Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 506 Hope in the Crack of Time

Lin Yi can't save Lingling?

You should be very clear about the concept of parallel worlds. When you stand in front of a door, countless choices will extend. These choices spread out like branches, endless.

In Time Town, the future spirits you see are the spirits of a certain timeline.

The timelines should have been parallel, never connected, each with its own story ending, and not interfering with each other, but the appearance of Neros disrupted the eternal stability.

The God of Embers and Ashes, who uses the planet as his nest, will eventually bring about the end of destruction to Blue Star. Dust is our final shadow. All timelines where Lin Yi appears will eventually be named Naraku Si's giant hand pinched it out.

This is the price of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi from another timeline spoke calmly, with only numbness visible in his eyes.

This is the look that comes after countless times of facing irreversible despair.

Even though we have such a special talent as Spirit Lord, we still lost to Naros in the end.

We are not the protagonists, and the world is not as simple as novels and movies. Just a few decades of practice cannot make up for tens of thousands of years.

Six years later, you will usher in the Time Paradox Point. At this time, between Lin Yi and Leng Lingling, only one person will survive to meet the end of the world.

Lin Yi told the cruel truth, and at this moment, there was a slight fluctuation in the stopped time, black cracks opened in the void, and a black figure walked out of it, and it was the King of Darkness.

I felt an anomaly in the regional time. I didn't expect it to be you, Lin Yi. Well? How come there are two Lin Yis?

The Dark King was in a rare daze, looking at the two identical Lin Yis at the scene.

As one of the masters of the dark plane, he can sense the conditions of his domain, but until just now, he could only sense the aura of one Lin Yi, while the aura of the other Lin Yi was like dust in the sky. It's like, ethereal and illusory, without causing any ripples. It seems to be one of the laws of the world, extremely normal and natural.

Do you have any friendship with the Dark King? It seems that this timeline has changed since the Leaf Blade clan, and many of them are no longer under my control.

Lin Yi, the Dark King said lightly.

Don't interrupt, you have no place to speak here, puppet of darkness.

Oh~, you are so arrogant. With Lin Yi's appearance, what you say is much more arrogant than Lin Yi.

This was the first time the Dark King heard that a living being dared to talk to him like this. Just when he wanted to teach the second Lin Yi a lesson, a dragon shadow that was deeper than the darkness appeared in the surrounding void. Like a giant black claw, it completely surrounded the Dark King.

For the first time, the Dark King felt danger, and for the first time he felt the fatal danger from human beings.

This is your private time, be quiet.

I saw Lin Yi's right eye suddenly change. The next moment, the Dark King was completely stripped away from the time of this moment, and stayed in the interlayer of time together with the dust.

That eye?! Such usage?! You have mastered the power of time?!

Lin Yi looked at Lin Yi's right eye. Isn't that the Divine Eye of Time and Space located in the abyss of the sky in Time Town!

What a terrifying power it is to so easily subdue the Dark King who transcends the existence of an emperor.

Even if I possess this kind of power, I can't shake the end and save Lingling.

I have traveled through many different timelines and experienced a long period of time. I have seen countless things that are within reach and countless things that are irreversible.

Human beings are always selfish. We just want to realize our own ideas and don't care about the impact of our actions. But so what, we are not saints. Even if we have power, it does not mean that we can save everyone.

I just want to save Lingling, the Lingling who endures the baptism of wind and rain alone after school, staring longingly at others and enjoying the warmth of family; save the Lingling who tries his best to hide his immaturity in ordinary days, and exchanges maturity beyond his age for everyone An at ease little hero; moreover, he is unswervingly accompanying the spirit who walks with me in the world, shouldering the mission together, traveling across thousands of rivers and mountains, and laughing and laughing together.

I no longer have a chance, but you still have a chance to save Lingling.

Lin Yi suddenly thrust his hand into his body and took out the divine fragment that turned into platinum.

At this moment, Lin Yi's physical body also changed accordingly, turning into the original meaning of light and shadow.

This is my end, this is the last. Accept this prayer that contains endless hope. I put everything about us in it. I wish you good luck, I

Lin Yi looked at Lin Yi, thinking of his experiences so far, from facing despair, to accepting despair, and finally completely paralyzing his heart.

He sacrificed a lot and lost a lot. At the moment when he finally mastered the Divine Eye of Time and Space and truly had the power to cross the timeline, he tried to go back to the past and return to the moment when he lost his spirit.

But he failed. No matter how many methods he tried, even if he sacrificed his soul, sank into darkness, or used forbidden magic to sacrifice his life, he could not save Lingling.

Just like a broken kite, you can never catch the broken string, and the end of the pursuit is just a cliff of despair.

It wasn't until Naros completely destroyed the entire Blue Star and he lost his home that he embarked on a journey across time lines.

But he couldn't change anything. He could only be a bystander, witnessing countless despairs.

Until he discovered that when Lin Yi dies, Leng Lingling's death will be broken, but the timeline of these Lin Yi's deaths will eventually lead to destruction.

After a long time, he finally discovered the unique Lin Yi and found hope.

Maybe it’s sustenance, maybe it’s prayer, or maybe it’s the last impulse of an eyeless traveler in the desert.

He wants to do something and change something.

But now, Lin Yi has given his next hope to Lin Yi, and the gears of fate begin to turn at this moment.

As the words fell, the light-and-shadow Lin Yi completely turned into distant fluorescence and dissipated.

The wooden ceiling fan made a pleasant squeaking sound, and the breeze blew away the summer heat.

Lin Yi sat up from the bar in a daze. He looked at the familiar decorations around him and felt a little distracted for a moment.

wake up?

The familiar voice quietly floated into Lin Yi's ears, instantly awakening the first memory deep in his heart.

He turned his head in a daze, and at the end of the stairs, a graceful woman was in sight. She was wearing a bright white dress, with three thousand black hair flowing down like a waterfall. Her face was very similar to Leng Qing, but it was even more vivid and smart.

Sorry, I'm late

Welcome back, Lin Yi.

Well I'm back

Updates are usually late, and today I almost lost all my previous experiments, and all the risks were in vain, woo hoo.

Thanks to Chenyan Laojiu for the big reward! Love you~(^з^)-!

Welcome all handsome guys and beauties to join the group, the benefits are great 475524599

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