Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 439 The Sighing Bell, Xie Yi’s painstaking efforts

The sound like an electronic data stream had just fallen, and an incredible aura rose from the omnic.

The flow of air became extremely viscous, the space seemed to be locked, and even breathing became extremely laborious.

He had only felt this kind of aura in Yiqiu, who had been promoted to the emperor level through imperfect sacrifice.

Can the power of Kaersi Aoxun create an emperor so easily?

So how was this existence sealed in the first place?

elder brother!

Suddenly Lin Yi's voice sounded in Lin Yi's mind. He turned to look at the other person without opening his mouth, and realized that it was a magical sound transmission.

Lin Yi, the thing like a clock on the omnic's chest can invalidate magic. Now we can only attack with methods other than magic, and we don't have much time left.

The coercion emanating from the void realm opened in the sky became increasingly intense, and a sense of voyeurism gradually came from it.

The ultimate goal now is to interrupt the lifting of the seal, but the omnic is standing in front of them. If they want to interrupt the seal, they must be attacked by the omnic.

And the emperor can only be stopped by the emperor!

Lin Yi! I'll leave the other side to you. I'll stop the omnic before the seal is broken!

You must stop me, young man.

The omnic looked at Lin Yi, whose momentum was rising. In the digital vision, the data symbolizing combat power was rising at a rapid rate.

Omnic, I understand that you want to resurrect your daughter, but your approach is too extreme. It is impossible for the dead to be resurrected.

For mortals like you and me, it is indeed impossible for the dead to be resurrected, but if there is such an opportunity, will you choose to give up or fight for this chance?

The two flying giant mechanical claws suddenly turned around and threw towards an open space in front of the Sealing Pillar.

The void behind Lin Yi quietly shattered, and a black shadow instantly appeared in front of the giant claw carrying the thunder of the red sky.

The thunder turned into giant teeth, and the power of the thunderbolt exploded from the thunder jaws immediately bit the giant mechanical claw into pieces.

In the originally empty open space, a figure gradually appeared clearly from the air. It was Lin Yi who had suddenly disappeared before.

Is this also Lin Yi’s dragon?

According to the information, the black dragon masters thunder and space.

Lin Yi looked at the little black dragon standing in front of her. If it weren't for the red thunder wrapped around it, it would be difficult for her to associate it with the word destruction.

But now is not the time to care about this. Even with Mist Charming's ability, he cannot escape the perception of omnics, so there is no need to hide his figure anymore.

Now you should completely trust your brother and focus on breaking the seal!

It seems that if I don't deal with you, I won't be able to lift the seal with peace of mind.

Lin Yi's combat power statistics had soared to a point that he could not ignore.

Even the Divine Attendant has not reached this figure, and the five guardians combined cannot reach half of this figure.

The omnic looked at the young man in front of him. No, this posture may no longer be called a human being.

At this moment, Lin Yi no longer has a human form. Silver dragon scales engraved with spark marks are covered in rows on the streamlined half-human dragon body. Two pairs of huge shield-like silver gun wings are fused with the arms, bursting out in the azure blue. The spirit of the Dragon Emperor.

Along with the rise and fall of his chest, the sound of strong wind and tornado resounded throughout the underground cavity.

The five-meter-high dragon body not only brings a visual impact, but the powerful dragon power also impacts the soul.

Based on the dragon transformation, the extreme dragon transformation is carried out to give birth to a more primitive posture.

Even the azure blue gem inlaid with red crystal was completely filled with red.

Roar! ! ! ! !

The silver half-dragon let out a terrifying roar toward the omnic. The terrifying sound wave instantly shattered the hard rock underground into pieces, and an invisible shock wave struck the omnic.

This is not magic, so his Sighing Bell cannot counteract it.

The omnic that judged this point controlled the broken mechanical claws, and a flood of mechanical nanobugs covered the fracture. After reconstruction, the two mechanical claws were cast into a strangely shaped shield to block it. In front of the omnic.

It just so happened that at this moment, the sound wave had just arrived, and the roaring sound that could easily crush the rocks that had been under pressure for many years was like a wooden stick hitting wet cement and sinking into a shield.

Then sound waves poured out from the holes in the mechanical shield.

The dragon's roar that resounded throughout the entire underground cavity became similar to the roar of a horse after the mechanical shield was inhaled and exhaled.

Everything has its own rules, and as long as you find the right method, you can solve it.

Omnic has always adhered to this rule, but only in the resurrection of his daughter, he was willing to abandon it.

Warning! Warning!

Danger approaching, estimated time of contact: NOW!!!

Boom! ! !

The extremely blue dragon energy was like an erupting flame, and the sharp spear wings at the top hit the mechanical shield heavily.

This shield used to protect against sonic attacks was instantly crushed into a pile of scrap metal in the face of pure violence.

A blue shield appeared out of thin air around the omnic, but the heavy hammer gun wing actually shattered the shield and hit the omnic on the head.

In an instant, the vast force of the world was poured out on the human-sized mechanical body of the omnic.

The faceless metal mask on his face was immediately dented, and the wailing sound between gears came from his body.


It was as if the omnic was loaded with a rocket and flew backwards under the impact. It was so fast that afterimages appeared following it.

While smashing through dozens of natural stone pillars, Lin Yi's afterimage appeared next to the omnic.

With both fists closed, the spear wings accelerated and smashed down like the jaws of an ancient dragon, hitting the omnic directly.

The omnic took the blow firmly, and the force was so powerful that it smashed the mechanical body into pieces, and various parts flew out.

The force rushed straight to the rock walls up and down, spider web-like cracks instantly covered the surrounding hollow arms, and the air waves swept around it from the center.

Lin Yi's feet were dug deep into the rock, so he was not blown away by the air wave that was like a tenth-level wind.

At this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of nervous emotions. She tried many methods, but even the several formation-breaking techniques taught to her by the Grand Duke were unable to work on the virtual stone tablet created by the omnic.

The person who designed the seal must have a way to interrupt the seal, and this is indeed printed on the back of the real stone tablet.

The method is very simple, that is, just take down the stone tablet that was placed on it.

The seal is not unbreakable, but the omnic's virtual stone tablet completely ignores this and is firmly attracted to the sealing disk like a strong magnet.

There is no other way, although it will hurt the source, but this is the only way now.

With determination in Lin Yi's eyes, she inserted the middle finger of her right hand straight into her heart. Her face turned pale instantly, and as she pulled out her blood-stained right hand, a trace of evil black and red blood was found on her fingertips. The appearance of it changed the atmosphere around it!

I have something to deal with tomorrow. Something happened at home recently, so I'm a little absent-minded. Sorry, everyone.

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