened, but his tone was still flat, like the first white mist he exhaled outside Cave Mansion in the early morning, cold as frost.

"I..." Long E was at a loss for words, her voice was low, "I don't need your thanks, we are friends... It's right to save you."

"Okay, Then we are still friends." Mo Jiu nodded slightly.

Long E's face is bitter, how can she be considered a friend with such a tone and attitude?

But she can't ask for too much. Mo Jiu said this sentence, it is already a kind of forgiveness. If she is unsatisfied, I am afraid that Mo Jiu will not give her another look.

At least for now, she can stay with Mo Jiu, can't she?

As a friend...

It was finally Luo Qingxuan's turn, and she was already full of sadness, and there was a feeling in her heart that the Master's instructions and explanations seemed to be saying her last words .

"Qingxuan." Mo Jiu whispered, his tone no longer as cold as before, it became gentle like water, lingering in his heart, and all turned into tenderness.

Luo Qingxuan forced a smile: "Master, I'm here."

"Will you stay with me during this time?"

The smile on Luo Qingxuan's face seemed to be a little sincere, but her heart was still full of sadness and sadness, she whispered: "Okay."

hearing this, Mo Jiu laughed Squinting her eyes, Luo Qingxuan saw Mo Jiu of the child temperament again in a trance.

Mo Jiu smiled and asked, "Where is my Universe Ring?"

Luo Qingxuan was startled for a while, then looked down at Luo Qingwan.

The Master's Universe Ring is always with her.

Luo Qingwan lifts the head to come: "Does the Master want anything?"

Mo Jiu looked at her and said, "Give me the wooden box inside."

He seemed to understand something and had no plans to retrieve the ring.

Luo Qingwan took out the wooden box, but the ring was not revealed from beginning to end.

At Mo Jiu's suggestion, Luo Qingxuan stretched out his hand to take it, and he said softly, "Take out the Pill Recipe inside and destroy it. This wooden box is mixed with some Divine Parasol Tree and also It's of some value, so let's leave it to the sect."

Luo Qingxuan gave a 'um' and took it out, curiously unfolded the Pill Recipe, and then followed Luo Qingwan and Long E's eyes Light up at the same time.

"This is..." Luo Qingwan's pupils trembled.

Mo Jiu seemed to expect this kind of reaction from them, and said indifferently: "Don't try it, this Pill Recipe is fake, not a real immortality Dan, it only has the effect of prolonging life."


As he said, Mo Jiu's cold eyes looked towards Luo Qingwan, but he was also speaking to Luo Qingxuan: "When I accepted you as disciples, I did think about treating you as pill concocting. materials. But as I taught and cultivated you, and listened to your 'Master', the relationship between master and disciple deepened day by day, I dismissed this idea. Although I was cold and lonely, I was always alone. How can you be so ruthless with a discipline that has a crush on me?"

"I just want to ask, where did you know that I have this idea? I did have it before. , but in the end, they gradually dispelled in the relationship. Have you ever been mean and abusive to you? You acted as if this had really happened, and took revenge on me. If you hadn't checked my memory, let me also take revenge on me. After reading it again, I'm afraid I won't know where the motives of your actions are until I die."

Mo Jiu spoke out the dark thoughts without hesitation, with a calm and clear look, that It's what it used to be, and there's no lie in what he's saying now.

Luo Qingwan complexion pale, her lips trembling, her body trembling, she couldn't say a word, only tears kept streaming down her cheeks.

Mo Jiu withdrew his gaze, and he didn't plan to get an accurate answer from Luo Qingwan, it was not important anymore, he just wanted to ask it out, to fulfill a regret in his heart.

"It's ruined." Mo Jiu reminded, Luo Qingxuan returned to her senses, raised her two fingers in parallel, and a faint light emerged from her fingertips, like a sword intent. The Pill Recipe was smashed to shreds, flicked with a flick of the fingers, and the shards floated into the sky, just like silk rain.

"You guys go, I want to be alone with Qingxuan for a while." Mo Jiu said.

"Okay." Long E glanced at Luo Qingwan, she slowly stood up from the ground, then turned around and moved towards Cave Mansion and walked out of the cave. Wet marks were dripping from the ground one after another.

It was her tears.

Mo Jiu watched the two of them leave, and kept his eyes fixed on Luo Qingwan's back, until she disappeared completely, then he withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes, and leaned against Luo Qingxuan's arms: " I want to sleep for a while."

"Okay, I've been here all the time." Luo Qingxuan raised her hand and stroked Mo Jiu's silver hair, which was no longer as bright as before, his breathing gradually became steady, and then he was deep fell asleep.

Luo Qingxuan has always maintained this posture, and has not changed in the slightest from night to morning.

Until Luo Qingwan and Long E came again and saw this scene in Cave Mansion, it was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

They didn't say anything, not because they didn't want to disturb, but because they were speechless in pain.


A month can be long or short, the former is for mortals, the latter is for dao cultivators.

But Mo Jiu, as a mortal, feels that this month has passed too quickly.

Like the blink of an eye, once closed, once opened, time is like water, and it will never return.

Mo Jiu was held in his arms by Luo Qingxuan, looking at the sky, a faint smile suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I want to go back to my old village to see."

In the final stage, write slowly, there are only two chapters today, no need to wait, everyone, go to bed early, good night.

(end of this chapter)

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