Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 124


Chapter 124 involuntarily

By the time everything was over, the pupils in Mo Jiu's eyes were dilated and the lips He opened his mouth and let out a hoarse and weak moan, almost forgetting who he was.

There was severe pain in every part of his body, his flesh and blood were spasming, his bones were shaking, and he wished that he would pass out immediately. But even if his consciousness is blurred, he always retains a hint of sobriety, feeling the seemingly non-existent pain.

The pain Mo Jiu feels at the moment may only be three or four times the real pain. He is almost unable to bear it. His whole body seems to be picked up from the water. pale as if dead.

This is not the erysipelas remaining in his body, but the result of the complete destruction of the Dao Foundation. All the cultivation bases were taken away by Luo Qingwan, no longer a dao cultivator. of mortals.

That is, Mo Jiu is not very awake now. If he is clearly aware of his state, I am afraid that even Dao Heart will collapse.

To be precise, it's not Dao Heart anymore, but his mentality. All the efforts of the past hundred years have come to nothing at this moment, and I am afraid that no one can accept this fact.

Luo Qingwan slowly stood up from Mo Jiu, lowered her head and stared at his body that was twitching slightly, there was no heartache in her eyes, only fierceness and cruelty like monster beast, her purple pupils were full of red eyes. With strange rays of light.

In the end, she waved her hand, making Mo Jiu pass out as she wished.

Luo Qingwan turned her head and looked towards the pill furnace. She didn't even look at what medicine pill was being refined inside, and without any movement in her hands, she directly turned the pill furnace into fly ash.

Her current cultivation base, after completely absorbing Mo Jiu's origin, has come to the middle stage of this realm. Although there is still a gap with Long'e, she is confident that she will never be the same as last time. There is no fighting back.

If Long E really dared to come here, she would definitely make her come and go.

Luo Qingwan clenched her hands tightly, feeling the power flowing and surging in her body, but there was no trace of joy on her face.

The Master doesn't love her after all, but is only devoted to immortality and still wants to use her as material for pill concocting.

But sadly, even at this point, she still couldn't bear to kill him, and was always... reluctant.

Luo Qingwan seemed to realize that she was really sick. If it were someone else, she would have killed Mo Jiu long ago, and one of them would pay for her life.

But she can't do it, maybe when she was thrown into pill concocting by Mo Jiu, and before she died, she deceived herself and thought that it was a manifestation of 'Master loves me', and her heart was already sick .

If that's the case, she'd rather be like this forever.

Luo Qingwan picked Mo Jiu up from the ground, feeling his fragility at the moment, even weaker than the average mortal, as long as she moved her finger a little, she would die with no difficulty.

Of course she won't kill Mo Jiu, but such a Master really belongs to her completely.

You don't have to worry about him trying to kill him at any time, and you don't have to worry about him trying to escape, everything about him is in her mind, life and death in the palm of her hand.

There is only one thing she can't get, and that is his love...

Luo Qingwan's eyes dimmed, but after thinking of something, she put her palm on Mo Jiu's little belly.

The dazzling, evil monster's purple light suddenly flourished.


After a long time, Mo Jiu woke up and found that the chains on his hands were unfastened. The pain of dying is also disappeared, only the body is still not an inch.

A light wind blew through, and he couldn't help shuddering, shivering with cold.

Cold? Why does he feel cold? Even if he didn't have any mana, he could feel cold when the wind blows.

Mo Jiu's heart trembled inexplicably, and with a hint of panic, he wanted to look inside himself, but found that he had lost the ability to 'look inside', and the power of perception of his soul did not know where to go. where.

But without the need for sensory exploration, he can clearly feel his state. There is not a trace of mana in his body. It is not that the lamp is exhausted, but that even the Dao Foundation and the source do not exist. different.

Mo Jiu's face instantly changes turned pale, and he was in a trance for a while, then he suddenly felt faint, staggered back a few steps, and was about to fall to the ground, a pair of arms hugged him firmly .

"Master." Luo Qingwan appeared in front of Mo Jiu's pretty face with a faint smile.

He immediately found a target for his emotions, his eyes became cold and full of hatred, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.

He had been cultivated for a hundred years to achieve such a realm, but he had not been happy for a few days before he became a mortal, and the achievements of a hundred years were destroyed in one fell swoop.

And all this is done by his Disciple.

Luo Qingwan noticed the desperation in Mo Jiu's eyes and thought he would collapse, but it turned out to be more calm than she imagined, without much lost self-control.

He didn't even struggle in her arms, just stared at her with hateful eyes, hoarsely said: "The thing I regret most in my life is to accept you as a disciple."

"It's too late." Luo Qingwan wasn't even angry at all, and the smile on the corner of her lips was even more intense.

Mo Jiu's heart was not good, and before he did anything, he heard Luo Qingwan open her lips: "Master, say 'I love you'."

The next moment, Mo Jiu I felt the heat in my belly, my lips opened uncontrollably, and spit out three hard words: "I love you."

"Be gentle and affectionate, and say it again."


Mo Jiu's lips opened and closed, his voice was indescribably soft, so affectionate as if Luo Qingwan was his favorite person: "I love you."

"Me too Love you." Luo Qingwan kissed Mo Jiu's lips.

Mo Jiu's pupils trembled, and she understood what Luo Qingwan had done to him. She completely controlled his body and could control him at will, even if she asked him to commit suicide immediately, he would probably There will be no hesitation.

What does she think of him...

Mo Jiu's body trembled with anger, thinking that losing his cultivation base and becoming a mortal would be the most desperate thing for him, but now The situation made him even more angry and painful, his hands slammed against Luo Qingwan's chest, and he was going to resist her madly. The latter temporarily ended the kiss and lightly said: "Kiss me."

"Don't!" Mo Jiu could still make a sound, his tone was full of despair, but he was allowed to do his best to close his mouth, his lips were still slightly opened, and he offered his lips to Luo Qingwan.

Luo Qingwan just hugged him quietly, without any movement in her mouth, it was all up to him to tease, poke and tease her, but he couldn't control this body, but he could still clearly feel it Everything, like a man in a hook, who is flattering to a woman, his sleazy appearance almost makes him collapse.

"pu!" Thinking like this, Mo Jiu suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Master!" Luo Qingwan's face changed suddenly.

(end of this chapter)

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