Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 106


Chapter 106 Testimonials on Shelves

It is another time when a book should be put on the shelves.

This book is better or worse than the previous one. The good ones are very good and the bad ones are very bad.

I was also slightly affected. In addition, I recently read other people's novels, and the more I read, the more I became aware of my own shortcomings and shortcomings, which led to the outline that I was very confident when I didn't open a new book. The modification of "inhuman", and finally deleted, deleted, modified, and only changed some small details.

After all, the last book was affected by too much, and the outline changed, which led to the loss of the essential essence.

This book doesn't say anything else, at least it shouldn't repeat the same mistakes.

If I have to say, the biggest difference between this book and the previous one is that the protagonist at first does not have a clear goal, and the pursuit of freedom is a bit elusive, rather than the clear 'abuse of the heroine' like the previous one. Get remorse ', but somewhat step by step.

The first world only abused the female partner, the heroine did not abuse much, and there was no ingenious 'self-abuse that made the heroine regret', which caused many readers to feel 'stale'.

Well... not to mention anything else, there will be a second world, because the protagonist also has a clear goal, that is to 'abuse the heroine to gain luck', but the operation is not very good. Just familiar.

The later will become more and more proficient with "not a person".

Okay, that's all for now, let's talk about what everyone wants to hear.

About Explosive Updates and Plus Updates.

It will be launched at 12 noon today, two chapters will be published directly, and then there will be two more chapters, a total of four chapters.

Everyone knows my codeword speed, so this is the limit...

But compared with the previous book, it has not been a day since I opened a new book and put it on the shelves? It's a little progress. (chest out, proud)

And about the update.

Two chapters per day on weekdays and three chapters on holidays.

For the first subscription, every 500 subscriptions add a chapter, It shouldn't be drained... right?

The theme of female honor is relatively small. If it is blindly updated, the quality may decline seriously. I still want quality more than quantity. After so many winds and rains in the white lotus, please believe that I will definitely bring you a novel with a beginning and an end.

Well, that's about it.

Thank you for your support until now, thank you for your recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards~

Remember to at least book one first, I love you.

(end of this chapter)

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