Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 493 Is the Lord of Kunlun Demon Fox an idiot loli?

I also ask Your Excellency Lin Yi to forgive the little girl's behavior. This is for unnecessary trouble.

Qing Ming, who fell to the ground and pretended to be dead, slowly stood up from the ground. There was no trace of dust on the ancient cheongsam, which was still smooth and smooth.

Your Excellency Xuan Zhenzi's behavior was unexpected by me. This situation is too dangerous for me, and it is actually out of necessity for self-protection.

If Your Excellency Lin Yi leaves in no hurry, can you go with the little girl? My mistress wants to see you.


Qing He belongs to the Qingqiu Demon Fox Clan. The mistress in her mouth is not talking about the Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes who leads the entire Qingqiu Demon Fox Clan, right?

If he remembered correctly, the Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes was the real ruler of the Kunlun Mountains, and he was at the pinnacle of the world as a ruler.

Qinghe unfolded the green nine tails, and the three tails that were interrupted in the previous battle have also regenerated.

The nine turquoise fox tails gradually grew larger, like a shy flower bud, surrounding Qing He and Lin Yi and slowly closing them.

A green light was born, and with a flash of light, one person and one monster disappeared from this place.


As if traveling through space, the space swayed slightly. Soon the sense of solidity brought by the earth returned to the soles of the feet, and the fox tail spread out like a blooming flower.

Hey! Human! Are you the disaster predicted by the prophecy?

Who is speaking?

A childish yet somewhat mature voice sounded in Lin Yi's ears, but when he turned around to look, he couldn't see any demon.

Impolite boy! I'm here!

Feeling his leg being kicked, Lin Yi looked down.

A little girl wearing a loose white dress, with long white hair that fell freely to the ground, was staring at him with her hands on her hips and a look of displeasure on her face.


Qing He was kneeling on the ground on one knee, bowing his head to the little white-haired girl and saying respectfully.

Qing He, do you have to learn the boring ways of humans? You are obviously one of the incarnations of Lao Shen, and you call me Lao Shen by calling me Lao Shen!

The white-haired little girl walked up to Qing He and rubbed Qing He's face vigorously with her delicate hands. Even though she was being rubbed into a grimace, Qing He remained expressionless, as if the emotion had never existed in her body.

One of the incarnations?

Lin Yi was a little confused when he heard the white-haired little girl say this, but he remembered that Qing He had called Sister when he saw Qing Ming before.

Could it be!

Yes, Qingming is also one of Laoshen's incarnations, but I didn't expect that a human like you could kill Qingming instantly. It's really beyond my expectation.

The white-haired little girl known as the Mother stood on a stone with her hands on her hips, looking at Lin Yi proudly and said, her tone full of pride.

I don't think you should be so proud of being killed instantly.

Lin Yi complained silently.

Oh! Human! Very good! You are much more interesting than Qinghe and the others!

The white-haired little girl was very happy when she heard Lin Yi's words. She rushed over and wanted to hook up with Lin Yi. However, after trying several times, she found that she was not tall enough, so she climbed up the stone silently, pretending that nothing happened just now.

Ahem! That's right! I am the master of the Kunlun Mountains! The Lord of Ten Thousand Foxes! I am the Qingqiu Fox Emperor!

Although Lin Yi had some expectations, when he actually heard it, he still looked at Qing He in disbelief.

It's true, Mistress, she is the Green Fox Demon Emperor and the master of the Kunlun Mountains.

Qinghe introduced the master who called himself Blue Fox Demon Emperor as if he was introducing a background story.

real or fake?

The strongest person in the Kunlun Mountains is actually this little kid in front of me who looks no different from a lolita?

Boy! I feel like you are thinking of something very rude! If I hadn't been trying to avoid the heavenly punishment caused by the foreknowledge, I would have been a well-proportioned elder sister!

Having said that, the little white-haired girl tried her best to put on a seductive yet funny-looking move.

Wow! Great, great!

Lin Yi applauded cater to show off this proud brat.

The Mistress has the ability to predict the future, but if she peeks into the sky, she will be punished by God. In order to avoid and reduce the degree of God's Punishment, the Mistress split the Nine Tails into Nine Souls, thus the birth of I, nine sisters, and I have also lost our emotions due to God's punishment and cannot feel the emotions of the world. Qinghe said slowly.

That's it! Although Qingming is also one of the incarnations of Laoshen, they all have their own independent thoughts, especially Qingming who lost contact with Laoshen decades ago. If it weren't for the fact that all his memories would return after death. When I get here, I really didn’t expect that there is such a dangerous guy hiding in the Kunlun Mountains.”

Is the right arm of Naros still in the Kunlun Mountains?

Lin Yi didn't expect that Qingming's memory would be preserved after death, and he didn't even expect that Nairos's right arm was still in the Kunlun Mountains!

It turns out that that black thing is called Naros. It's still there, and it's not very far from here.

The Green Fox Demon Emperor frowned vigorously, as if searching for the key fragment in his memory, and then pointed in a certain direction.

But I finally understood how Qingming severed the connection with me. It turns out that there are such existences. No wonder.

Wait a minute! I remember you said before that it was decades ago when Qingming cut off contact with you. Didn't Nairos's right arm just escape recently?

Lin Yi seemed to have grasped a key point and asked hurriedly.

No, Qingming's memory shows it very clearly. The person who helped Qingming cut off contact in the first place was what you just said.

The time doesn't match!

The unsealing time mentioned by the idol's shadow was several months ago, but Qingming's memory said that he had seen the right arm of Neros decades ago.

One of the two has a problem.

But the former is more likely to cause problems. For this kind of eternal life creature, time is just a blink of an eye.

What's more, the phantom of the idol has been in the seal for such a long time, and it's hard to say that problems will arise.

Coupled with the turmoil in the Demon Kingdom and Qingming's proficiency in power manipulation, the possibility of the latter is greatly increased.

If Naros's right arm was unsealed decades ago, then why not leave the Kunlun Mountains to find his own body.

And the Outer Gods all have dependents, so why doesn't Naros's right arm call for the dependents.

Lin Yi could only think of one possibility.

The purpose of Nairos's right arm is the entire Kunlun Demon Kingdom!

He wants to devour all the creatures in the entire demon kingdom to restore the power lost in the seal!

Thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly felt horrified!

Sorry for the late update, I'm really tired and had to do school work today.

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