Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 109


Chapter 109 Does the Master miss me?

Luo Qingwan left with satisfaction.

Taking advantage of this incident, the relationship between the two was revealed, and the one who pushed the boat from master and disciple became Dao Companion. Although it has not reached that level, it is not much different.

Then the advantage is taken, and Mo Jiu should be given enough time to digest all of this. If she continues to stay here, not only will it not promote feelings, but it will cause disgust, which is not beautiful. .

After Luo Qingwan left, Mo Jiu sat up slowly on the bed, but he didn't see any movement. The filth on his body and bed was all disappeared. He took out a daoist robe from the Universe Ring and put it on carefully. All right.

'Host, what are you doing...' the system asked in a low voice, without any confidence.

God knows that not long ago, it thought that the relationship between Luo Qingwan and the host was irreconcilable. In its view, the subordinates contradicted the boss like this, and they just didn't want to do it!

In the end, only a short while later, it seems... It seems that the relationship between the host and Luo Qingwan has become the same as the relationship between him and Feng Jiuyou.

It also scolded Luo Qingwan in front of the host, I wonder if there will be no new games to play in the future...

Mo Jiu faint smile: "That's what you think. That's what it means."


The system cautiously said: 'Host, can I still play new games after that? '

Mo Jiu made up his mind to tease it: "No more."

'Woo...' The system frowned, as if it was about to cry.

Mo Jiu couldn't help laughing when he saw what it looked like: "You lied, and only a system as stupid as you can't see that this is part of the plan."

'Eh? '

Is this the host's plan?

"But Luo Qingwan is indeed a little bit beyond my expectations, she still has such a routine, is she already experienced, or is she self-taught and self-taught? Let me say that all women in this world are great. Should the pig's trotter fit well?" Mo Jiu thought about it carefully.

Recalling Luo Qingwan's methods of mobilizing the atmosphere and telling love words just now, she is a bit like a veteran of Huacong. He was a character set in Moxuan at that time, and he really felt a little moved.

After all, based on Mo Xuan's experience, he is almost a blank sheet of paper in terms of love. He seems to be very old, but in his heart, he is no different from an innocent teenager in his teens and twenties.

"If Long'e had this method, I'm afraid even children would have it." Mo Jiu sighed.

Instead of following the gentleman's etiquette, I felt complacent when I greeted Mo Xuan there, and felt that the relationship between the two was very special.

In fact, Mo Xuan really has a sweetheart, and Long E will be left behind immediately.

'Host, what are you going to do next? ' The system asked, it is full of worries about whether it can have new games in the future, at least express its concern!

Mo Jiu can see at a glance what it wants to do, otherwise he is usually immersed in the game at this time, and he will not care about his follow-up plans.

But he didn't break it, and said, "Let her be sweet for a while, not to mention inspiring her love, at least don't be so morbid that you want to kill me at every turn. Then you can give her Long'e has a little chance, no matter what, it's a good thing if someone fights."

Mo Jiu thought for a while, and took out another ring from the Universe Ring, which contained the contents. These are all things that Luo Qingxuan and Luo Qingwan brought back from the Secret Realm on the treasure map, and they really found all the materials for refining Good Fortune Pill.

And not only that, there are many Magical Artifacts and magic weapons. He didn't even look at those Magical Artifacts. He took out the magic weapons and probed it carefully. He really found what he wanted—— Remnant Soul.

He smiled.

I wiped out a few too weak Remnant Souls, leaving only one of the most powerful ones, but it was almost dissipated.

Mo Jiu took out a medicine pill that repaired the soul, which was extremely precious. After shaking it around the magic weapon, the Remnant Soul reacted instantly, and a strange grimace appeared. moved towards medicine pill with mouth wide open and silent growl.

The system's eyes widened: 'What is this. '

"Remnant Soul." Mo Jiu explained, "It is estimated that the batch of powerhouses that entered the Secret Realm at that time died inside. spirituality struggling on whilst at death's door to this day."

In the final analysis, the one who can have Remnant Soul left to the present must be the top powerhouse at that time, the kind that can kill ten of him with one hand.

'You shouldn't...' the system probed.

Mo Jiu nods,

said with a smile: "Yes, I will find a way to restore this Remnant Soul, not to mention how much strength it has, at least it must have its own thinking ability"

What the system understands: "I see, you miss Feng Jiuyou, right!"

Feng Jiuyou was also a Remnant Soul at the time, and the host was thinking of people by borrowing things.

Mo Jiu almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood and scolded: "I wonder what she is doing, I need this Remnant Soul to body possession me!"

' Ok! ! ! 'The blood of the system's eyes did not come out.

"Anyway, with system protection, Feng Jiuyou can't do body possession of me, and neither can she." Mo Jiu ignored the shock of the system, pulled out the Remnant Soul cautiously, and put it away. After entering the medicine pill, put it back into the Universe Ring, "Let's warm it up for a while, now this Remnant Soul is still too weak."

The system didn't speak or ask any more questions. What does the host want to do with this Remnant Soul.

It has also been immersed in his ears and eyes for so long, and he naturally knows his follow-up plans.

After all, it is still the deepest host routine.

And it always feels that Luo Qingwan's end will not be any better than Feng Jiuyou...


Maybe Luo Qingwan is really good in this regard. Some innate talent, after only a week, she felt almost the same, and came to Mo Jiu's Cave Mansion again.

At this time, the place has returned to normal. It is no longer the scene of World of Ice and Snow. She stood in front of Cave Mansion and loudly said: "Disciple asks to see Master."

After a long time, Cave Mansion slowly opened, Luo Qingwan looked up and saw Mo Jiu with her back to her, dressed in white robes, with scattered silver hair, sitting quietly on the bed.

With your back to her, are you afraid to look at her?

The corner of Luo Qingwan's mouth twitched into a smile, she moved towards Mo Jiu gently and walked slowly, then bent down, hugged his waist lightly with both hands, resting her head on his waist. over the shoulders.

She could clearly feel that Mo Jiu's body trembled as she hugged him tightly, but there was no struggle or avoidance.

Luo Qingwan's smile became stronger and stronger, and she buried her head in Mo Jiu's neck, taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing!" Mo Jiu shivered and said in surprise.

Luo Qingwan said softly: "I miss Master..."

She watched Mo Jiu's neck turn red instantly, and her body in her arms also had The meaning of struggle, she suddenly hugged a little tighter, said with a smile: "Does the Master miss me?"


Luo Qingwan's head slowly slowed down Moved up, the attached lip reached Mo Jiu's ear, and the lip flaps were close to it, with a hint of bad taste: "Master lied..."

(end of this chapter)

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