Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 127


Chapter 127 Then let you take a good look!

On the surface, it seems like a triangular trend, but in fact Luo Qingxuan and Long E are together against Luo Qingwan, because she is standing at the exit of Secret Realm, it is impossible to bypass her and leave here. If you want to go out, you must first beat her.

But Luo Qingxuan didn't want to fight Luo Qingwan at all. It wasn't that she didn't dare, but it was her younger sister. It seemed that everything she did was not her original intention. possible.

Naturally, the word 'elder sister' exclaimed by Luo Qingwan gave Luo Qingxuan this illusion. In fact, she was just surprised that her elder sister came here with Long E.

Luo Qingwan glanced at Long E, then moved her gaze back to Mo Jiu again, seeing him being held in Luo Qingxuan's arms, there was no despair in her eyes, her expression was calm, and there was even a trace of it. Shame, like being held by one's own discipline, a little embarrassed.

Luo Qingwan seemed to be stimulated by Mo Jiu's eyes, and her face gradually showed a trace of grimness, and she said word by word: "Return the Master to me!"

Long E Holding the long sword, jade hand pointed forward, and was about to make a move, but was stopped by Luo Qingxuan: "Don't." She was just telling her with solemn eyes that she couldn't be soft-hearted at such a time.

Are you a younger sister or a master?

Of course Luo Qingxuan understood, but she still couldn't bear to do it, so she looked towards Luo Qingwan with complicated eyes, said solemnly: "What did you do to Qingwan?"

hearing this , Long'e's expression changed slightly. From this sentence, I thought of the possibility of Luo Qingwan's body possession. It seems that there are several points of authenticity. Otherwise, how could they do such a thing of deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors?

However, the corners of Luo Qingwan's lips evoked a cold arc, said with a sneer: "I am me."

"Impossible!" Luo Qingxuan loudly said, "My Younger sister, I know best, so I wouldn't do such a thing!"

Her tone was very determined, as if she trusted Luo Qingwan more than Luo Qingwan herself.

The expression on Luo Qingwan's face couldn't help but stagnate. She didn't expect that the elder sister still trusted her like that.

But what do they know?

They didn't know what the Master had done to her, so they couldn't empathize with her.

Luo Qingwan slowly exhales one breath saying, without explaining anything to Luo Qingxuan, coldly said: "Master, come back."

When the voice fell, Luo Qingxuan felt The person in her arms suddenly moved, struggling violently, trying to get out of her arms. Luo Qingxuan didn't dare to hug him too tightly, for fear of hurting him, the Master is just a mortal now. As a result, Mo Jiu stood on the ground and was about to move towards Luo Qingwan and walked over. Seeing this, Luo Qingxuan had to hug him again.

"What did you do to him?!" Long'e said surprised and angry.

She saw Mo Jiu's state at the moment, it was completely involuntarily, everything was controlled by Luo Qingwan, he had to do whatever she asked him to do.

Where is this person still? Clearly a living puppet!

Long E was in a hurry and shouted: "She is your Master!"

"Master?" "Do you know what he did to me? I didn't kill him directly, but I treated him as a Master!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Long'e's eyes, said solemnly: " What did he do to you?"

In the end, Luo Qingwan didn't answer her, but took advantage of the moment when she was confused and distracted, she came to Luo Qingxuan in an instant, and the five fingers of her left hand spread out as claws. , grabbed her face suddenly, right hand grabbed Mo Jiu.

Luo Qingxuan's cultivation base is so far from Luo Qingwan's that even Long'e can't react, so what can she do?

But she actually reacted. She turned her head to the side instinctively, trying to avoid the claw. At the same time, her punch contained red light, like a flame burning inside, facing Luo Qingwan's face. The chest hit.

But in this way, it was difficult for her to take care of Mo Jiu, plus he was struggling all the time, and was snatched by Luo Qingwan, and the whole person returned to her arms.

Immediately, Luo Qingwan and Luo Qingxuan pulled back at the same time and returned to the same place again.

"You..." Luo Qingxuan looked shocked and angry. Even though Luo Qingwan had snatched Mo Jiu away, she still couldn't have a killing intent for her, because she felt that she was just now. The claws of her don't have any formidable power, it's just simply intimidating her.

Luo Qingwan didn't want to hurt her?

Is Luo Qingwan's consciousness affecting the consciousness of the person who has body possession of her, or as she said, is this herself?

Long E came back to her senses at this moment, but it was too late to make a move, because Mo Jiu was in Luo Qingwan's arms, which was the biggest deterrent to them.

It was unexpected and still turned into the worst result, which is inseparable from Luo Qingxuan's indecisive. But Long E couldn't blame her. If it wasn't for Luo Qingxuan, she wouldn't be able to enter this Secret Realm, and Luo Qingwan was her younger sister anyway. If she could act decisively and ruthlessly, Long E would be suspicious. , Luo Qingwan will do these things, which has a lot to do with her teaching.

The three faced off again, but Mo Jiu was in another person's arms.

Long E stared deeply at Luo Qingwan: "You said just now, what did Brother Moxuan do to you?"

She caught a most crucial question, maybe It was also the breaking point, that was what Mo Jiu did to Luo Qingwan first, and then she did the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors.

Long E didn't believe that Mo Jiu would do anything to hurt Luo Qingwan. There might be a deep misunderstanding.

Luo Qingwan looked towards Long'e, her eyes had strong doubts and doubts. There seemed to be only two choices in front of her, either tell her what Mo Jiu did, or she thought she was lying, which is to shoot directly, irreconcilable.

Luo Qingwan turned her head and looked towards Luo Qingxuan, and found that her expression was similar to that of Long E, with strong suspicion in her eyes, and she didn't believe what Mo Jiu did to her.

This seems to have ignited the fuse in Luo Qingwan's heart, anger, anger, jealousy all burst out in her chest together, making her eyes full of blood, even the purple representing Monster Qi. Intentions were suppressed.

They just believe in Mo Jiu?

Yes, after all, even she believed him like that in the beginning, the Master was like a god in her heart, she would believe anything she said, and she would not hesitate to do anything.

But the result?

What awaits is a roaring fire that burns her to ashes, leaving no bones behind.

At this moment, Luo Qingwan seems to have returned to the moment when she was thrown into the pill furnace, her self-deceiving admiration for Mo Jiu was also disappeared, and only the emotion of being so violent that she wanted to destroy everything filled her whole heart!

"Hahahaha!" Luo Qingwan laughed wildly, looking close to madness, "Don't you want to know what he did to me? Then I'll let you take a look!"

Saying that, she fiercely grabbed Mo Jiu's silver hair, and the vast perception rushed into his mind!

She wants to present all the memories and thoughts in Mo Jiu's mind, so that Long'e and the elder sister can take a good look.

"Don't—" Long E and Luo Qingxuan said in unison.

(end of this chapter)

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