Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 102


Chapter 102 does not need consolation

Looking at Mo Jiu, who is in a state of disorientation, Luo Qingwan finally no longer bears it.

After eating the marrow and knowing the taste, even if it is only three days, it seems to be so tormented, even more how this time, I don't know how long it will take to come back, so I naturally want to make the next one.

At the end, Mo Jiu passed out again.

Luo Qingwan released the two hands that were pressed on his lower abdomen. After Monster Qi weakened, Mo Jiu tried to struggle and resist, and she grabbed the two hands of his with one hand. Wrist, tightly bound him, let alone a taste.

"Master, don't miss me too much." Luo Qingwan said lightly with a smile, carefully feeling the demon blood that melted into Mo Jiu's body, and found that she could clearly sense it.

It's time.

Luo Qingwan cut through the pulp of her index finger and formed a bloodstain on Mo Jiu's soft lower abdomen, but it still dried up quickly, making it difficult to respond to the demon blood in his body.

How can this happen?

Luo Qingwan frowned, thinking about it carefully, she quickly got the reason.

The realm gap between her and Mo Jiu is still huge.

It is true that the Master's body is once again fused with her demon blood, but it will take at least a long time for the Monster Qi in this blood to erode his mana, but she will wait. Not until then.

Luo Qingwan didn't hesitate for too long, then she undid the placket, and the jade finger lightly slid across her heart, and then slashed a bloody hole, looking particularly hideous. The blood did not spurt out, but a drop of blood slowly flowed out.

Her somewhat painful complexion instantly paled, and she hurriedly took a medicine pill, and her complexion eased a little.

This is her heart blood, which is more precious than the heart blood of normal people. Most of the demon power is in this drop of purple red blood.

Luo Qingwan took the drop of blood, and finally formed a wet bloodstain on Mo Jiu's lower abdomen, and the bloodstain shone with a strange dark purple color.

She withdrew her hand, and the blood on Mo Jiu's lower abdomen dried up, exuding a strong sense of Monster Qi, which was a 'wan'.

Luo Qingwan stroked the handwriting lightly with her right hand, with a smile on her lips. She finally engraved her own brand on the Master, representing that he belongs to her alone.

With this demon blood imprint, she can manipulate it even if they are hundreds of miles apart, activate the demon blood in Mo Jiu's body, and make him burn with desire.

But she won't do it for now.

Its most important role is actually not to worry that Mo Jiu will use some means to wipe away the demon blood, making all her arrangements fall short.

And this imprint is here, it will also hook Monster Qi day and night, eroding Mo Jiu's mana little by little, making him more and more difficult to control.

When the time comes, even though his cultivation base is still there, he cannot control the slightest bit. What is the difference between him and ordinary people?

Luo Qingwan got up, glanced at Mo Jiu with anticipation in her eyes, turned and left Cave Mansion.

Mo Jiu woke up shortly after she left, and the first thing she felt was the heat in her lower abdomen.

He looked up, but saw nothing.

But you don't need to think about it, you know what Luo Qingwan did to him.

The second feeling is that his mana has become more complicated. Trying to urge and operate it for a week is unexpectedly difficult and difficult.

And over time, he could feel Monster Qi soaking through his limbs.

If Luo Qingwan comes back from this trip, if Luo Qingwan's cultivation base is higher, wouldn't she be able to suppress him directly so that he can't move?

He was looking forward to it.


Luo Qingxuan and Luo Qingwan spent a full two months on this trip.

When they came back, the cultivation bases of the two of them were significantly improved, and it was obvious that they got a lot of opportunities in that treasure land.

Originally, Luo Qingxuan was full of joy and planned to tell Moji the good news, but after seeing him at his Cave Mansion, she was immediately dumbfounded.

The expression on Mo Jiu's face became more and more cold and gloomy. There was even a faint circle of azure around his eyes, and his silver hair was a little messy.

Luo Qingxuan has never seen this appearance before, and it's not an exaggeration to call it haggard and embarrassment.

Luo Qingxuan's excitement suddenly faded, and she couldn't help but cautiously, said softly: "Master, we have brought back all the herbs you need."

What he got was Mo Jiu gave a cold "um".

Mo Jiu took the ring from Luo Qingxuan's hand and said directly, "You guys go out."

He didn't even want to say a word.

Luo Qingxuan was extremely puzzled, but she didn't know what happened to Mo Jiu.

We haven't seen you for two months. How come the Master has changed so much?

She mustered up her courage and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Jiu raised his eyes suddenly looking towards Luo Qingxuan, his eyes were indescribably cold , seeing her and Luo Qingwan's heart tremble at the same time.

"Get out!" he coldly shouted, as if he had been poked into the reverse scale.

The status of the Master is incorrect.

Luo Qingxuan became more and more sure of this, and took a slight step forward: "Master, what happened? You can tell me and Qingwan that we, as your Disciple, should take care of your worries. ..."

"I said, get out!" Mo Jiu raised his hand and directly threw Luo Qingxuan and the two of them out of Cave Mansion, they rolled on the ground for half a circle, and then got up.

Luo Qingxuan and Luo Qingwan looked at each other: "Master, what's wrong?"

They looked anxious, not angry at Mo Jiu's behavior, Only deep doubt.

Masters become like this, they as Disciples don't know what's going on, and they don't know what to do.

Luo Qingwan thought for a while and said, "Maybe Master pill concocting failed."

"Pill concocting failed?" Luo Qingxuan was very skeptical.

"en." Luo Qingwan nodded, with a sure look, "I count this time, it's the second time I see Master like this."

"Then what should I do? Will the Master recover?"

Luo Qingwan said: "No need to do anything, just let the Master adjust his emotions."

It seemed that Luo Qingxuan wanted to After she stopped talking, she added: "After I failed pill concocting many times, I would often be impatient and annoyed. Wasn't it like that at that time?"

Luo Qingxuan thought of Luo Qingwan to seek her comfort At that time, it was really depressing.

"But..." Luo Qingxuan purse one's lip, "Master, there is no one to comfort me."

Luo Qingwan eyes shrank.

Elder sister also likes Master?

She said solemnly: "Master doesn't need consolation."

Luo Qingxuan gave up the slightest idea of comforting the Master and turned to look at Mo Jiu's Cave Mansion With a glance, he said, "Your cultivation base has just been improved, and it is still a little unstable. Come to me, and I will help you stabilize it."

"What's wrong?"

She looked at Luo With a clear expression, she realized what she wanted to say.

"Sister, someone is waiting for me..." Luo Qingwan said hesitantly, with a hint of shyness in her twist.

Luo Qingxuan understood something at once, and looked a little relieved, said with a slight smile: "Then you can go."

She probably guessed who the younger sister likes, It should be Disciple on other peaks.

Luo Qingwan lowered her head, flashes through a bright light in her eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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