Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 112


Chapter 112 Madness

The one who made him unable to enter the cultivation state easily, the one who made him occasionally small A person who can have nightmares...

Why is it Luo Qingwan?

"This...this is impossible..." Mo Jiu's voice trembled, and he couldn't even control the fire perfectly. The flame suddenly rose, burning the pill embryo to ashes.

Luo Qingwan approached him step by step, with a calm smile on her face: "Are you surprised, Master?"

As she spoke, she was already taking advantage of Mo Jiu's stunned expression. Kungfu, walked behind him, raised his hands to hug him, but Mo Jiu came back to his senses, subconsciously wanted to dodge, but Luo Qingwan suddenly stepped forward and pressed him fiercely on the hot pill furnace.

Mo Jiu has mana to protect his body, and this kind of temperature can't hurt him at all, but he lost the space to hide, and was suppressed by Luo Qingwan's whole body and forcibly hugged him.

In front of him is a burning pill furnace, even with the protection of mana, he still feels a little hot, but at this moment, a biting chill is flowing in his body, and his blood seems to be frozen. , The whole body is cold, and even the struggle and resistance are forgotten.

"Why..." Mo Jiu turned his head and looked at Luo Qingwan absently.

He couldn't even care about the strong Monster Qi on her body, he just asked her why.

During this time, he had experienced unprecedented complex emotions, but it was rare that he did not feel disgusted, because these emotions made him happy, shy, and sweet, completely replacing those he was unwilling to. Go back to the memories.

As a result, the cruel facts are now in front of him, as if all his feelings during this period of time have been smashed to pieces.

Luo Qingwan was the one who brought him several nightmares.

In other words, the words and feelings she said to herself were all false?

From the very beginning, it is a plan and a conspiracy.

Why do I do this...

It's obvious that I trust you so much, and you.


Hearing Mo Jiu's question, Luo Qingwan chuckled lightly and put a hand into Mo Jiu's daoist robe: "I know that the Master loves me, but this time... I should be replaced by me. I love Master."

"This is your love?" Mo Jiu's pupils trembled, unbelievable.

Luo Qingwan didn't think there was anything strange, didn't the Master also express his love to her like this?

"Yeah." She lightly said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mo Jiu closed his eyes in pain. The beautiful and short-lived time was like a dream. In this case, he should also wake up.

He opened his eyes, the expression in it turned cold again, and there was a bit of a sharp chill, and he was about to stimulate the mana to fly Luo Qingwan, but a dry heat suddenly appeared from Dantian, With the operation of mana, it spread all over the body in an instant, making him immediately return to the state of suppressing desire for a whole month.

Luo Qingwan smiled lowly: "What does the Master want to do?"

How could she not be on guard against Mo Jiu's strength?

The demon blood that has long been with Mo Jiu fuse came into play at this time, and under her cultivation progress, she was able to motivate these Monster Qi at will, making him immediately burn with desire.

As long as Mo Jiu activates his mana, the heat and desire in his body will become more intense, even burning his consciousness.

There is a fire outside, and a fire inside. Mo Jiu is like a refined medicine pill.

Luo Qingwan held him in her arms, took a deep breath, it was a very strong aroma, her eyes flickered, she actually opened her mouth and bit down on Mo Jiu's snow-white neck!

This sip didn't hurt Mo Jiu, but it was like a fuse, making him more restless, and a low groan came from his lips.

"Master is so delicious, I really want to... eat you whole." Luo Qingwan smiled bewitchingly.

These words were too terrifying, and Mo Jiu regained some consciousness. His voice was hoarse: "Don't call me Master."

Luo Qingwan's eyes froze suddenly, as if being I was so excited that he loudly said: "Why? Could it be that the Master doesn't love me anymore?"

Mo Jiu was stunned, some didn't react, only then did he realize that Luo Qingwan seemed to have a great relationship with feelings Misunderstanding, this is the love she thought?

If he had known earlier, Mo Jiu would have patiently explained to Luo Qingwan carefully. Although he didn't know how to feel, at least he knew that hurting others would definitely not be the way of love.

But at this moment, Luo Qingwan's heart has been hurt, and the emotions of sadness, disappointment, anger, and hatred have gathered together, making him open his mouth with difficulty and grit his teeth: "Who will love you? You scoundrel!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingwan stayed there, and then she seemed to be insane, and laughed fiercely: "hahahaha, Master doesn't love me anymore, Master doesn't love me anymore , you actually... don't love me!"

At the end, her voice was already ferocious, she grabbed Mo Jiu's silver hair, and roared in his ear: "You clearly You love me, you lie!"

Mo Jiu tilted his head back in pain, but he couldn't even struggle. In the case that his mana could not be used, his fleshy body was stronger than some normal mortals. Even weaker, it is even more impossible to be the opponent of Luo Qingwan who has a cultivation base.

Luo Qingwan was mad for a while, and then regained her calm, but the look in her eyes seemed inexplicable and strange.

“dao cultivator should be frank, the Master actually learned to lie, it seems that Disciple has to educate the Master well.”

As he spoke, he squeezed Mo Jiu’s chin, He turned his head over and put a domineering kiss on his lips, but as soon as he knocked on the door and moved forward, a tingling pain came from the tip of his tongue, which made Luo Qingwan hurriedly retract it, and a strong smell filled his mouth. fishy smell.

Luo Qingwan was bitten by fiercely, and her face was not annoyed, she just raised her hand and slapped Mo Jiu's face fiercely, causing a wisp of blood to flow from the corner of his mouth, said with a sneer : "Since the Master is unwilling, let's keep it like this."

She planned to bring Mo Jiu back to Cave Mansion. She originally planned to drag his silver hair and walked over, but she looked at Mo Jiu With a bleak face, after hesitating for a while, he still hugged him horizontally, walked all the way to Cave Mansion, and threw him on the bed.

Afterwards, Luo Qingwan ignored Mo Jiu's weak struggle, clasped his hands behind him tightly, and then used his silver hair as a chain to wrap tightly around his wrist, As long as he moved his arms, his scalp would tingle, trying to break free, unless he could endure the pain and pull his hair up by the roots.

Do the same with the legs, bent back together, soft silver hair wrapped around the skinny, delicate ankles.

After doing all this, Mo Jiu just lay there, with all his limbs lifted and tied behind his back, like a packaged item, giving a strong sadistic desire.

(end of this chapter)

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